
Jin He proceeded to go down the stairs towards the Li mansion's front door because the place where Jin He, Li Bao, and Li Bai were in was elevated.

The guards saw Jin He approaching and drooled at the sight of her beauty, which briefly distracted them from protecting the mansion.

"Excuse me, I have come here to help."

When Jin He's words reached the guards' ears, they thought they heard wrong. What can a measly girl like her do to help? All of the guards were about Third Level Mark, so unless her talent rivalled Li Bao's, she was of absolutely no help, except for maybe eye candy.

Jin He saw some lustful eyes within the guards that were holding the door closed, but also some doubtful eyes. She was annoyed by both and came closer, reached out her hand, and held the door with a finger. Suddenly, it felt like a heavy load was lifted from the guards.

All of the guards stepped back, expecting something only to have nothing happen. It seemed that no matter if they helped or not, Jin He was capable of easily protecting the front door. They underestimated her.

"Another talented beauty..."

"The Li clan really is blessed..."

"Thank the gods!"

The guards were relieved. Although they had a slightly high Level Mark, this was a hard job for them, especially since there were some other people other than the commoners that were pushing the door open.

The nobles were there as well, and they brought their high Level Mark cultivators, just to know who the mysterious cultivator was. Their arrogance knew no limits.

"Faster! I need to recruit that talent, even if I have to level this place."

"This meager Li clan dares to keep talent to themselves? Hehehe..."

"A talented individual will just get held back in this minor clan. He will benefit more in mine."

Jin He got tired of holding up her finger and leaned on the door. This casual move by her had a surprisingly devastating effect on the ones pushing the door, knocking them back about 2 meters!.

The people outside were shocked! These people were all at Third Level Mark, just who is strong enough to knock back over 20 of them? This feat wasn't possible unless one was in the Heavenly Mark realm, and even then, it would be very hard to pull off, draining all the energy of the cultivator.

If they found out that Jin He did it not only with ease, but also unintentionally, they would be baffled as to how strong this woman was. Unfortunately, they didn't know that and instead thought that the ones inside must be struggling after pushing that hard.

"Just a little more, and we'll acquire a great talent!"

Jin He yawned and meditated, sitting on the ground.

The nobles outside organized a synchronized push.



The people screamed with all their might and ran towards the door. When they hit it however, it did not budge, not even slightly. Instead, the impact caused them to be knocked back again!

Li Bai saw the situation and thought that Jin He could handle it herself.

"Jin He, I'll be leaving, please stay there."

"Yes, master."

Not hearing Li Bai, the guards heard Jin He's words and were shocked! Master? Who was her master? They looked at her line of direction. Li Bai had already disappeared.

Li Bai walked away with Li Bao to give her pointers on medicine making. Li Bao was still suspicious of her brother's relationship with the mysteriously pretty woman she saw earlier. Were they not in a relationship, but rather, they're master and servant?!

"Oh, I almost forgot, jie-jie. The woman you saw earlier was Jin He, my disciple."

Li Bai thought that Li Bao's imagination would go to unpredictable routes and cleared up any misunderstandings that Li Bao might have perceived.

Li Bai and Li Bao continued to walk until they reached Li Bao's room.


The nobles were now starting to give up. They called for their strongest forces to just destroy the door. No one in the major clans cared about the minor clans anyway.

"Hey! Destroy the door!"

The ones they called were now in the Fifth Level Mark. When working together, they had the ability to defeat even a First Level Heavenly Mark.

The nobles were confident that this was enough to break in the mansion.

Meanwhile, tension was nonexistent in the mansion. Some guards were sleeping, some were playing cards, and some were trying to talk to Jin He, until a crack appeared on the door.

Jin He sitting in front of the door had no effect if the nobles considered breaking it instead of pushing. The door was destroyed, and Jin He's tranquility was disturbed. She stood up and looked behind her.

"We did it! Get in!"

All of the nobles rushed towards the door. Jin He yawned and slapped the air with her hand, causing a shockwave that knocked back all of the people!

The people in front of the mob saw that Jin He's indifferent attack had overwhelming effect on them, and although she was beautiful, they saw her as more of a monster! The nobles behind were unaware of what happened. The only thing they knew was that there was a monster that was capable of knocking them all back at the same time. They were all afraid of the identity of that monster.

When they saw Jin He, their troubles faded away. Seeing such a beautiful woman made them think that she couldn't possibly be the monster. The serene look in her eyes calmed them down.

One of the nobles ordered a servant.

"Who is that beautiful woman, get her for me!"

The servant was a witness to Jin He's prowess, and was hesitant to follow the noble. Ultimately, he ran away.

"Hey, impudent servant! Come back here!"

All of the other servants of this noble ran away as well, leaving him behind by himself.

"Such impudence will not go unpunished...!"

Jin He yawned yet again.


