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With the way Liam's eyes sparkle as he looks over Gerbera's way, there's no denying that the guy was whipped. I can't deny that it was an envious earning act. But I can't help to think If he can handle his girlfriend's betrayal once media dug her past. Just that one time I saw her kissing another guy on the island made me think twice if she'll be a good companion. And with Liam's state, I doubt he'll believe me if I tell him about the incident.

"Uhm, Iris?"

"Huh?" Ah, Oh, Yeah?" I answered blankly after hearing Gerbera's voice.

"Take a sit?" She told me as she offered the seat opposite hers.

"Thanks," I said as I sat down. As I was thinking of Liam's possible reaction to Gerbera's lies, we arrived at the patio.

Then a maid came and offered us blankets to use as it was cold. Liam went to sit at his girlfriend's side and rubbed her palm. They were then in their own world.

As somebody who they asked to have a word with, I waited for them to speak. One minute, two minutes past and it was quiet. And my position as the third wheel to them was awkward.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat to get their attention. Gerbera's smile hung on her beautiful face as she looked at me and said, "Ah, yes. I'm sorry I forgot that we asked you to have a chat with us."

"No problem. Honestly, I could wait a little more." I told her and her lips made a straight line.

"Iris," Liam called out. I smiled and turned his way but did not speak. With my attitude, Liam did not know where to start. He opened and closed his mouth but I heard no words from him.

My actions were a bit rude but I can't help it. I came here to hear their side of the story and not as a third wheel who will watch their sweet moments.

"Ahem. Uhm," It was Gerbera who cleared her throat this time. "I'm sorry again Iris. It was me who asked you to meet us but I forgot about you. Uh, I mean, sorry. I did not intend to keep you waiting. It's just, being with Liam was something common so we did what we usually do. Being affectionate to each other was something we were already accustomed to..."

Liam gave a squeezed on her hand, "I'm sure you'll understand right? Since I know you also have someone special in your heart. And whenever that person was together with you, your eyes will only have him..." Gerbera said as she slowly locked with Liam's gaze.

'In their eyes, they only see each other'. Bravo! I wanted to applause. That's sweet, coming from her mouth. If this was a cartoon, there would be hearts floating above them for sure. "Uh-huh." I said nonchalantly.

"Ah, sorry. We did it again!" Gerbera said putting her hand to cover her mouth.

"No problem. Just talk to me when you're ready. It's totally fine." I said, full of smiles. I got a ton of patience for this kind of small trick.

"Iris, sorry. As you know already-" Liam answered trying to explain something when Gerbera cut him off.

"Shh. Liam, let me." She told him with a smile then focused her gazed on me. "Iris, I'm sure you already guessed why we asked you to meet us today. I apologize for the controversy. It started because of a picture taken together with my past manager and then things led to another... I was so embarrassed, I don't know how to face you."

I did not take off my eyes on her while she was speaking. Her facial expressions weren't off but her words... I know that she was lying about her picture with the manager but I can't shake off this feeling that there was something else in her words.

"That... I don't know what to say but, yes, I was expecting the apology." I told them my honest feelings as I study their faces.

Liam wasn't expecting my answer as he apologized the second time. Gerbera gave an awkward glance before saying her sorry.

"Let me tell you in advance, I forgive you. I am only confused about why did you not clarify anything? Is the truth that hard to tell?" I directed my question to Gerbera.

"Iris, I thought we're already past it? I believe I called and explained our side..." came from Liam's.

"Your side Liam. Not her." I said cutting him. "Gerbera?"

"That... Iris, as you know, I am a public figure. My face had been in countless magazine covers. As models, we're the same as actors whom the public recognise and grew fond of. Uh, maybe you're thinking I am spouting a bunch of unnecessary information but it's the truth. As part of the celebrity circle, most of us lie low whenever a controversy happens. Besides, both our sides knew the truth. Liam and I were still together."

'Yeah, yeah. Only you both gained from not appearing in public.' I want to roll my eyes.

"I see."


There was an awkward silence between us three after my short reply.

"Are you mad?" Liam carefully asked me.

"No... but I won't deny I disliked her reason. I mean, I understand why celebrities go off the grid whenever they face controversies. It's easier that way. People forget them and the reason they lie low. Then after that time, they can go back and rise to the top as nothing happened. A win-win situation between them and their company..." I took a deep breath before saying, "But, what about me? What of the innocent names whom the fans insulted during the celebrities short hiatus?"

Gerbera grimaced upon hearing me say my opinion. She did not hide her emotions while Liam was lost for words.

Both were not expecting my responses. But the difference in their reaction gives me chills. I can say Liam was the one who was apologetic. Meanwhile, Miss model right here came to say 'sorry' with no emotions pouring from her mouth.

Another round of silence enveloped us.