
After two days of isolation, Li Bai finally finished making pills, only resting to eat and drink. He had no intention of stopping, but the energy of this weak body was overstrained to an exaggerated extent! One more pill and he could've died from exhaustion.

"This body is too weak! I need a stronger body... In my previous life, I could've gone for a whole year without resting, producing so many pills..."

Of course, even if Li Bai wanted to go a whole year and had a body that could, he still didn't have enough resources to. When he asked for ingredients from his father, he stated that he needed as many as possible, but the resources sent wouldn't even be able to last for a month! But that's only if his body was able to handle the enormous stress.

Li Bai snorted in disappointment. He was irritated by this weak body constitution. He knew that it wasn't because his body had any abnormalities, but it was because he had a unique sickness that affected his ability to train. His mark, the meshed up zodiac, was absorbing too much energy in one go, that the gems shatter before they light up. Even if he knew that, he still called his body weak.

"Ugh, stop complaining, Li Bai!"

Li Bai reprimanded himself for his complaints. He knew that doing this won't get him anywhere. He decided to put some of his pills in bottles. He made different kinds of pills in these two days, each one more valuable than the last.

The first one he made was the Marking Pill. This was a low-level pill compared to the other pills he made, but even if it was, it was still in high demand as the number of pill makers who could make it was little. This high-level pill helped darken the mark a lot faster than normal when one was in the Second Level Mark or lower.

The next was the Gem Light Pill. This was highly coveted by practitioners as it can increase their potential, but it has a limit. One can only take two before it causes drastic side effects, such as exploding inside out.

The third was the Rejuvenating Pill. This was fairly higher level compared to the two previous ones, but it was still a low level compared to the highest level pills. Still, this was highly desirable for practitioners in the Second Level Mark, as it can help them refresh the energy naturally inside their bodies, making them reusable to light up the other gems.

These three pills were the best Li Bai could think of, the limitation of resources in this city was more serious than he imagined. Still, even if Li Bai classified these as low level, the people will surely think otherwise. After all, these were of a pure blue color!

During the past two days, Li Bao had been waiting for Li Bai to come out, but she fell asleep in Li Bai's courtyard on the grass. The servant saw her and lifted her to a bench, secretly cheering for her.

After two days of making pills, Li Bai finally emerged from his room. He saw his sister on a bench and woke her up.

"Li Bao jie, what are you doing here?"

Li Bao opened her eyes and saw her little brother looking down at her with an annoyed expression. Her vision was still blurry so she just thought it was an illusion. When she rubbed her eyes and sat up, her brother had his hands on his hips.

"Li Bao jie, finally you're awake. What are you doing sleeping in my courtyard?"

Li Bao was still half-asleep, so her mouth was a bit slippery.

"Ah, I just wanted to support you if you were isolated. Ah, to think my brother had talent in making pills..."

When these words arrived in Li Bai's ear, his eyes widened. How did she know? Whether she knew or not didn't matter, as long as she won't spread it. It would drastically affect the impact of his entrance if she did. He thought of how Li Bao saw him.

"Li Bao jie, have you been peeking inside my room?"

"Ah, yes."

At this point, Li Bao was just absentmindedly answering her little brother's questions.

"You should know that that is an unwritten rule - do not pry into someone else's business."

"Ah, yes."

"So, as punishment... I want you to accompany me to the Hou Auction House."

"Ah, yes."

"It's set then! Later this afternoon. Li Bao jie, don't be late."


Li Bao was slowly regaining her senses. She was shocked by herself, but she nevertheless agreed to Li Bai's demands so she couldn't go back on her word now.



Afternoon came, and Li Bai and Li Bao headed out for the auction. Li Bai made his sister wear a mask. She was the most alluring girl in the whole city - that reason was enough for Li Bai to be cautious. The lust of males is not to be underestimated.

When he was living in the slums as a girl, she grew up to be a wonderful adolescent. People eventually started desiring her, but at the time, she didn't have any power to fight back. This wasn't considered a crime either, as people from the slums did not have rights. He was traumatized by this experience and had instinctively put up a barrier around males on his other lives.

One had to say, the streets were much noisier than they normally are. The Li siblings wondered what all the commotion was about. They tried to head towards the center of the crowd, but that proved to be harder than they thought. Suddenly, a man flew over them.

The man looked all beat up and was bleeding. He landed on a person in the back of the crowd. After that, the crowd dispersed quickly for some reason. Li Bai instantly rushed towards the center and saw - a girl.

The girl was giving everyone a mean stare. It looks like the man earlier was an example for those who tried to mess with her. The only reason they surrounded her was that she was beautiful. She was about the age of Li Bao.