A Simple Request

"Li Bai, please... give to me this Heavenly Cotton... I desperately need it!" Jia Ming pleaded with Li Bai as she knelt on the wooden floor.

Li Bai was staring at her with intrigue. What could have possibly triggered this kind of reaction from her memories?

He was standing leisurely in front of Jia Ming, who was looking straight as they had the same height.


"Hmm, then I have a simple request." Li Bai finally responded to Jia Ming's pleas.

"Please, I'll do anything for it!" Jia Ming suddenly kowtowed as she heard that Li Bai had a request.

Although the other party looked like a child, she could tell that he was a lot more mature than her. This either meant that he was one of those devious old men, or that he was a simple child that had gone through a lot of experiences.

As such, she dared not treat him like a child like she did before. She treated Li Bai with respect.

With this statement, she strengthened her resolve. Even if the other party were to request to sleep with her, she wouldn't deny it!

"This is my request..." Li Bai paused for a second before continuing his words, leaving Jia Ming in suspense. "...take me around the village."

"Hmm? This..." Unexpectedly, the other party had given such a simple request. Did that mean that she was just overthinking it earlier?

"Why, are you not capable of doing that?" Li Bai asked Jia Ming, the corner of his mouth curling up.

Seeing this, Jia Ming shuddered for a bit before she responded quickly as she stood up, "I can do it, of course I can do it. Who else can do it but me?"

Looking at the now standing Jia Ming, Li Bai examined her clothes and said, "Your clothes are all dusty. Go change them before we head out."

Jia Ming's expression saddened as she heard Li Bai's words. She meekly replied, "I... I don't... These are the only clothes I have."

"Hmm?" Li Bai was confused. Was this village poorer than he thought? However, this did not show on his face.

With a flick of his hand, a pair of clothes were retrieved from his ring. He then handed them over to Jia Ming as he spoke, "Here, use these."

Jia Ming looked at the pair of clothes Li Bai was giving her and was stunned! These clothes were much better than her current ones...

She quickly removed her clothing, revealing her chest to Li Bai who was standing right in front of her.

Li Bai was slightly startled by her sudden action. Why would she strip when I'm still here? He took action himself and walked out of the house, leaving the clothes on the table.

Jia Ming only just now realized what she had done. He... he has seen my naked body... twice now!

Outside of the house, Li Bai waited patiently, like before. However, this time, he did not need to wait that long, before Jia Ming called him back inside.

"Are you all ready?" Li Bai inquired.

"En." Jia Ming blushed as she answered. It was clear that she was flustered from earlier where she blatantly exposed herself without any regard to his presence.

Of course, a part of why she didn't care about if he was there or not for a split second was because of his young appearance.

Although, when she recalled his mature personality, she thought that he might be one of the heinous cultivators who disguise themselves as young children.

This made her feel a bit disgusted. I actually exposed myself twice in front of an old grandpa? What an embarrassment!

"Okay, then show me around, and I'll give the Heavenly Cotton to you." Li Bai ordered as he walked behind Jia Ming.

"Um, okay." Jia Ming nodded in response. She then walked around and introduced everything to Li Bai.


After about three hours, Li Bai finally familiarized himself with the village.

Hmmm, this village, I've never encountered it before, so it must be fairly new...

Jia Ming had left him inside her house while she attended conversed with the other villagers.

"Little Ming, who is the young boy?" An elderly woman asked Jia Ming.

"That... His name is Li Bai." Jia Ming dared not expose her potential benefactor's true age as she was worried that he would hear of her slander.

"Hmm? Li Bai? A nice name indeed... Where did he come from?" The elderly woman nodded as she spoke, then paused for a bit before thinking of another question.

"He... Actually..." Jia Ming hesitated to answer this question. How could she tell this old lady that the young boy came from a ring that fell from the sky? Was she crazy?!

"He... is my distant relative." Finally, Jia Ming answered.

"Hmm, wait. I don't think you have any relatives... how come you're so sure that he's one?" The elderly woman was skeptical.

"That..." Jia Ming didn't have any reply. She didn't know anything about her relatives earlier, but because this mysterious child reminded her of them, she knew plenty.

Both her father and mother were probably dead already. The Meng clan should be ruled by her aunts and uncles who aimed for her father's life...

Just thinking about it made Jia Ming enraged.

She remembered everything, from her birth, up to hitting her head and forgetting her memories before being teleported to this forest to retrieve the Heavenly Cotton.

The reason why her mother wanted one, she didn't know. But in the off-chance that she was still alive, she needed to be prepared.

She finally came into contact with one of the cottons, how could she let go of this opportunity?

If she didn't obtain the one that Li Bai had in his possession, she would've had to search for it in the forest.

Besides, on the surface, these cottons look like the normal cotton, it was obviously not a good idea to carefully examine each and every cotton she came across with.