Student Hall


In a certain mountain inside Myriad World School, two horses can be seen going down from the mountain at high speed, evading all the trees they pass while going down a dangerous cliff to overtake the other horse.

Two riders can be seen riding on the horse with a face full of excitement, and before they realize, the road they took has deviated from the main road, into the forest and soon, both of them start to go down from the dangerous steep cliff without caring about the danger.

Obstacle after obstacle appears before them as they continue to go down the steep cliff. Saw tree? Burn/Cut it! Saw uneven road? Make a path of ice, or burn the ground to make a stair-like path!

None of these obstacles matters to both of them as they keep going down at high speed, and while they're going down, their qi also noticeably decreased as they used all of their qi, all for winning this racing game.

As the horses keep going, the foot of the mountain soon appears on their visions, which makes them urge their horse to go faster than before while going down the mountain. Alas, some mistake finally occurred before both of them reach the foot of the foot of the mountain as Yin Yu accidentally makes too much ice and make the horse slip on the ice floor and fall on the steep cliff along with him.


Both Yin Yu and the horse start to roll on the cliff after they fall, and the Lan Yiyan who saw that scene, smirk at him before a fire whip appear on her hands and catch the rolling Yin Yu hands to make him stop rolling and Yin Yu who's got caught by the whip start to get dragged down the mountain.

"Hot! Hot! Hot! Release me! I'm burning!"

Yin Yu who's is caught by the fire whip scream in protest and finally able to change his position from lying to standing, while Lan Yiyan continues to smirk and start to tease him.

"Stop, complaining and start using your foot to run! Look at the Silversilk horse! It can already stand and run normally unlike you who still need to get pulled. At the end of it, you're lower than a horse."

"What do you say!?"

Yin Yu who heard he's lower than a horse can't accept such humiliation! He wants to prove that he can also do what that horse can do! Yet, before he can do anything, the whip that pulls him before immediately disappear which cause Yin Yu to stumble for a while, and his body finally stops after he creates a block of ice to connect his foot with the ground.

"We've arrived, and it's my total victory! Hehehe…now you know who the boss here is!" Lan Yiyan says with pride while patting her chest.

"Geh…I lose...I'm going to win next time!" Yin Yu who saw the result can only accept his lose! What kind of excuse can he make? He loses because he falls? That's his own mistake, and he even gets helped after he falls! How can he dare to make himself more uncool than before by saying excuse?

"Heh, get on your horse, we still need to be quick to arrive at the Student Hall on time." Lan Yiyan says while looking at Yin Yu who is washing the dirt that got into his body.

"Student hall? Aren't we going to head to the classroom?" Yin Yu who's in the middle of washing the dirt with water element ask with confusion while Lan Yiyan who heard his question look at him like an idiot before she says. "Don't you read the school schedule?"


"This idiot…! Read the schedule when you have time later! We need to go fast! Now!"

"I just didn't have any time to read it yesterday Ok? Alright, alright... I'll read it later Ok?"

"Let's go!"

With that said, both of their horse starts to run again, and albeit it's a little slower than before, they're still riding it at high speed, which makes some people shook their heads as they know both of them are going to be late, no matter how fast they keep going, unless they can...

Both Yin Yu and Lan Yiyan arrive at the Student Hall after a while and become relieved after they saw there's still a lot of freshman standing in front of the Student Hall. Both of them get down from their horses and feed its some demonic pet food before they look at all of the students standing outside of the Student Hall.

Yin Yu can see that the situation outside the student hall is weird, no, it should be said that it's bizarre, as Yin Yu can see that there's a freshman who's using a cauldron and try to make something as fast as he can which makes the ingredient mismatched and destroyed in the process, there's a group of freshman who uses their qi technique and hit the spot together, and there's a freshman who uses some kind of compass and calculates for a while before he started to go through a place and disappear from his sight while there's other who are trying to follow him but get repelled back by some sort of barrier.

"Weiss Magan" (Yin Eyes)

Yin Yu who saw that freshman disappears become quite curious and activating his Yin eyes and saw the freshman that entered earlier sigh in relief before he proudly walk into the Student Hall, while there's also a lot of freshmen who're looking at the people outside like they're a bunches of idiot.

'Is this a test?'

With that notion in mind, Yin Yu eyes start to become more focused while he observes the Student Hall. There, Yin Yu can see a lot of formations, which is connected to each other in the surroundings, and looking closely, Yin Yu can also look at the words written there from afar.

"Put a successful pill, that's concocted not longer than 1 hour here, to open the way."

"Repair a set of equipment from the available junks, to open the way."


"Use knowledge of formation, to walk through the life door."

"Create a tasty spiritual food, to open the way."

"Use your strength and wit, to destroy the barrier."

"Those who didn't pass this place before the time runs out…Will be given punishment…"

"Time Limit 00: 03: 36"