Word already spread that the Li clan had an unbelievably strong cultivator who could create shockwaves with her hand without using any techniques! People were more wary of the Li clan now. Although a minor clan, they had the ability to fend off the major clans' meddling.

Jin He, the topic of these news, were oblivious to the fact that she was already popular. She was too focused on meditating and wanted an enlightenment to happen already. She knew that meditating wouldn't be of any help, but she didn't know anything else to do pass the time, so she just kept on meditating.

Sitting in the corner of her own room was pretty boring as soon as she found out that meditating was useless, so she strolled around outside the Li clan's territory. When she passed by, the people's reactions varied. Some admired her strength, some lusted after her beauty, and some were in shock of her presence, not knowing who she was.

Jin He continued to walk until one man with several followers was in front of her, clearly waiting for her. She tried to ignore him by walking to the side, but the man had followed her.

The man bowed before her, giving off an elegant impression.

"Greetings to the mysterious young woman. I am Li Da (黎达). And you are?"

Jin He didn't expect someone to be polite in this world, as all of the ones that interacted with her so far had annoying personalities. He was the first one to give a good first impression.

Li Da saw Jin He's wide eyes looking at him.

"What's wrong, miss? Are you repulsed by my presence? If so, then please pardon me for intruding your walk."

Jin He had no time to respond before Li Da walked away. His followers all bowed before her as well before following Li Da. Before she knew it, she acknowledged that man to be not annoying, but that was it. She continued her walk.

When Li Da looked back and saw that Jin He was already far away, his expression changed from graceful to serious. He asked one of his followers.

"Do you think she would be on my side now?"

Jin He conitnued her walk expecting more of the elegant men to come and greet her. This was her unconscious desire. Ever since Li Bai's past self, who was a commoner, she had never seen any more calm and serene men. Now that Li Da introduced her to this world again, she wanted more of it.

So far, the walk has disappointed her. There were some like Li Da, in the way that they waited in the middle of the road as soon as they received the information that Jin He was going to pass through. Jin He thought they were going to be good actors like Li Da, but they failed to meet her expectations.

Some used formal speaking like Li Da, but had their intentions blatantly written out on their face. Some even had the audacity to stare at her chest, grinning! These ones, she couldn't hold back her punch.

Jin He started to walk back to her room, and saw Li Da again, this time helping some orphans. This was obviously staged, but Jin He was nonetheless impressed.

Li Da had noticed Jin He for quite some time now, but when he looked at her, he acted like he was surprised that Jin He was there.

"Oh! Mysterious miss, didn't see you there!"

Walking closer, Jin He noticed the children's expressions, they were genuinely happy. Even if this was staged, one couldn't help but be moved by this touching sight.

"Ah, yes, I was heading back."

Li Da was truly surprised by her responding to him. In his mind, usually, strong minded women like her would take about a week or so for them to feel comfortable around him. His handsome face naturally helped.

"Where are you heading? Let me accompany you."

In truth, Li Da already knew where she was headed. This question was to hide that fact. But his acting, unlike before, was obvious. Nevertheless, Jin He still allowed him to follow her.

"Very well. I'm heading to the Li clan."

"What a coincidence! I was heading back to the Li clan as well!"

Li Da and Jin He walked back to the Li clan. They were approaching the gate.

Jin He wondered how Li Da would enter, not being part of the Li clan and all, or so she thought.

The guards saw Li Da and their expressions grew dark. They hid that immediately however, only Jin He was able to catch their intense look. They opened the gate with slight hesitation, letting both Jin He and Li Da in.

A confused Jin He asked the guards in secret.

"Excuse me, what is this man's relation to the Li clan?"

The guard was surprised that Jin He talked to him and became too elated to respond. Li Da spoke in his stead, hearing Jin He in the first place.

"I am the son of the clan head's brother, Li Jin. In other words, Li Fu is my uncle, so I am his nephew."

Jin He was slightly taken aback at this sudden information. She already knew who Li Fu was due to her being introduced to him by Li Bai. So he is master's cousin... To confirm, Jin He asked Li Da.

"What is your relationship with mas- I mean, Li Bai?"

"That trash?"

Jin He's expression instantly darkened. She swung her hand at Li Da at 1% of her strength. Li Da saw her hand readying before she punched, so he braced himself and blocked it with his two hands. This didn't have an effect, making him fly away about a chi! She then stormed off.

The guards had a somewhat happy look when they saw this. Their faces was saying "You deserve this..."

Li Da was writhing in pain on the ground, confused. What did I say that agitated her? Was it perhaps... because I referred to Li Bai as trash?

Now he wondered what on earth the relationship between a beautiful and strong woman like her and a trash like his cousin could be! The most likely case would be that Li Bai is her favorite slave.

Nonetheless, he now held a grudge against that woman, but he could do nothing about it. Her monstrous strength was something he couldn't compare with.

He needed to curry favor with his cousin now... He sighed on the ground, still grasping his stomach.

"I should have been more careful with my words..."