Me and her

Strong rays shone through the window when I woke up. Confused, I checked my alarm as I was sure I had set it up before going to sleep. Weird. Well, now I need to think of an excuse before going to work. I got up and dashed to the bathroom. I hurriedly put on simple clothes and went to check myself in the mirror.

Standing before me is a fair-skinned lady with peach blossom eyes, a straight-edged nose, and medium-length hair. It was me, but at the same time, it wasn't. I am a 31-year-old adult devoted to my work, so I mostly look dull, but the one before me is in her late teens/pre-adult stage looking youthful and pretty.

My heart was racing as I lifted my hand to the top of my head, and the girl in the mirror did the same. Then, slowly, I began to feel my face, my neck, and down to the rest of my body. My pupils dilated as reality dawned on me. Sh*t. My breasts! They shrank!

'No, no. This can't be,' I mumbled to myself as I slumped to the ground. I felt so defeated. It was an asset my crush had been admiring.

'Wait, I think I'm forgetting the most important part here,' As I thought that, I lifted my face and looked around me. This room is obviously bigger than my own. Why did I not notice it sooner? All things were arranged neatly which is like my style, but there's something different. That's right, just like that chandelier at the center, it looked like a sea urchin, but it's made with nickel, silver, and Swarovski crystals. When did I have the money to buy it?

'Gosh, even just the bedside table looks great! A thick slab of birch with that lucite x-shaped base makes it looks like it's floating! So cool, yet this is not my place!'. Standing, I walked to the door. I hadn't reached the knob yet when someone knocked before the door was flung open.

Outside was a lady wearing a dark gray, laydown collar, short-sleeved dress with buttons on the front and two chest pockets. There was also a sash around her waist that gave highlight to her shape.

'Who~' I haven't yet opened my mouth when she started talking and making hand gestures. I was completely dumbfounded.

"Miss, the driver is ready." She said and continued when she did not hear me talk back. "I came to ask what do you want to eat for breakfast so that we could prepare it for you." She gestured at me, all smiles. This time I still didn't know what to feel about this. "Is something wrong? Are you not wearing your contacts?" Maybe it was because I was looking lost that she asked.

"Ah, no, no. I-ah, uh, I'm thinking if I really need to go out." I quickly said, then I glanced at her. She was looking at me suspiciously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I subconsciously asked.

"Miss, didn't you promised Miss Lily to accompany her shopping today? You even skipped your work."

"O-kay...and?" I asked in return as she looked like she was withholding information.

"Nothing, Miss, I just wasn't used to seeing you not communicating in sign language...." The last sentence was squeezed out.

With just her words, I found out that today I'm to meet a certain Miss Lily who's apparently so important that I skip my work. And hey, this body not only has terrible eyesight but also hearing problems? How bad was it that she needed to learn sign language?

"Is that so? It was just a passing thought. Haha," I forced a laugh then seriously told her that I'd go out after 30 minutes. She politely smiled but did not reply before going out and closing the door.

My instinct brought me to the walk-in closet nearby. There on the vanity table laid this body's ID card. The information written on it was Iris Lin, age nineteen, occupation was a chief creative officer.

'For real?'

Before I could start having questioning things, there was a sound coming from one of the bags that were displayed in the room. I took it and inside was the phone that any regular person from the 21st century would have next to them on the nightstand. Isn't it that normal humans can't live when their phones aren't right next to them?

The displayed caller was the person I'm supposed to meet today. My mind kept telling me to ignore it, but my rationality told me otherwise.

"Hello?" I meekly answered. After all, my situation is difficult to explain. I can't exactly say that 'Hi, I'm the soul inhabiting this body.'

"Riri, I'm sorry. I woke up much later than I thought. Can we just meet up at 11 am?" She hurriedly said.

"Uh, sure," I replied. 'Not like I can do anything about it.'

"Thanks! Meet you later! Bye!" She said before hanging up.

'If I may, I don't want to meet up since I am not her! Fine, we've got the same name and face, but different lives. Can I be me again? But how did I ended up here in the first place?' My thoughts were swirling.

"I need to know who I'm meeting with," I repeatedly told myself like a chant while busy looking all around to find a clue. Since this body had already agreed to meet, I needed to find things that'll help me act a little bit more normal.

There was a diary I found inside the drawer of a study table in the room. It began eight years ago when Iris vision started getting blurry. There were bits and pieces of her daily life at home and school. Skimming through the pages, I concluded that this girl was optimistic. She always justified the acts of those that surround her and would seldom get angry.

There were only a few notes where Lily was mentioned, but it was always paired with the words 'best friend'. She described her as someone who was always there for her. Often, she helped her against discriminatory bullying she experienced because of her declining vision coupled with a severe hearing loss.

Her full name was Lily He. According to the internet, she was the second child and the only daughter of the He family. The He family is one of the three most significant families in the country for distributing crops to the local markets and high-end restaurants.

I also searched up my name. "I" was the only daughter of Mrs. Dahlia Cheung and Rainier Lin. The Cheungs are hotel and restaurant owners, and the Lins are in the real estate. Both are at the top of their game. Their union made their family more glorious from their already noble origin.

'I guess that's where the 'best friend' title came. It's the typical 'rich marrying the rich and being friendly with the rich.'' I sarcastically thought.

Instead of the plainclothes, I wore before, and I changed into a floral-printed silk chiffon mini-dress partnered with a mini bag and black-heeled shoes. I included the wireless hearing aid to my outfit but made sure it was turned off. My hearing was still good, and so was my vision.

My room is located on the second floor, so I went down to the next level and- by pure luck- arrived at the kitchen by observing the layout. After eating my breakfast, I went out.