Frontier military academy.
The best military school of the continent of ILND, The Frontier military academy was very close to the Frontier Orb, the capital of the Frontier military nation. The Frontier Nation, ruled by Frontier King, was the northernmost nation of the continent. The city of Frontier Military academy was self-governed. The academic city was divided into 5 parts, the central was directly under frontier military nation, whereas other parts- north, east, south, west was under the best students of the region.
One part was under the Elementals, another was controlled by the only empire of the continent. The royalties from the different kingdoms were gathered in one part, whereas the other was consist of the students without background. The best students of each part were given the title of king and the next four was called the general. No matter who it was everybody on the continent knew about the academy. The academy was recognized by the other kingdoms and empire of the continent.
2 pairs of crystal lamps- red, blue, yellow and green were hanging from the walls with a crystal chandelier in the middle of the room. The chandelier was like a bright four-leaf clover with the bright colored petals. Somehow the brightness didn't give out any heat.
A roundtable was in the middle of the room, with 5 chairs around it. Three of which was occupied. The boy was named Avian Kirman Urbic, one of the four royal imperial bloodlines in the whole continent. He was also known as the "Imperial King" at the academy.
"Director, do we really need to wait for those who can't be on time?" The impatience of Avian was clear from his words.
The Director of the academy, Jaw Gaider, shook his head with a smile, "Please understand the importance of the mission that is going to be handed over here. No matter how much I want to be punctual, I can't disclose the topic without the presence of at least 3 kings or queens of the academy." The director stopped and looked in the eye of the boy," And there are still 2 min left till the appointed time,"
Avian knew this Director perfectly well. He is one of the best known and decorated general of The Frontier Nation. He rose to fame when he defended 3 of the 13 frontier forts alone for 1 month during a frontier beast breakout. He also fought against imperial soldiers many times, able to push them back every time. More importantly, there is a rumor going around that because of he, the 2nd imperial prince, coming to the frontier military academy to study, the Frontier King practically forced Jaw to accept the position of director at the academy.
Just as the time of the clock turned from 59 to 00 the door opened again. Another person came in. The person looked handsome with long hairs and a crystal left eye. He smiled and said "I think I am right on time"
"Yes." Jaw looked at the door for a moment and continued with a smile, "now then let's continue on the topic, it's about the recruitment for this year"
"That much we all can get, so..." The girl urged to continue, "it's nothing new, it has happened every second year"
"But this year must be special." The last boy who came in added." Otherwise, the mission would have been posted on the hall of prestige."
"You are absolutely right. This year we are getting three royal-bloods in our academy across the continent. The Frontier King has quested this new mission to all the kings of the academy. Each one has to send at least one of their generals to supervise this year's recruitment without polarising the recruitment process." As Jaw finished his words he beamed towards King Bot, the last boy.
King Bot hailed from the Democracy of machines which tended to reach towards the greater probability of survival, and for that step, they could be very calculative. Although they didn't forsake their humanity, still they were willing to send 800 to death just to save 1000. That was not all, even those 800 would be willing to give up on their lives for greater good. Because of this single will that was incorporated in every single machine, they were able to produce the only democratic country of the continent. And that King Bot, Uler Hause, is one of the top young cyborgs of the county, was no exception.
On the other hand, Avian was beyond surprised. The spy network of the empire was very well spread throughout the continent and it was not easy for them to miss even the flap of a butterfly, but how did they miss such a big news, was unknown. Even the queen's expression showed that the news was of great importance.
"But shouldn't it be a king level mission rather than a general grade one???" The Queen asked.
The director smiled and said "Remember, it's not me who has issued it, it's the Frontier King who did it"
Just as the queen was about to say something, the door opened again to everyone's surprise. There was a tanned looking person of over 6 feet height who came in and gave a deep bow. "I am Xing Heartland. I am the general of..."
"We know who you are." Avian was clearly irritated. "But this is the chamber of the Kings and not a general can enter." his voice was full of disdain when he talked about the king.
"My apologies your majesty but I am here to deliver a letter to the honorable director under the order of my king" Xing flashed standard issue sleeping king seal. Everyone in the room knew perfectly well that it was nearly impossible to forge the seal as every king seal was forged from a unique frontier beast. So nobody questioned the authenticity of the seal. Xing then handed the letter to the director and added, "my king also added that my king will supervise this year's recruitment, and the payment will be taken from someone else."
Hearing the words the ice queen flinched for a moment but relaxed as Xing left.
Avian was a lot more agitated now. Not just the imperial's spies were unable to get any hint about the 3rd royal blood, but that useless sleeping King was able to get a detail about the 3rd, and might even get a chance to curry the favor from that eccentric Ice Queen. He suddenly stood up from the chair and left the room while saying, "if there is nothing else, I will leave."
Hearing this King Bot smirked as the Ice queen added "me too"
"That leaves only the two of us", King Bot said as he looked towards the director.
