
The semi-finals were arranged to begin the next day. The last few days saw the quick decrease of contestants from one hundred contestants to the final eight. The last eight students were the top ranking out of all the fighters. Of course, three of the final eight were Tower and the Gun brothers. The remaining five contestants were Imperial Prince Canscino, Booji, Prince Karretun, Phyber Kern, and Fanna Grace.

The night before the semi-finals a large banquet was held. All of the semi-finalists appeared and all the big organizations and sects were there to make connections and draw in the young men and woman. B'wiri invited Fanna Grace to sit with her during the dinner. Also present at the table were Tower and the Gun brothers. Fanna Grace was excited to receive an invitation from the Amazon Warrior B'wiri, how many people could brag that they shared a dinner with a member of immortal Amazons?

Each of the respective semi-finalists sat next to their masters or relatives. Almost everybody in the semi-finals with an immortal. Fanna Grace, however, was not, she was there by herself. After enjoying the grand meal, the semi-finalists retired to a previously prepared side room. This was an opportunity for the young fighters to talk with each other. Typically, at these events, contestants don't usually gather like this. However, knowing that B'wiri was an Amazon and that these three men would soon join a supreme set; the immortal elders encourage the gathering. This was an opportunity for their young people.

Most of the young warriors got along with Tower and the Gun brothers. Aerun Mounkeh was also there. Aerun Mounkeh was the direct disciple of Jek Alto while Prince Karretun was the great-grandson of Jek Alto. for this reason, Prince Karretun sat next to Aerun Mounkeh, the Gun brothers, and Tower. Now, all but three warriors were directly associated with Tower and the Gun brothers.

There was at least one person not happy about the situation. The Imperial Prince Canscino began to make their displeasure known to everyone. Imperial Prince Canscino was known for his arrogance and he did not like sharing the spotlight with anyone. In his mind, he was the one who should win the tournament and have all of the attention.

He didn't care about immortal backers; he also had one. What really matters was skill and your ability to effectively use your strength. Just because the Gun brothers had an Amazon training them and we're soon become part of a supreme sect; what did it matter to him? Everything came down to how well you used what you learned.

Imperial Prince Canscino learned that Tower and the Gun brothers spent quite a bit of time engaged in wars. Prince Canscino had never been on an actual battlefield, however, he had fought life and death battles in various missions for the sect he belonged to. His sect didn't care that he was a prince so the training was authentic.

Prince Canscino didn't believe there was any difference between the amount of life and death experience he had versus the experiences of Tower and the Gun brothers.

The Prince was arrogant. At a very young age, people told him he was a genius, Those sentiments were confirmed for him over and over again throughout his life. He never found a worthy opponent, everyone he fought was much weaker than him. In the few battles that were challenging, he always came out on top with increased insights. This increased his ability to find worthy opponents.

In his mind, there was nothing that Tower or the Gun brothers had that he didn't. He believed he was Superior to anyone in the semi-finals. Therefore, it was very difficult for him not to be upset with the special treatment Tower and the Gun brothers received. Even the beautiful young Warrior Fanna Grace was interested in these men while he was completely ignored.

From the moment he saw Fanna Grace he wanted to pursue her. However, before he had a chance to greet her, she was surrounded by the young men at B'wiri's table. To make matters worse, it seemed like she really enjoyed their company. The immortal backing these men were extremely approachable. Unlike most immortals who keep a stern and distant feeling between themselves and mortals; B'wiri was extremely friendly and willing to share whatever she could with the young Warrior girl.

It was futile to complain he found as he was ignored. When he attempted a more aggressive approach, Uncle Mawri smacked him in the head and publically humiliated him while apologizing to the Amazon woman. He was forced to apologize and bowed with his face touching the ground until he was forbidden. The largest of the three, Tower, told him to know his place!

These humiliations weren't something he could tolerate, but he didn't know how to resolve them.

The next morning, the semi-finals began. All the young warriors gathered. The Spectators filled the stands. B'wiri occupied her place in the V.I.P. box along with the other immortals who watched as the proceedings began.

