Desperate Situation

Everyone in the Li clan was panicking and despairing. What did the Li clan do to the Liu clan to deserve this?!


Jin He ran to her master's room. She felt the need to inform the matter to Li Bai since he was directly related to the victim. There was also, although extremely unlikely, the chance that Li Bai could revive his father from the dead.

Li Bai was teaching Li Bao about medicine making, when suddenly Jin He barged into his room, unhindered by the many servants outside. She had a very panicked look on her face.

"What a rare sight..."

This was one of the expressions that Jin He rarely shows, based off of his observation of her behavior in the past few centuries.

If she's showing this face of hers right now, then it must mean that something serious has happened! Li Bai thought.

At first, Li Bai thought that Jin He's lack of sweat and breathing normally was off-putting in contrast to her panicked face that was usually accompanied by those mentioned earlier.

However, he quickly removed the thought from his mind as it was expected that she won't pant or sweat since she was at the peak of the Godly Mark realm. Jin He sweating would be more unsettling than not.

Li Bai's line of thought was abruptly interrupted by Jin He's sudden speaking.

"Master, about your father... he has been killed!"

All this time, Li Bao was waiting for why Jin He was frantic. She suddenly understood the urgent tone behind Jin He's voice. Her father was killed!


She was in denial.

Li Bai was affected as well, albeit to a smaller extent than Li Bao. However, he felt rather attached to his father of this lifetime, and as such he was affected much more than on his other lifetimes.

After seeing the siblings' reaction to her news, she quickly followed up with a question directed at her master, Li Bai.

"Master.... is there a way to save him?"

Hearing this, Li Bai froze for a bit before retorting with a question of his own.

"That depends... how recent?"

"It just happened!"

Li Bai thought for a little while before nodding ever so slightly. This small movement by Li Bai gave her sister hope as she was still in despair. Even though this brother of hers was much younger than her, he had shown incredible mastery and prowess in medicine making. As such, if anyone other than Li Bao saw his nod, they would undoubtedly laugh.

"Take me to his corpse, and quick!"

Hearing his confirmation, Jin He carried Li Bai like the child he was. Li Bao saw this and stood up as well, getting ready to follow the two. Jin He started running.

However, Li Bao didn't expect that Jin He would be too fast! As soon as they both started to run, Jin He easily outran her. With Li Bao not knowing where to go, she came back to Li Bai's room anxiously. Imagining her father's corpse in her mind, she started tearing up.


Jin He arrived at the site of the battle as quick as she left it. She somewhat expected that there would still be a battle going on, but she thought wrong. All of the warriors who were previously in a heated battle were now kneeling on the ground.

Li Bai also looked around as he was put down by Jin He. The previous traces of the bloodshot red in the Liu clan elder's eyes were all gone. What was left was a despaired expression on his face. As he looked around some more, he saw the same mix of daze and despair in the other elders' faces.

He was also seeing a myriad of souls flying around, as if they've lost their way.

When he was shooting arrows from afar, he could barely see bloodshot red in these elders' eyes, confirming his suspicion that they were, indeed, under the influence of the same poisoned powder that gave him trouble twice in the past. Now that his father has died, the eyes turned back to normal.

Li Bai felt a bad premonition.

'Who would target my measly father? As much as I hate to admit it, the Li clan is a very weak clan...'

As he was pondering, he suddenly remembered of his father's literal life-and-death matter.

'I have to hurry, else his soul will go to the Netherworld and reincarnate as a newborn before I can capture it!'

Jin He witnessed Li Bai running quickly. She knew that his cultivation was at the Fifth Level Mortal Mark, so Li Bai's speed was no surprise to her. However, it was a different matter for the people around.

They couldn't not see it. A small figure was sprinting past them at astonishing speeds.

They knew that every single one of them present couldn't match his speed so that only meant one thing – his cultivation was far higher than theirs. No matter how slow one's growth could be, someone older than them couldn't possibly be this small in height! They reached the conclusion that this person was younger than them.

As Li Bai ran too fast for them to his face, they couldn't recognize who the little prodigy was. They had just subconsciously ingrained the little prodigy in their mind.

A servant that was friendly with Li Bai talked with his fellow servant.

"Hey, I recognize those clothes... It's the young master!"

"There is NO way..."

"Yeah, you're probably right."


Liu Gong was mourning for his dead friend, tears dripping out of his eyes. Now that their target was dead, the effects of the powder had worn off, bringing his memories of the incident with it. Since this was the case, Liu Gong had absolutely no idea how his foot ended up stepping on Li Fu's crushed head.

However dumb Liu Gong could get, it was obvious that he was the one who caused this. He blames himself majorly for what had happened.

Suddenly, the son of his deceased friend, the one that he despised, the extremely weak, good-for-nothing child Li Bai had arrived, and he brought with him a distraught expression on his face.

'His son, huh?'

Li Bai looked at Li Fu's corpse, and the one holding it. It was his father's close friend, Liu Gong. Probably, this man was the one who killed him too. As he stared longer and longer, his expression darkened further.

At this point in time, Li Bai didn't know whether to hold a grudge on this man in front of him or not.

'I know that he wasn't in control, but...'

Li Bai snapped out of his daze. This was only one of his many fathers, and yet why is he feeling emotional?

Perhaps because this lifetime was the first one out of the rest that he had a problem with his cultivation. He only had his father to rely on. Maybe, it was because Li Bai was affected by this young body of his. Only he would know the reason.

Whatever it was, Li Bai didn't care. He didn't know why, but he had shed a tear.

Remembering what he was supposed to do in the first place, he hurriedly went closer to the bloody corpse. Liu Gong saw this and blocked him. He, at least, tried to prevent his friend's son from being traumatized.

However, in a move unexpected by Liu Gong, Li Bai pushed him off to the side like it was child's play. As Liu Gong was getting pushed, he was in a daze, so no resistance came from him, which made it easier for Li Bai.

Finally, he had pushed Liu Gong off, seeing his father's headless corpse in full view. Unlike Jin He, Li Bai didn't gag. He had killed many people in previous lifetimes the exact same way too.

Li Bai hastily searched for his father's soul.

'If I can make an artificial body for him... maybe I can revive him!'

He then saw the soul moving around frantically. Li Fu's soul was particularly strong, so everyone except for Li Bai couldn't see it. As Li Bai had a stronger soul than his father's, he could see the soul rather clearly.

If someone's soul matched the strength of someone else's, they would slightly be able to see the soul.

Li Bai's soul was the strongest, at least in this empire, so he was able to see plenty of souls as he came here. His father's soul was identifiable among many others, as his soul was stronger than most.

He put out an artifact from his ring called the Soul Catcher and captured his father's soul with it, with the hope of finding a body for him soon. If not, he could very well perish while in the Soul Catcher.

Liu Gong saw Li Bai pull out an object from his interspatial ring.

'So this bastard had an interspatial ring, huh?'

His mind subconsciously blocked the memory of him getting pushed by Li Bai, as he could not believe it himself. In fact, he was conscious of this subconscious response of his mind.

'How the heck did this bastard push me?'

Li Bai quickly fled the scene, going towards Jin He. He expected her to carry him again. However, what greeted him was not a Jin He ready to carry him, but rather an anxious Jin He waiting for the results.

"Don't worry, I found a way..."

After hearing that, Jin He breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she had this on her mind the entire time.

Even so, she still had this worried expression on her face. She was afraid of something.

"By the way, you were there, right? How come you didn't save father?"

Jin He froze up.

'It seems like I hit the bullseye...'