Knocked Out

Li Bao's decimation of the practitioners continued, with almost no one left. The ones left all spread out in different directions.

Li Bao didn't care anymore about this useless fighting and instead headed for Li Bai - her target from the start.

Li Bao herself didn't know why she even chased after those practitioners, maybe it's because of the hesitation to even lay a hand on her brother!

Nonetheless, this hesitation was now gone, with only killing intent left. The anger wasn't satiable anymore. Her positive mind energy finally ran out.

Li Bao turned her head glancing at the auction. At this point, all of the practitioners were gone. Not a single one was to be seen. This made Li Bao very confused.

Still, this didn't affect Li Bao one bit and instead made her rush towards the Hou auction more rapidly.

When she appeared, the practitioners who were searching for Li Bai inside the auction house were all startled. They glimpsed at the direction where she came from, and they got more terrified. All of their comrades have fallen!

They all hid. They didn't want to get caught by this vicious Li Bao. Granted, she didn't kill anyone, but still! Their pride wouldn't allow them to get beat up by Li Bao like that. So they hid instead.

Li Bao after searching for a while found the only room unscathed. It was a room with a sign hanging on the door. The sign said "Hou Ju's office".

Li Bao kicked the door. It was destroyed instantly! However, there was a little child waiting for her right in front of the door!

"I got you!"

Li Bai threw the powder directly at Li Bao's face! Li Bao immediately inhaled some of the powder. Some of them even went to her eyes, which made them teary, and mouth, which made her cough.

Li Bai saw that it was his Li Bao jie-jie that he threw the powder into. Oh no! This will have a negative effect on those who don't have excess negative mind energy!

Li Bai wasn't aware that his sister was one of the poisoned victims. He hastily ran towards the medicinal drawer, ignoring the pain his injuries were bringing him.

Li Bao was a little set back when her brother Li Bai lobbed the powder to her face. She ingested some of it. She felt some relief inside her head, and before she knew it, her senses were coming back to her.


Li Bao felt grateful to her little brother. She clearly remembered what she did, and was regretting it. If not for her brother's incredible genius, she would've absolutely killed him.

Li Bai, however, scrambled for ingredients to make an antidote powder for the excess positive mind energy that he threw. He was panicking so much.

"Ah, damn! There're no negative mind energy herbs in here!"

Li Bai was falling into despair. If his sister died right here, he would regret it for the rest of his life. No, for the rest of all of his lives! A foolish mistake, such as this? There was no way this prideful soul would accept it!

Li Bao saw her little brother panicking and walked towards him when she suddenly felt weak. Even though the balance of positive and negative in her mind energy was restored, mind energy wasn't the only one that had been exhausted.

Li Bao was exerting her body for too long now, beating up all of the practitioners. She didn't have any more energy to thank her brother, nor tell him that she was already okay.

Li Bao's legs trembled when she finally collapsed. Her body hit the floor and made a sound. She fell asleep on the floor to regain her lost energy.

Li Bai's belief that he had given his sister too much positive mind energy was only strengthened, seeing that Li Bao was lying on the floor, unconscious.

"Ah, damn it!"

Li Bai realized that the drawer had more compartments other than the one he was searching right now. He hastily closed the already opened one and pulled out another.

Hou Ju, who was under the table, heard the crashing noise as well. She looked for where it came from and found Li Bao unconscious!

Hou Ju thought about what would happen should her greatest customer perish, and panicked under the table. The table was shaking vigorously until it stumbled and crashed!

The table fell into the direction where the drawer was, and therefore where Li Bai was as well. The table hit Li Bai's legs, which were already only a step away from giving in.

Li Bai felt something hit his legs, and almost cried. This pain was something he hadn't experienced in a long time. He was used to being the strongest, that he forgot his originally humble origins.

Li Bai was sitting on the floor, with the slightly heavy table on his legs. He wanted to cry so bad. He was just a child after all. A ten-year-old child!

A tear dripped through Li Bai's cheek. He didn't know if it had something to do with his body, or if it was because of the personality forged by his previous lives' childish arrogance and pride. He felt like he was a genuine kid. He cried loudly.

Hou Ju finally snapped out of her delusional earthquakes hearing this immature crying. She felt maternal tendencies towards this crying kid and glanced around the room. She found Li Bai with his legs being crushed by the table, crying.

Hou Ju looked at this scene with horror. She quickly took action and lifted the table away! His legs couldn't have survived that. A normal child's legs wouldn't have, much less a trash like him!

Li Bai was crying in pain. His legs were hurt bad. They were bleeding and in weird and unnatural positions. His legs were fractured! This wouldn't recover until either his positive physical energy gets an excess, or he waits in bed for a whole year!

Hou Ju was quite relieved. If his legs were broken, Li Bao would have definitely gotten her pills back. She was also relieved by the fact that she didn't get to see a child's mutilated leg from a blunt table. But there was something amiss. How did his legs remain intact?

Li Bai continued to cry, even though there was nothing pressing on his legs anymore. He was crying not about his legs, but about how this trip to the Hou auction only to get the money instead resulted in two injuries! What's worse, both came from that idiot Hou Ju!