
"An heiress who will soon be blind. God sure is fair." I heard someone talk.

"You must mean unfair, just look at those people who enjoy their days idling yet they still live in luxury and us." Another one spoke.

From the corner of my eye, I saw those sales ladies of the store gossiping. It was probably because it was a well-known fact that this body was born with a severe hearing loss, that they did not even bother to whisper.

'For your information ladies, If***** heard you!' I screamed in my mind while my outside appearance was calm and gentle.

"Welcome, Lady Tian!" The sale staff acknowledged a lady with a pixie haircut. She looked like she was in her late 30's with the way she carried herself.

"Aunt! Fancy running into you. How are you?" It was Lily He. I took notice of how close she seemed to the lady.

"I'm fine. Aunt's living well." The lady replied after their short hug. "How come you are here?"

"Ah, that. I came with Iris. She's right there in the lounge." I heard her say that when she met my eyes and smiled. I was watching them from the start. They exchanged a few more pleasantries before coming over to me.

"Iris, dear, how are you? How are your parents? How is your work?" The lady began to probe. I diligently answered with 'fine', 'they're good', and that 'I'm doing well' despite my circumstances. I added a little more to my story before asking her the same.

"After my sisters' surgery, I've been busy with work. I happened to be nearby, so I dropped in for a meal and to check if they're selling something nice. As for my older sister, she's recuperating well abroad and hopes to attend your birthday party this year." She remarked.

"That'd be great! I'm hoping to see her soon." I acted like I meant what I've said.

"Then I'll tell her that. I haven't heard from you since you started work. Why're you so thin? You need to eat more." She concernedly told me as she held my hand.

"I'm eating well, but I'll make sure to eat a little more," I responded sincerely.

"Life needs balance. Don't just work, try to have fun too." She got up and held her bag. "I need to go back to work, so I'll leave you two. Remember to take care of yourself."

"You too." She faced Ms. He. Surprisingly, she'd only been listening to our conversation before.

"Of course. Send my regards to Aunt Cindy and brother Luke." She sweetly smiled as she said the last line. "See you next time, ladies." Aunt Tian waved goodbye.


"Don't you miss them? I mean, Aunt Cindy and brother Luke." Lily, He broke the silence. We went to have a late lunch in one of the organic restaurants inside the mall. After she told me to eat lunch with her, she never tried conversing again. Just an occasional hum.

"They'll be home soon, so I don't dwell on it," I stated frankly. There were a couple of messages on my phone from that person named Luke, and I must say he reports well.

"Hmn, you really are understanding. But what kind of friend is he if he does not even bother to call and ask us about our well being," Ms. He cutely whined. I did not say anything back, only smiling at her.

"Or had he called you? He did, didn't he?" It wasn't a question and more like a statement.

"No, he only sent a message informing of their coming home," I told her.

"Oh. That's good. Did brother Luke say when it will be?" It was just a normal conversation, yet somehow I detect some bitterness in her questions.

"No, you know him," I said. Though he sent a message, they are nothing but his weekly itinerary. There's nothing useful in it.

"That's true." She concluded after a bit of thinking.


After a tiring and pretentious day, I laid down on my bed. I informed the kitchen staff that I won't be eating dinner since I already ate outside. I thought back. I met this body's friend and Lady Tian, then was informed about Aunt Cindy and a friend called Luke.

I picked up my phone and began my search.

I put on Lady Tian in the search bar and.... there is a lot of Lady Tians. I tried to filter the search by clicking on related links 'Cindy and Jade Tian'.

Cindy Tian is the eldest daughter of the Tian family (a family of jewelers), while Jade Tian is the youngest and called the pearl of the family. Jade Tian is nine years younger than Cindy. Currently, she manages the jewelry shops by her sister. She is not married yet after her fiancé's car accident.

Cindy Tian married Mike Wang of the furniture industry. They had two sons- Liam Wang, the eldest, and Luke Wang who was born a year later.

There were a lot of articles about their family as Liam is currently dating a model. There were also candid pictures of them with me and Lily He. In the pictures, I was younger and smiling silly with Lily as Luke Wang was saying something. There was also a picture of Lily and me in our high school uniform. There were a lot online if you scrolled down.

I kept quiet for a while, trying to store the newfound information in my brain. Then I recalled again on how Lily He interacted with me. The whole time, she wasn't doing sign language like our family helpers, but I observed how she spoke a little bit slower and louder when communicating with me. Maybe for my sake? Because of my hearing?

Then, with Lady Tian, she looked so concerned when speaking but there was no warmth in her voice. It was mostly monotone. And though she was talking with me, her eyes did not see me. And I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than her being so genuinely close to Ms. He.

Finally, Luke Wang. This body calls him brother Luke. They are friends but if I saw those messages from another angle, couldn't I conclude that there is something more? And how close is this body to his family that even Ms. He asked if I missed them.

Also, that bitterness I detected in her voice, are they somehow in a complicated love triangle or I am just paranoid?


On top of mysteriously occupying someone else's body, I have to deal with various life concerns. If only I could go back to my very own body and quietly live my life…