Moments with Aster (2)

Since I failed going inside the club, I had Aster accompany me in eating dinner. He was very compliant and we chatted a lot. Today he wasn't my tail as he walk and sat beside me.

"So you did not say anything?" I asked him after he began telling me about the troubles they have at home. While I was dealing with Lily, they were also confronting their 'enemy'. After just a few months of getting to know the lady, their father has already thoughts of marrying her. The lady even frequently visits their home and sometimes she'll sleep in. She would prepare lunchboxes for their father. Even the daughter would be there and unintentional or not, she had started calling their father 'dad'.

"What can I say in that situation? He just said it out of the blue. And he seemed bent on marrying her. I don't know what kind of spell she had on dad but he wouldn't back down even when my sister changed her tone." He told me.

"Then how's Heather? I did not know I'll hear this kind of news so soon. It was just two months ago when she told me about the lady."

"She's been busy with school and like I said, the troubles at home. Honestly, she already expressed her lack of approval and dad was sad. Then two nights ago he came home a bit drunk and upon seeing my sister, he just went on and ranted anything that comes to his mind. That he'd been lamenting our loss of our mother for three years already and she won't even give him the blessing he's asking." His voice had a trace of sadness when he spoke.

This time, I could only offer my silence as I gently pat his back.

"I'm fine and Heather's fine." He smiled. "She's not that delicate. Honestly she did not even feel moved by those words from dad, on the contrary she felt more doubtful on why and how dad turned that way that night." Then he gave a bitter laugh as he continued his story. "She figured that someone must have purposely made a remark when he went out. After that, just yesterday, dad once again brought the mother and daughter pair at home and formally introduced them to the servants. We all ate lunch together and father revealed that they were planning their big day next month."

"So soon?"

He shared, "Uh huh, so immediately after our lunch, Heather packed her things and went to our maternal grandparents to inform them while I went to live with our paternal grandparents. They were shocked to hear our story. Dad only informed them that he's seeing someone." After a bit of a pause he continued. " Did you know that our family's wealth had always been reliant on mother's family?"

"No? Why are you asking? And why tell me those things?"

He explained, "Because my sister thinks that they came to dad for the money. Heather got wind of information stating that the daughter squanders money like some big shots when in truth; they were living with her father's alimony from her parent's divorce. We're not looking down on the father but he is a bouncer on one of the nightclubs here."

"Is that why you're here?" I asked. I honestly assumed I was right but he proved me wrong.

"No? I was here for a good time. The same as you." He said then winked at me.

I was speechless. I was waiting to offer him my assistance in case he said 'yes' and say he was looking for the father but he came with the same mindset as me. Should I be glad?

Rolling my eyes I asked, "So why didn't you enter the door?"

He once again lightly scratched his nose as he replied, "I wanted to but I unintentionally pulled out your i.d first so they narrowed their eyes at me it was so scary, then when I finally gave my i.d they checked it very thoroughly so I was caught and kicked out of the line. I did not try bribing them as I saw how you failed."

So he was using fake i.d's? Wait, did he just make fun of me? What an ungrateful child!

"Well aren't you glad that I tried it first." I told him in a cold voice.

He must've been aware that I was getting angry so he acted like an innocent child and admitted his fault. "Sister I'm sorry, it was thoughtless of me, please don't get mad?"

My stance softened, even before, I was easily persuaded by people younger than me. I especially have soft spots on babies and dogs.

"Don't worry. This sister here is very magnanimous; those kinds of small matters aren't enough to anger me." I told him as I puff out my chest. I can feel my shoulders elevated.

I heard him say under his breath "Don't bluff too much or else you'll grow another nose."

I gave him a death glare and he showed me a peace sign.

"You're very different." He spoke again.

"Heard that before, need something new." I said unconcerned to which he gave soft sigh.

"I really did not know we'll get along well. I heard from my sister before that you were kind, graceful and quiet. That you were easily moved so when you had a brief fall out 'cause she cautioned you about your ex- no, past best friend, I thought her descriptions were spot on. Like you can be easily manipulated but interacting with you gave me a different view. I hope to keep this connection from now on, I hope our friendship stays." He sincerely told me.

"Sure, that would be the best." I answered and smiled then gave him a quick hug.

We ended our conversation as we promised to keep updating each other through our phones even if we hang out in person and he also asked me to stay friends with his sister.

I really had a good feeling about them the first time we met and I hope that we'd become super close friends too. However, too bad I was already finding ways to get back which would mean less time with them.

Aster wanted to wait with me but I disagreed and have him sent home first. Even if he is a male, I am practically older and I have to ensure his well being. These days even males are not safe. I'm such a good older sister.

I stood alone at the waiting area and when the familiar car stopped, I opened the door when I heard him say "Get in" and sat with no questions. I thanked him upon sending me at the gate and sent Liam a message that I returned home safe. He responded by, "That's the point. You take care"

That was true. Life in here made me guard up myself in every situation.