
She just met him

After Miguel woke up, he immediately asked his cousin for a picture of his friend, Alex. At first, his cousin wouldn't give it to him and told him that he was being silly for asking it from him. So he argued with his cousin, but his cousin wouldn't give it up. In the end, he told him that the Alex his cousin knew was the same Alex he knew though he hasn't confirmed it yet. Fortunately, after minutes of arguing with his cousin, Chris ended up sending him some pictures of Alex. It confirmed his hypothesis.

He can't believe that the twins were just near him all those time, he can't believe that he wasted his chance to talk to them sooner and cleared the misunderstanding. If he just knew sooner, he would drag his way to the twins but all he could do was to regret it. He can't believe that he was marked as a smart person because in this situation, he was so dumb.

Lucky for him, Charlie didn't bother him anymore. It seems like his friend had long forgotten the event that had happened earlier. This what makes him like Charlie, he wasn't nosy. Though there were times that he was but those times were just few.


Alex was asleep for about four hours or so and when she looked at her phone, there was 20 missed calls from her cousin, Cassie. She called her back because it looked like her cousin has something important to say but her cousin was not answering her phone, so she decided to call her later. She decided to visit her sister first and check if she's awake already. She fixed herself and make her way to her sister's room, but her mom called her before she even opened the door of Gabby's room.

"Alex, come here!" Alex walked towards her mom and asked her.

"Why? Do you need anything?"

"Cassie dropped by a while ago because she can't contact you. She speculated that Gabby just met Miguel after seeing her conditions, her boyfriend said to her that he met you this morning with Miguel. Then, I told her that it was impossible because you were just staying at the house this morning and that was the reason we confirmed her speculation. After thinking for a while, I think that it was the same reason on why your sister is in this state. I hope that you both can fix it already because it's hurting me to see you both like this. If you want to know the other details, you can talk to Cassie later. She just went to the mall to buy fruits for Gabby, she'll be back later." After hearing what her mom said, she felt guilty, but she tried her best not to show it. This was her fault and Gabby just got involved in it. She heaved a sigh and smiled to her mom. She excused herself to visit Gabby, her mom also told her that her sister has already woken up a while ago but didn't want to talk to anyone.

Before going inside in her sister's room, she called Cassie again. She wanted to know the details first before going to her sister. Luckily, this time Cassie answered her phone.

"She just met him." That was the first thing Cassie said to her once she answered the call.

"I know, mom told it to me already."

"What will you do? As to what Charlie had said to me earlier, it seems like Gabby discovered that Miguel was at the Yukon as well. I'll fill you with the details in person, wait for me before you visit her sister."

"There's no need for it, I'll just hear it from Gabby. If it comes to worse, I'll just tell her the real reason on why I didn't tell it to her before."

"Still, wait for me. Let's face her together. I have something to explain to her as well."

"You don't have to. I'll just tell her that I didn't let you tell it to her."

"Are you crazy? It was also my choice, I only ask for your opinion. Don't take all the blame."

"It's fine. It will be better if Gabby would only get mad at me instead of the two of us." After saying that, Alex ended the call. Cassie was calling her again, but she muted her phone. Then, she knocked to her sister's room and entered it. Gabby looked at her for a while and then looked away. She sat beside her sister and tried to talk to her.

"I was informed that you met him this morning. Want to share what happened? It will ease your mind."

Gabby was contemplating if she's going to tell her sister what happened. Though, she has a feeling that Cassie and Alex already have an idea on what had happened, after all Charles has a relationship with her cousin. After thinking for a while, she decided to confront her and Cassie. She still needed to know the side of her sister and cousin. There must be a reason on why they hid it to her.

"Let's wait for Cassie, then I'll tell what happened earlier."

Alex nodded to her sister and texted Cassie to come back to their house immediately. After fifteen minutes, Cassie had already arrived and she immediately went to Gabby's room. Upon entering, Gabby looked at her then Alex signaled her to sit on the other side of Gabby.