Dimension Inside the Ring

The guards were covering their mouths with their hands to silence their laughing. It had the opposite effect though, it just made it more obvious that they were snickering.

Li Bai was pretending not to notice these kinds of petty stuff, as him exploding would not bring him any benefits. But this didn't mean that his patience was endless. It was close.

Liu Gong suddenly walked toward Li Bai, silencing the guards who were laughing, cold sweat dripping down their backs. They knew what triggered Liu Gong's arrival - them.

The clan head of the Liu clan was popular for standing up for the bullied, but he was also widely known as the bully himself! As such, people secretly called him a hypocrite for it, reprimanding people that did what he did himself. Of course, no one had the courage to say this out loud, as it would incur the wrath of the entire Liu clan! Their whole family would be erased from the city!

The only one that would be able to say this to Liu Gong's face would be Li Fu, but he was too busy managing his clan that he didn't notice. Liu Gong didn't acknowledge his own hypocrisy.

The guards quickly fixed their posture and politely greeted the Liu clan's head, bowing and cupping their hands. They were acting as though the previous situation hadn't happened.

"Greetings to Liu clan's patriarch!"

Liu Gong couldn't see the blatant trickery right in front of him. He was always more of brawns than brains. He thought that he was just going to poke his nose into something that doesn't involve him, and so just walked away.

The guards saw Liu Gong's retreat and wiped the sweat from their foreheads. They successfully tricked Liu Gong!

But even though Liu Gong didn't do anything, he unintentionally removed the guards' attention away from Li Bai. The guards have forgotten what was happening as well and resumed their business.

Li Bai was relieved, thanks to Liu Gong's help.

"My father's best friend..."

He brushed the thought off and continued buying the storage ring from the greedy guard.

"I will pay ten Marking Pills for this, thank you."

He snatched the ring away, put down a bottle on the stand where the ring originally was and rushed out of the tower. The guard was shocked by Li Bai's dexterity and his wealth.

The guards in the tall tower, if the item they were guarding was bought, would naturally have no need to stay stationed. Instead, they needed to report to the office that their item has been bought.

The guard walked down as well, following Li Bai down the stairs.

Li Bai was excited to use this ring since he could move freely inside it. He first needed to supply it with his aura to make it his property. Everyone knew how to do this as it was one of the most basic things. Even a trash like Li Bai could do it.

A faint blue glow flowed from Li Bai's forehead as he imparted his aura onto the ring. A small blue gem appeared and attached to the ring.

The ring was now Li Bai's property. He put it on his middle finger.

Being behind him, the guard saw Li Bai claiming the ring and becoming its owner.

Li Bai wanted to test the ring and see if it did have the function of letting people inside. He tried to go in.

The guard, descending the stairs, saw Li Bai turn into dust and disappear right in front of his eyes! He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. What just happened in front of him? The ring dropped down on the stairs but the guard, still in shock, didn't notice it.

Inside of the storage ring, Li Bai was wandering around. A black void was seen everywhere he looked. However, the space inside the ring was enormous, almost as if he was the one who made it.

He then remembered the only ring that he made in all his lifetimes, the Silverstone Ring. It was one of his most ancient creations, with him making it in one of his first twenty lives.

The Silverstone Ring was the first and only one of its kind, letting people inside, but Li Bai didn't know this. He thought that the rings where one could enter them were prosperous in these lands.

As such, this item was highly coveted among all. Li Bai, in his previous life, made a secret space inside the void in the ring in order to hide his treasures for future use.

This secret space was made so that whoever acquired the ring couldn't get his treasures. However, if one peculiar expert discovered it before he had the time to retrieve the treasures, then there was nothing he could do.

If this ring was the Silverstone Ring, then it would surely have all of his treasures hidden, except if the case was that someone else had already plundered the treasures from the ring.

Li Bai still remembered how to locate them, he needed to follow a specific path inside all of the space. This was hard, but for Li Bai, it wasn't. He clearly recalled the pattern and followed it in his mind.

He ended up on a black wall, which had a disguised doorknob. He opened it to find a white room as opposed to all the darkness outside. The white room was full of ancient gold coins that had much more worth than the current gold coins. The ancient coins were supposed to be rare but there were mountains inside the white room.

If anyone other than Li Bai saw this majestic sight, they would lose themselves and go crazy. However, Li Bai was unaffected, as he knew that these coins were all just a trap to hide the real treasures inside the ring. These coins were placed specifically to hinder one's journey should they find the place.

Li Bai leisurely walked through the mountains and piles of coins surrounding the room, until he reached the end.

At the end of the room was another door that led to the final room.

Li Bai walked to the door and opened it, only to find... a woman?!

The woman was beautiful, second only to his sister. She was sitting there, meditating.

Li Bai didn't expect this. He only expected his treasures to be inside of the room. He unintentionally shouted.

"Who the heck are you?"

As soon as the words left Li Bai's mouth, the woman woke up and leaped towards him! She grabbed Li Bai's neck and pushed him against the wall, strangling him.

The woman had a fierce look on her face as if she was guarding the place, and Li Bai was an intruder.

Li Bai was unfazed by this sudden movement of the woman, however. He already recognized who she was - it was his former disciple, Jin He!