The Intimidation Formation

The Li siblings have arrived in front of the Hou auction, with a weird entourage. No, this wasn't an entourage, but rather a riot waiting for Li Bai's fall. He even made Li Bao angry for him! How dare he do that?

This kid, Li Bai, even had the gall to go against the Hou auction! What else other than to punish him would the Hou auction call him for? What mattered was if you followed the rules or not. Age didn't matter in the face of rules. So even if Li Bai was a newborn baby, if he had committed a crime, he would be disciplined!

The people that didn't participate in the riot on Li clan's territory found themselves involved in Li Bai's sending off. They were sure that he was going to die today. They didn't feel any guilt nor pity about shamelessly killing off trash.

A guard saw the massive mob in front of him. He felt himself shrinking towards the ever-growing crowd that was surrounding everything. He ordered his jittery subordinate to run inside and inform Miss Hou.

The crowd was very excited. They don't know why but they felt that Li Bai deserved this. Even Li Bai didn't know why he would deserve this - he didn't do anything wrong! Of course, he knew that he wasn't here to get punished, but to receive his money, so he didn't even think about that.

The door opened, and out came Miss Hou. The crowd went wild, they were abnormally excited about this! Why were they looking forward to this so much? Because... the trash was going to be taken out, permanently!

Miss Hou was surprised about the sheer magnitude of people that came. This number of people had never been observed inside the auction! So this trash Li Bai actually incited this much attention! It seems he is useful for something after all.

"Hmph, bring him inside."

Acting bossy made the guards fear Miss Hou. Their fear, in turn, led them to follow her. Of course, both their fear and obedience were also partly because Miss Hou had authority within this auction house.

The guards immediately brought Li Bai inside, looking disgusted when they touched him. In fact, after bringing Li Bai inside, they quickly looked for a place to clean their hands. They touched trash! They couldn't fathom the idea of doing it again.

The guards then looked at Miss Hou with expectant looks. It was painfully obvious that they were hoping that Miss Hou had another order for them, especially one concerning Li Bai's older sister, Li Bao.

Miss Hou saw that the expectant and lustful looks in her guards' eyes were not directed towards her, but rather, to Li Bao! She was sickened by these lecherous guards of hers and thought of an excuse to fire them. Actually, she thought of an excuse to get them killed! These cancerous men shouldn't be allowed in this world!

However, Miss Hou didn't have time for this right now. She had another issue at hand - the trash Li Bai. She needed to give him money without implying that his sister, Li Bao, forced them to do it. Or else, if his sister found out, there was a big chance of her withdrawing her pills from this auction!

She didn't realize that the one she needed to curry favor with was none other than the trash himself! He was the one who made those pills. They were giving his sister, Li Bao, too much credit.

In the end, Miss Hou ignored these pleading looks from her guards. She wanted to punch them to death! They were perverted!

"Follow me."

Miss Hou spoke with an indifferent tone. She was certain this mischievous child would just use his sister's money to acquire pointless things. He already used a portion of it in the earlier auction, what was stopping him from using more?

Li Bai followed Miss Hou. She was walking slowly to match Li Bai's slow pace with his small legs. At least she's polite.

They eventually arrived at the entrance of a room with a label carved on a wooden sign hanging on the door. The label said "Hou Ju (侯菊)'s Office". They entered this room.

Li Bai saw the interior of the room and was disappointed. He thought that a woman with a relatively high position like an auction head would have a luxurious room, complete with treasures and artifacts displayed on the walls. What he got instead was a mundane-looking room that only had a round wooden table in the center with two chairs on either side.

After spending some time in the room, Li Bai felt like there was a change in atmosphere. He looked around and vaguely saw ancient scriptures sculpted around the room. It was a formation!

Formations were sculpted into surroundings to have a certain effect on everyone in a set range. It could also be a trap set to activate when one was detected. This particular formation was called the "Intimidation Formation", and was of the former type.

Li Bai was surprised. He never thought that this city would have a formation, even if it was just as primitive as this one.

Scriptures were extremely hard to carve, and contained big risks as well, becoming larger as the function of the formation grew more useful and efficient. Only one stroke could make the entire formation become a completely different one. If that new formation was an explosion formation, the sculptor would die immediately. So they had to profusely study one before they attempt to sculpt one in the first place. Usually, only one formation would be studied by a sculptor his entire lifetime!

The "Intimidation Formation" was set up so that one inside the room would be more compliant than usual. These were used for interrogation chambers in Li Bai's past lives. This formation contained a total of 57 risks, but the sculptor studied it properly. Otherwise, this entire auction house would have exploded!

Li Bai grew curious as to how long the sculptor carved and sculpted the formation in this room. He asked the indifferent Hou Ju.

"Miss Hou, how long did the formation take to set up?"

Hou Ju almost jumped. What the heck?! How did he see the formation? It was hidden! No one that ever came here saw it! Nevertheless, she maintained her composure and coughed, acting like it wasn't hidden.

"Ahem, it was made within a span of a decade."

A decade?! Li Bai was expecting something in the range of one to two years, so he was put off by how undeveloped this city actually was. He himself could put up this formation in just two hours! He was very much put off by this that his usual calm expression disappeared and was replaced by a disturbed one.

When Hou Ju saw how shocked this made Li Bai, she felt an inexplicable sense of achievement. Ha! So you see, we hired a master sculptor, and he carved the formation in just a decade! Why did she feel proud about boasting in front of a ten-year-old? She didn't know herself!

They stopped walking, and both of them haven't realized that yet. They were standing in the middle of the room, with the chairs right in front of them. Hou Ju was looking at Li Bai with an accomplished expression, and Li Bai was looking at the formation with a weird expression.