About Aster

Work is still on the first stage. We gathered and held a spontaneous group discussion on what comes to our draft. I was also called to the main office regarding the ongoing project that was transferred to their team.

As I was going to board the elevator, a familiar face came into my sight. He too had seen me. He was wearing an all black blazer and jeans, one hand in his pocket while the other one was holding a drawing storage tube. His medium black hair was styled on top with the sides cut short. Today, he was wearing eyeglasses but you can still see how long his eyelashes are.

How come they gave those beautiful eyelashes to a male? What about us females? How rude.

Cough. "Ms. Lin, could you please give us some space? You're blocking our way."

I snapped out of my daze after hearing his voice. I bowed and hurriedly stepped aside to give them space. I can't help but hear some comments from other people getting off the elevator.

"Hey isn't that Mr. Lin's daughter?"

"Uh huh. You can see their resemblance."

"Too bad she's…you know."

"What do you mean bad? I think it's good. Can't you see how she eyed Mr. Yi?"

"That's right. With Mr. Yi's looks, he needs a perfect partner not one with a defect."

"That's the word girl. As if he'd be bewitched if she stares."

"Or did she stare because she can't see? After all, she's b-l-i-nd."

Pfft. Ha-ha!

I instantly lifted my chin as I recalled her name written on her i.d. 'Ms. Ivy Bai' the one who laughed and said I'm blind. I harrumphed and sneered as I thought 'Good luck in finding a new job.' I continued watching them until they went outside. It wasn't until I saw Ellis still on the side holding his phone that I retracted my gaze. I saw him shrug before typing again on his phone.

I waited again for the elevator to come down before boarding. As soon as the elevator door closed, I saw Ellis leaving.

My visit to the main branch did not end late. They only wanted to clarify some things from the mail we sent. I explained things from the first page until the last one to make sure we are clear about all the details.

Remembering the scene this afternoon, I headed straight to the HR department whilst calling my father. I only told him I wanted to look through the files of the staffs then subtly hinting what I wanted to do. Father was surprised but gladly permitted me to do what I want.

After work, I sent Heather a message that I'm coming over. She waited for me at the entrance of the hospital then led me to where Aster was. There was a nursing station just beside the glass door and everyone was required to hand washing before and after going inside as per the hospital's policy.

Both of his legs were elevated and were put into a cast as one of them had metalwork fitted. A tube was inserted on his left side, a neck brace and he was on a ventilator. There was also a tube for his urine. A handcuff for blood pressure on his right side and there was also a machine for his heart activity. Don't even mention the fluids hanging on the stand pole, it's a sad sight.

I greeted their father who was seated on the sofa inside and sat down in one of the two club chairs. He looked more aged than yesterday.

Heather sat down opposite me and first inquired about my day and my work to which I answered attentively. Then we moved on to Aster's condition.

"The doctor said that he's getting stable. And if we wait a few more days then he'd be awake." She said with an expectant expression.

"That's good to hear," I said with a smile. "What about the investigation? Did they know whose fault was it?"

She gave a bitter smile as she replied, "They said it was the taxi's fault. The truck was driving the required speed limit and was on the lane. The truck driver stopped when the signal changed but the taxi drove straight continuously. The driver later tried to change direction so Aster suffered more damaged."

"I-I see." I honestly don't know how to answer her. The authorities said that the driver was also unconscious so how can they settle things?

At that time, the floor length curtain that was covering the room opened with Ms. Violet Mao approaching.

"Oh, hello?" She said a little uncertain after seeing me.

"Mom, I'll wait in the lounge area on this floor. Call me when you're done." The young lady with her said as she bowed slightly over our direction before going out.

With her words, I get why her mother was uncertain upon taking note of me. This unit limits the number of visitors. It was a maximum of four so including me, there are already three people inside.

"Okay, behave yourself Lilac."Ms. Violet told her daughter to which she nodded in assent.

Ms. Violet bowed as she went past me going to the sofa where Heather's father was sitting. She quietly sat down and put her hand on his shoulder.

"You don't look, good dear, why don't you take a nap for a while. We are here to watch Aster."

Mr. Wei slowly turned his head; he seemed like he was unable to think as he answered. "Huh?"

"I said, take a nap. Let me take your place as the watcher for a few hours." She repeated.

"Ah, no need." He waved his hand in dismissal. "You don't have to do. I'm still okay."

"Yes, father is still okay so please." Heather interrupted.

"Stop that! You child, why don't you look around where you are before setting your temper up? I beg you. Don't do this while your brother is still in this condition."

Heather, of course, won't back down. "Yes, that's right. This condition. He wouldn't be in this condition if you did not insist that day that you're marrying her." She pointed at Ms. Violet. "He wouldn't be on that car accident if we were home with our car and appointed driver. You prohibited them to follow us so what? So you could have them serve your new child!"

"I did not ask you to leave! It was your own decision! You--" Mr. Wei did not get to finish his sentence as Ms. Violet butted in.

"Shh. Stop it dear. Remember she is your child."

Before Heather could say anything more, I held her back as I reminded, "Heather, don't. Don't say anything on the height of your emotions. Remember what the doctor said? That the last senses a human shall lose is his hearing. Aster may possibly hear you both. Do you think he will like that?"

As predicted, my words calmed them down.

"I'm sorry." Her father voiced out.

Heather did not answer him; instead, she chose to look silently at her brother. Ms. Violet gave me a grateful look before speaking with Mr. Wei. I observed her a little more before interacting again with Heather.

I went home after spending two hours with them and promised that I'll visit again the next day.

It was already late when I went down and hailed a taxi to get me home. After driving for fifteen minutes, the driver asked me if it's okay to let a drunken man inside. I was reluctant at first but I said okay when I saw the other officer from before hugging a guy who seemed too wasted. I got out and switch seats in the front passenger seat while Mr. Police laid his friend first before climbing inside.

"Sorry for this." The officer said as he rested his head.

"No, problem sir. Both of you seemed drunk." I told him looking at the rearview mirror.

"Not the same as this guy though. Oh~ I think I saw you somewhere." He said after opening his eyes.

The taxi driver told me "Don't mind him, kid. Just be patient and we'll get them to their destination."

I offered a sincere smile yet I entertained the drunken man. "It was only yesterday... If you remember the car accident that time sir, I was friends with the victim."

"Ah~yes. That unfortunate kid. Who knew his case would be dismissed just like that."

Both the driver and I looked at each other before I turned my head and prepared my phone and asked, "What do you mean by that sir?"