Work and relationship

After two days of not going to work, I finally laid down my defense and tried going. I couldn't run away forever from this anyway, so I might as well face it now.

I was stationed at branch two. It was still located in the city but nearer to the neighboring town. I needed to spend an hour and twenty minutes on the road to get there from the main branch.

My heart kept beating fast as I approached the building.

'Calm down' I kept repeating to myself. The security greeted me with "Good morning", and I returned the greeting. When I walked past the security guard, I wiped my imaginary sweat.

Ever since I woke up as the Iris Lin of this time, I've been bluffing and living as if I was her. And I will continue to do so. I mean, even if I wanted to return, I've no clue on how to do so. For now, at least.

I bobbed my head to whoever I meet on the way as it's safer this way. The less I talk, the less mistake I could do. I also did not forget my facial expression- I have to appear a little friendly and approachable.

The elevator opened, and I went inside with two other employees. They smiled at me but did not speak, so I did the same. I pressed on the number of the floor I'm getting off at before blankly looking at my reflection. We must have been working on the same level as the other two did not press anything.

The two employees with me were busy with their phone. When the other employee finished typing, the other employees' phone lit up. It continued until we reached our floor. I saw the lady wearing a scarf on her neck freeze momentarily when she lifted her head. She must have seen me looking at them through the mirror, but she managed to compose herself after a short while, then she hastily got off. She acted like a guilty thief caught in the act. The other one leisurely followed behind.

I didn't think about what it means; however, I heard them speaking behind my back.

"Gosh, that was stifling. We can't even speak to each other. And it was so scary how Ms. Lin was watching us!" The lady with the scarf fretted.

"I saw. But why did you act like that? It's not like she could see our conversation." The other one reacted.

The lady with a scarf, however, acted like she did not hear what the other said and continued, "Do you think she'll complain to her dad about us?"

"Relax, don't keep it to heart. Who knows if she's pretending? I heard that her vision's declining."

"She wears contacts."

"Are you even sure that it's the right grade?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"From what I heard, her vision's really bad. They did surgery, but it continued to decline, and the real cause is unknown. Technically, we didn't do anything wrong so act normally."

"Gosh, If that is true, why does she still go to work? She's even deaf."

"Of course she can do what she wants, she's the heiress after all."

Their exchange carried on until I couldn't hear them anymore. The two women probably reached their post.

Since each floor has an organizational chart and area layout, I knew where to go. The office given to me was situated before the conference room to the right. The 'Hi's, 'hello's and 'good mornings were all spoken to my colleagues before I closed my door.

The walls were made of glass and- although people from outside can't see the inside- from indoors, the outside was clear. I could see everyone who approaches the office.

Considering that that was the case, I went through all of the files of the people around me. Their necessary information like name, age, the university they graduated, and their years of experience was all read by me.

Whenever somebody entered my office, there was a feeling of restlessness. As advertising and marketing were ever-evolving, there was the need to analyze trends, look at new data, and keep up with the times. As the chief of the group, all of the approvals fell on me.

Not working for two days meant that work had piled up, so I decided to skip lunch. The only time I stood from my chair was when I went for a bathroom break and to make my tea.

Humans must have been born as natural gossippers since there were frequent whispers around the breakroom, and even in tiny cubicles, people found the time to do so.

"Hey, did she approve it?"

"I was told to make a new one."

"Tsk, all she does is rejecting."

"Does she even know anything?"

Needless to say, I was the center of their conversation. I get it; this lady is only nineteen, but already in the position of 'Chief'. It's a post that should be given to someone with a graduate degree. But what can you do? She was born with power. Her parents owned this business so they should just deal with it.

Not everyone can become successful, and not everyone in the position deserves it. Others can be born with it.

And surely not everyone is already competent with their job the first time they try it. It takes a certain level of adaptation, dedication, and comprehension along with a responsibility to ascend in order to get better at something.

'Gossip leads you nowhere, losers.' I thought. I was bitter as I am living 'her' life. 'Give me the time, you pigs!'

When it was time to get off work, there was again a pleasant atmosphere. I purposely let myself get left behind by the team. It was to give space to the other employees and me so that I can stay unaffected by their words. After all, it was the 'me' now who rejected something.

After exactly ten minutes, I made my way down since my head was already cleared up.