The fight lineup for the first round was announced as being Tower versus Booji while the second round was Malcus vs Prince Canscino. third round, Prince Karretun versus Paneneko. The final round featured Phyber Kern versus Fanna Grace. The day would end with two warriors standing at the end. The finals would be fought the next day.

Tower was in the lead to begin the battle, and his first opponent was Booji. Based on the preliminary battles he was an incredible fighter. He demonstrated ability and skill to a standard similar to Tower. Like Tower. it was clear that he spent quite a bit of time on the battlefield honing his skills.

Booji wore very trendy clothes instead of a traditional battle outfit. It was clear Booji loved to show off and stand out from the crowd. The pants he wore were light gray with a white shirt that came to the elbows a gold chain from his neck and stylized hair. Unlike most people on the Afrina continent, he was light complected. His light skin caused him to stand out from the crowd.

Tower was extremely excited about this match. He was aware that Booji had a startling reputation on the battlefield and he desired to test his skills against another Warrior of similar caliber.

It was always Towers practice to be absolutely focused when going into any battle. Whether the battle was fought in an actual war or if it was one fought on a stage such as today's battle.

These were the kinds of battles that Tower hoped for from the very beginning when they came to this city. The capital, unlike other places, should boast of strong fighters. Unfortunately, he was largely disappointed by the overall battle abilities of those in this tournament.

It is possible that Tower's fighting abilities already rose to such a degree that he would no longer be able to find strong enough warriors who could put up a good fight. The younger generation was at a much lower level of fighting ability than he expected.

The ref stepped into the battle arena and motioned to both men in their respective Corners to step forward. The fight began as soon as the two men got within three meters.

Boojie jumped in the air and attempted to make a downward strike taking Tower by surprise. However, Tower was used to these kinds of antics, he had seen people fight like this. on the battlefield. Tower prefer to have his feet on the ground when he fought. it was only when in contact with the Earth that Tower felt he could use his maximum power.

Tower defended conservatively, against this young man who attacked with ferociousness. This was ferociousness born in the face of life and death events. However, Tower was used to this kind of approach to a fight. All Tower needed to win was one opening and that's what he was looking for. He didn't feel the need to jump all over the platform. Tower was too smart for this.

As Boojie crashed down towards Tower his punch; Tower simply stepped out of the way allowing Boojie to continue with his fist into the ground. Unexpectedly, Boojie was able to change the trajectory of his attack and follow Tower with his fist. Boojie's maneuver was impossible at least that's what people thought.

Despite Tower's attempt to evade the attack, the heavy fist still collided with Tower. The punch forced him back a few steps Tower quickly recovered from the punch, and then followed up with a sidekick of his own.

Stepping around Towers kick, Boojie was able to take an extra step closing in on Tower. He made another attempt to punch, but Tower was able to avoid the punch. This fight was unlike every other fight in the competition. This Boojie had a real fighting ability.

Tower decided to go in for a fast attack to try to force some punches to connect with his opponent. So far Tower had not landed even one strike. Rushing forward, Tower was unleashing a combo forcing Boojie to be defensive. This threw him off balance, allowing Tower to attack even more fiercely.

During this battle Tower suddenly had an insight into his fist techniques. He was suddenly able to produce his punches like a gentle stream one punch flowed into the next quickly. He improved his technique and the reduced the air resistance on his fists as he punched. The lack of resistance dramatically increased Tower's speed and his punching became much faster.

However even though Tower's punches became even more efficient, he still had to contend with Boojie's ferocious attacks. Boojie persevered and continue pressing his advantages as well.

Tower and his opponent separated from each other momentarily as they both took in a couple of breaths panting while studying each other. So far, this has been the most difficult battle that he faced in the tournament.

Both opponents took in a breath of air, breathing sharply they rushed towards each other punching out with their fists colliding causing a loud pop and explosion. It was as if two forces were combining creating an even greater force. Both Tower and Boojie were forced back from this explosive force. Once they stabilized their footing they stopped. Both of them were worn out from the fighting. Their stamina was quickly diminishing even though the fight had not taken that long. Still, both fighters knew that now, it was time to finish things.