By now Jaw had already left his chair as he said "please enjoy your time alone" and turned to left, but continued "You know very well that how much importance your person holds for your country, so let's hope nothing like the events that your predecessor did, will happen again"
A beautiful smile still was plastered on the face of Uler. Without the slightest change in his expression, he asked: "Are you threatening… maybe?"
The sentence was cut short with the words from Jaw "These are the words from my king himself."
Chapter 2
The room was a lot brighter from the chamber of the Kings. Though brighter, it was a lot colder here. The Ice Queen was in deep thought. She couldn't find the head or tail of this matter. Only her father and she knew about this matter.
'Can it be Oracles?'
'No. They weren't lazy enough to stir little war between the countries. The Ancient could do this. But there wasn't any record of movement from them. Then who can this be?'
"My queen." The word from the person behind her took her back to the real world. Even a very keen observer could fail to notice the person in black who was standing just behind the queen from the beginning. It's like he was just the shadow.
"We have a guest." The person in black said.
Only after she heard the words, she felt unusualness of the room. The queen straightened her back and spoke: "Come out".
The command thundered through the room. Even the most strong-hearted may shudder by hearing her command. It wasn't the pressure of a royal blood rather the aura of extreme bloodlust.
But interestingly the girl came through the door with a big smile on her face. Yes, she came through the door literally.
"How long have you been there?"The ice queen asked without losing her bloodlust.
"Please her majesty this little being bears the word from her King" the girl tried her best to pursue the queen.
If it was any other day the queen might have had forgiven her, but today was not one of those days. "Answer the question you have been asked" it was the words from the person in black.
"Just from the moment, the general detected me." the girl didn't waste any more time.
Ice queen was so irritated that she might not have forgiven her but the whisper from her behind changed her mind. She removed her bloodlust.
But contradictory to her expectation, the Girl in front of her gave her a full bow and said: "I, Kiraia Edan, general of the sleeping King, asking for forgiveness for all the insolence this little being has caused. You may punish this little one."
The change of the attitude greatly surprised the queen. She had heard about the peculiarities of the generals under the sleeping King but didn't expect to this extreme.
The status of the general was given to those, by the academy, who had the ability to achieve it in the future. But at the end of the day, they could never be compared with the real generals. They were just the children who had above average strength. So the arrogance and the ego of them was a lot higher than the battle-hardened generals. They just didn't know their limits.
Whereas the ice queen, being the real princess of Aqua Marine, was surrounded by some well-known generals from the childhood. She knew perfectly well about the difference between an amateur and a pro. Other than the person standing behind her back, she had never seen anyone who could guess the essence of the situation so easily. And if she remembered correctly the girl should be the last general of the Sleeping King.
"Rise. State your motive" Ice Queen commanded.
"My king sends me with his words " If you, the ice queen, are ready to hand over the Void Eater you don't even need to worry about your little royal friend over there"
If it could be said that the ice queen was irritated a little moment ago then now she was just furious." Who that sleeping piece of sloth thinks he is? Asking for a legendary weapon just for this? Perhaps he thinks that we aren't powerful enough to save our people. "
"Sorry your majesty, my king also thought that your people are more than capable of doing that, but you can't do that"
That hit the sore spot. Queen lost all the power of her body. She just couldn't say anything, but it couldn't be observed from her body language.
Without giving the queen a moment to breathe Kiria continued, "My king also would like to note out three points. First of all, even if the Void Eater is a legendary sword, it's cursed. There might only be 3-4 people who can wield the weapon to its potential. Secondly, he is the greatest amount of force you will be able to move without exposing your motives and last but not the least it's he himself who gave the news to frontier King, not the other way around."
Now the queen was surprised beyond her words. She couldn't control her train of thoughts. But she still asked with a shaky voice "How did he find out?"
For the first time, the face of Kiria turned completely cold. She uttered a single word "HUNTER".
Hunters were the most dangerous species on the planet. They were very few in numbers, maybe around 10-20 thousand, and they hunted for other species, whether its humans, elementals, machines, frontier beasts, sentient beasts anything but not for fun or food. It's just that they evolved in such a way that they could harness the power of other species in their body. So they hunt other for their power. Even the most powerful became wary while facing hunters. They were a nemesis to all.
If one was marked by a hunter it was hard to survive unless they killed the hunter and that was an impossible thing to do.
"Hunter? How can it be a hunter? Are you bluffing?" the Queen just couldn't believe it.
"Sorry your majesty, but I don't think our King is that kind of a person," Kiria said seriously "Sorry for being the bearer of the bad news. I will take your leave now." Kiria said and turned to leave.
The Queen didn't think for a moment and said: "There shouldn't be a single scratch on her." As much as she knew her father she was sure that she could just convince her father to give up the Void Eater. It was just as she said, it's cursed. No elemental could ever wield it. Why not give it up to protect what is important.