Yuan Luoyang was dumbfounded by the child's statement. In disbelief, he couldn't help but confirm what he had just heard. "Did... did you just order me to... stop being an assassin?"
Yuan Ruogang at the side was equally confused as his brother. Although he didn't know what assassinating meant, he was sure that it was a bad thing to do! That was why he believed that his brother would do no such thing.
Li Bai raised one of his eyebrows and declared, "If you are to stop your heinous acts right here and now, I will spare your life." His eyes flashed a cold glint, one that was not hesitant to kill.
Seeing his opponent's eyes viciously staring at him like he was his prey, he could only tremble in fear. For some reason, a child as young as this could threaten him into fearing for his life!
However, even though there was much fear was injected into him by Li Bai, he did not falter in his words and immediately responded, "Are you sure you have the strength to kill me?"
After saying those words, he charged straight at Li Bai yet again!
Seeing the other party move so suddenly. Li Bai flinched for a moment. 'Is he going for a kamikaze attack?'
However, this did not show on his expression, which stayed as cold as ever. He raised his hand while turning his body to the side, completely avoiding his opponent's attack.
Yuan Luoyang clearly expected this and used his last bit of strength to redirect his momentum in an effort to hit Li Bai, even once.
Sadly for him, Li Bai did not give any chances. He dodged swiftly as Yuan Luoyang fell over.
Li Bai's small hand grabbed Yuan Luoyang's neck before he hit the sand. He spoke once again, "This is your last chance. Stop or die."
With a palpitating heart, Yuan Luoyang sweat bullets. He still couldn't accept it in his head. How the heck did a brat in the Mortal mark defeat him, who was two realms higher?!
Breathing deeply, Yuan Luoyang gradually calmed down. As an assassin, if one panicked like him, they could very well be killed on the spot.
Luckily for him, he had encountered a righteous brat that probably didn't even have it in him to slice a knife deeper than just causing minor injuries om the skin, much less actually kill him.
"Hehehe, go ahead-" Before Yuan Luoyang could finish, he suddenly felt coldness touch the skin on his neck as he widened his eyes.
A knife touched his neck directly, causing Yuan Luoyang to involuntarily shiver.
"Brother!" Yuan Ruogang was worried for his brother. It was the first time that he was witnessing his brother get subdued by someone else.
He always had two beliefs in his mind. One was that the righteous would always prevail. The other one was that his brother was one of those righteous people.
As such, he automatically labeled Li Bai as a bad person.
Seeing the sight before him made him instinctively shout.
Despite this, Yuan Luoyang continued speaking, "Since I became an assassin, I have already died. I don't mind dying once more."
Li Bai squinted his eyebrows. It was not the first time he had encountered stubborn people like this. In fact, he was probably already the thousandth one.
However, this did not mean that he knew how to handle this kind of people. Most of the time, he would end up killing them after failing to convince them to change their ways. Other times, they would escape. Only a handful actually accepted his proposal.
Sighing in his heart, Li Bai had already decided to kill this one.
He pressed the sharp edge of the blade on Yuan Luoyang's skin, making a wound on it. Blood spilled out unceasingly as Li Bai continued.
Yuan Luoyang thought, "This is the end, huh...? I guess I got my retribution. Besides, I've already exacted revenge on the ones who killed my mother and my village. I can die peacefully now..."
Finally, Yuan Ruogang could not stand standing still any longer and ran towards the location of his brother with all his might. "Aahhh!"
"Sh*t!" Yuan Luoyang could not help but curse as he heard his brother's wails getting louder. Although he was facing away, judging by the sounds, it was obvious that Yuan Ruogang was running towards him.
'How could I have forgotten about my brother?!'
Li Bai stopped sinking the knife deeper into Yuan Luoyang's flesh as he turned his head towards the sound's origin.
There, he saw a man of above average looks, not as handsome as him...
'Hmm, he's the man I ignored earlier...' Li Bai had photographic memory, so it wasn't that hard for him to determine why the man looked familiar to him.
Yuan Ruogang yelled without moving his head, "Stop! Brother, stop running!"
Ignoring his brother's shouts, Yuan Ruogang gained speed as he got closer and closer to Li Bai.
'This oughta do it! I'm fast enough to knock him over!' Yuan Ruogang had a confident smile on his face. "Aahhh! Stay away from my brother, you villain!"
"No, no, get away! Go away!" Yuan Luoyang's face was full of worry. His legs were twitching, screaming at him to kick the child off of his back and stop his brother, but with a knife beside his neck, he could only stay completely still.
Yuan Ruogang was right beside the two before Li Bai suddenly moved.
He removed the knife from Yuan Luoyang's neck and jumped off, after which he latched onto Yuan Ruogang's neck and flipped him over.
Li Bai pointed the knife at Yuan Ruogang.
"Stop! Stop, don't touch him!" Yuan Luoyang was close to tears as he saw Li Bai's knife getting cloer and closer to his brother.
"Yuan Luoyang. Since you don't care if I kill you or not, I'll just use your brother's life instead. Stop assassinating or he dies." No matter what, Li Bai really didn't want to kill anyone. He had accumulated enough good and bad karma throughout all of his reincarnations to balance both of them.
Yuan Luoyang immediately responded, "Yes, yes, I'll stop assassinating!"
Li Bai was startled at the speed in which Yuan Luoyang changed his mind! The lack of hesitation compared to when his own life was being threatened showed how much Yuan Luoyang cared about his brother.
Of course, this didn't show on his face as it only displayed an emotionless expression.
Suddenly, the both of them were interrupted by someone else.
A figure approached them from afar. He was covered in blood and black mist, limping his way towards the three.
His feet made traces on the sand as he dragged his bloodied body across.
Seeing the figure, Yuan Luoyang squinted his eyes. "Wu... Wu Tai?"
The man was covered in black mist as he slowly made progress in walking towards them.
Li Bai frowned as he sensed the black mist from afar. "Forbidden Disguise Art..."
Frankly, he knew about the Forbidden Arts since he was the one who started them. His actions in that timeline still made him feel guilty as he remembered the cries of those he killed for experimenting.
Now that he had come into contact with one of those people who continued his legacy, he would surely take the intiative to end him. After all, people who use Forbidden Arts are automatically people who killed others for power.
The usage of Forbidden Arts was simple - it needed someone else's blood to work.
The peculiar part was that if the blood that was used was someone closely related to the Forbidden Arts user, it was more potent than if it was a stranger's blood.
This led to Forbidden Arts users to kill their fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, and sons and daughters.
These people would even fake emotions to get a partner, and some children. He would then promptly kill them for their blood.
A drop of blood wasn't enough. No, not even a bucket. A single Forbidden Art required all the blood of one person to get it to work. Otherwise, one would risk using their own blood.
Li Bai shook his head as his expression returned to a cold one.
Not caring about the assassin and his younger brother anymore, he headed straight towards the approaching figure.