Jin He's Introduction

"The Li clan has too much power!"

A person drinking smashed the table in half. The other people inside the room weren't startled. In fact, they were annoyed!

"So, what's the next plan?"

One of the people inside the room was dressed mysteriously. He was the only one not drinking.

"Well, the first is a fail..."

"Why would you mistake the trash's hair to his father's?!"

"Well, even if we successfully made the powder, it's not like a bunch of commoners can defeat Li Fu."

The person sitting quietly suddenly spoke up.

"Hahaha, a bunch of weak trash!"

The people around the broken table whispered to each other.

"Who is this foreigner?"


The administrator stared at Li Bai for a while. It seems like he hasn't got out of his daze yet. The guard, however, walked towards Li Bai.

"Li... Li Bai?"

Li Bai looked around the room more, not knowing where he was. Unfamiliar with the place, he started asking the guard.

"Yes, it is I. Now, where are we?"

The guard was startled. He didn't expect Li Bai to casually respond like that. He expected Li Bai to be more shook.

Li Bai waited anxiously for the guard's answer. He got impatient and found another person behind the guard, planning to ask him instead. When he looked, he found a door behind the other person. It looked like that person was protecting the door, leaning on it.

The administrator finally regained his senses and saw Li Bai walking towards him. Li Bai was, of course, popular for his weakness, so it was only natural that he recognized him immediately.

Li Bai tapped the person blocking the door and spoke.

"Excuse me, sir. Where am I?"

Li Bai was confused as well. He was supposed to end up on the stairs. Why was he in this mysterious dark room? Did someone pick up the ring?

The administrator didn't like discriminating but in the way that he treats all people badly. As such, he also didn't treat Li Bai well and pushed him away.

Li Bai was annoyed by this arrogant guy. I asked nicely, didn't I? He was tired of putting up this nice guy shtick. He thought of a plan to get rid of this nuisance in front of him.

He went back into the ring, disappearing yet again in front of the guard's eyes, but this time, the administrator too bore witness. The administrator rubbed his eyes and picked up the fallen ring.

He furrowed his eyebrows and threw it out of his room. He then snatched the bottle of Marking Pills from the guard's hand, then sat on his chair again, returning to his original sinister position. He was in a bad mood today.

As soon as the guard noticed that the bottle has been stolen from him, he opened his mouth. Just as he did, however, the administrator waved his hand.

"Get out!"


The ring ended up outside of the tall tower, what with all the power the administrator threw the ring with. It continuously rolled until it reached the outer part of the Zhou clan's marketplace.

The ring hovered again and everyone that was present witnessed this weird phenomenon. Li Bai slowly appeared, but this time, with a beautiful woman.

He had brought Jin He along to get rid of any nuisances that got in his way. Jin He, after all, was at the peak of the Godly Mark realm. Only a handful of people in the country could handle her.

Every one of the males stared at Jin He, making her feel disgusted. They drooled at the sight of this girl, second only to Li Bao.

"Master, let's get out of this place quickly."

Li Bai hastened his steps until he made it back to the Li clan's territory. He walked back to the gate with Jin He in tow.

The guards stationed at the gate saw Li Bai coming and readied to open the gate, albeit hesitantly. They saw another figure with Li Bai, a beautiful woman. They almost drooled but held back and maintained control of themselves. Why are there so many beauties?

"Young master, who is this?"

Li Bai got nervous. He didn't know how to explain it to the guards, so he just gestured to Jin He to come closer.

"What is it, master?"

"Ummm, please come back inside the ring."

"That is fine with me."

Jin He immediately disappeared, with the ring glowing briefly. Li Bai acted dumb and looked towards the guards again.

"Who? Who are you talking about?"


The guards couldn't believe what they were seeing, or rather, what they were not seeing. The woman had disappeared! The guards rubbed their eyes and looked again, only to end in disappointment.

"*sigh* Please pardon us..."

The guards let Li Bai in while contemplating the beautiful lady that they saw. "A mirage", they thought. They were too tired and thought that they started seeing things.

Li Bai walked to the mansion, specifically, his father's office. He knew he couldn't keep this a secret from his father. Besides, he was planning to take in a bunch of disciples anyway, why not start now?

He arrived at his father's front door and knocked.


"Come in."

He went into the room and sat on a chair.

"Father, I have someone to introduce to you."

Li Fu was concerned. Li Bai never had any friends. He never showed interest in getting some either. Now, who could he possibly want to introduce?

"She's my disciple."

Disciple?! Li Fu was shocked at this. After all, Li Bai is weak. Why would anyone want to become his disciple? He wasn't trying to be mean, but rather, he was trying to be realistic. Wait... 'she'?

Li Bai let Jin He out of the ring.

"Father, this is Jin He."

Li Fu was even more shocked! A beautiful woman such as herself, a disciple of his young son?!

However, like before, Li Fu didn't want to show any of his emotions and maintained his stern expression.

"Uh, son. What's her cultivation level?"

"Fifth Level Godly Mark 50-gems."

Li Fu fainted. Li Bai was shocked at his father's sudden fainting and immediately called a servant.


After a while, Li Bai went to his room with Jin He following him. Jin He's stomach grumbled.

"...Master, I'm hungry."

That's right! Li Bai had a sudden realization. Jin He has been stuck in the ring for thousands of years, of course, once she exited, she would feel the need to do tons of things.


A servant came to Li Bai's room quickly. She was on site so it was fast.

"What is it, young master?"

"Please assist Jin He here."

The servant raised her eyebrow. Who is this Jin He?

"Jin He!"

Jin He walked towards Li Bai after getting called and the servant saw her.

"What is it, master?"

"This girl will be your servant for the day."

The servant was surprised. Is this beauty Jin He? She was a little confused about why this beauty was inside Li Bai's room.

"Please take care of me."

Jin He bowed in front of the servant and the servant got embarrassed.

"Eh... there's no need for that."


Jin He left with the servant and Li Bai was left alone in his room. He also found the items he bought at the auction on a wheelbarrow inside his room.

"Why is it inside...?"

Li Bai brushed the thought off and began storing the items in his Silverstone storage ring. He left the Zodiac Pot in his room for studying.

He then went into the ring to sort everything, from most valuable to least valuable. The most valuable among the items inside the ring, other than his old treasures inside the white room, was the Argium light armor, with engraved scriptures on it.

Argium was an extremely rare metal found in the pits of lava. However, it is considerably similar to some of the most common metals, looking the same in both shape and color, so many people are oblivious to the existence of it. In fact, Li Bai bought the "silver" light armor for only 500 gold. Argium, of course, is far superior to silver in terms of strength and durability.

Li Bai didn't like how this light armor was made, but there was Argium inside the armor, so he bought it. He planned to extract the Argium only, and dispose of the rest. He knew blacksmithing after all, despite not being an Ox mark.

He sorted the rest of the items, then exited the ring to study the Zodiac Pot.

When he appeared in his room, his sister Li Bao was there, fiddling around with the Zodiac Pot. She already knew how to make one pill, so she tried to make another. Li Bai saw Li Bao trying to boil water on the Zodiac Pot and freaked out!

"Bao jie-jie, you can't use that valuable item like that!"

Li Bai immediately put out the fire and started pouring out the water that Li Bao was boiling.

Li Bao was confused. Normally, a cauldron is used like that...

"But that item is a cauldron, right?"

"Yes, but... it has special uses, so I would prefer it if you don't treat it like a normal cauldron. Here, use this instead."

Li Bai gave his sister the Fools' Gold. When Li Bai started to pursue the way of medicine making, he read that the more inputs, the better. Of course, the number of inputs didn't matter to him, he could control it easily even without an input. But he could only go so far without one input. He looked for cauldrons with a high number of inputs but ended up disappointed, and he decided to make one himself. The most that Li Bai had heard of was six, so he strived to make something better. Finally, he made it. The Fools' Gold was a pot that had ten inputs of energy.

He then put an illusion formation around it, so anyone would think that it was only a measly one input cauldron, except if one was an expert close to breaking through to the Heavenly Mark realm.

He also set-up a special lock to it, so that only the "chosen ones" could use it. Without unlocking the lock, the pot would always fail. Unfortunately, he forgot to choose the "chosen ones" and the pot ended up unused for centuries.

He was lucky that the only ones present in the earlier stages of the first auction were a few clan representatives, and none were of Fifth Level Mark, or else he would have spent a lot of money and time fighting the bids.

Li Bao had become interested in medicine making when she made the medicine for Li Bai's legs. She read all of the basic things about medicine making. It seemed like even though everyone had information on how to become a pill maker, a strong enough soul was extremely rare. On the other hand, elixir making and powder making were much easier.

She also read about the different types of cauldrons to be used.

One was the automatic cauldron, which did not require any precise control, and just made the medicine maker wait. A consequence of this was that all this could make was only low-level low-quality elixirs or powders, it couldn't even make pills. Therefore, this type of cauldron was only used to mass produce.

Another was the controlled cauldron, which basically relied on the pure skill of the medicine maker for it to work. There was a criterion on whether the controlled cauldron was good or not, and whether it was easy to use or not. One input meant that this cauldron was relatively easy to use but almost impossible to make high-level high-quality medicine with. The higher the input, the harder to use. This type was mostly used by extremely dedicated pill makers.

When she saw the Fools' Gold in the one input form, she was kind of disappointed. But, one input would at least mean that it would be easy for her, right?

"Oh, wait a minute."

Li Bai snatched the Fools' Gold back and started destroying the engraved scriptures. The illusion formation was deactivated. He also unlocked the cauldron. He then gave it back to his sister.

"Here, I unlocked it for you."

Li Bao saw the 'unlocked' version of the Fools' Gold and stared at it with a dumbfounded expression. Ten... ten inputs?! She clearly remembered this cauldron from the auction, it was the first item that Li Bai bought. With only one input, she was confused why her genius brother would buy this ever since she read about medicine making. But now, she saw its true form and realized why.

Even so, how did Li Bai know that it had ten inputs just by a glance at it? Did he have that good of a discerning eye? Is that a technique she has never heard of before, the "Discerning Eye Technique"? Nonetheless, she was overwhelmed by the number of inputs and asked her brother to give her something easier to use.

"Bai didi, a cauldron with ten inputs is too much for me. Give me something else, come on."

"Have you used it?"


"Just try to use it."

The reason why Li Bai was forcing his sister to use this high-level cauldron was that he made it so that the user could make pills specifically with relative ease, compared to even the two input cauldrons. However, he didn't really test it since anyone he used would be the same difficulty - easy.


Li Bai, after the constant pestering of his sister, still hasn't given in. Li Bao was the first to give up and walk away. She slowly opened the door and went outside carrying the Fools' Gold.

"Finally, the time is here... time for the Zodiac Pot!"