The Great Battle

The dust in the air settled down after a few moments. Lorne was shocked by the strength of the General's punch. It was exactly on par with Lorne's punch. It was true he wasn't using his entire strength but when had he needed to. Even fighting the Commander didn't require all of his strength, especially after his power up.

"Not bad little cultivator. You were able to handle ten percent of my power. What are you called?" asked General Maek.

"The Invincible Hero," responded Lorne.

The General was a little stunned for a moment and then started to laugh.

"Invincible? Do you truly think you are invincible?" asked he General finding Lorne's arrogance amusing.

Lorne was very annoyed. He didn't come up with this name people on Earth just started calling him that. No one had a problem with his super hero name until he reincarnated and then everyone found it funny and arrogant.

He was exasperated, he was having a life or death battle with the General of the Fiends and the lives of everyone in his Samsara pod was riding on the outcome. If he died, he couldn't take them with him in his Samsara Pod.

According to BS42 having that many conflicting karmic lines intersecting in one point would literally destroy the Samsara pod and possible every soul on board. This was clearly a very grave situation and this General Maek Fiend Supreme here was harassing him about his name!

"I didn't name myself, it's a name I was given. I've always looked at the name as more of a goal for myself." Lorne didn't know how many times he said this line but even he was getting tired of hearing it. Every time he said it he believed it less and less himself.

After all, he could have come up with a new name in this new place, who would know? Yet he kept honestly telling people what his name was. If he survived this battle, Lorne was determined to come up with a new super hero name.

Of course, in his heart of hearts he knew he would never change his name.

BS42 was trying to find a way to victory while Lorne and the Fiend General talked.

"Lorne, I think we should focus on gathering up B'riri, Tower, and Paneneko and then getting out of here. You're not a match for this guy. Escaping may be the only solution here," said BS42 through their spiritual connection. .

"Do you think we can even escape? I've made several attempts to grab Tower and the others and the General won't even let me get within a meter of them," said Lorne.

"What do you want to do? If thinks keep going like this, I guess you'll die again and we'll travel to a new world. We would have to abandon all of these cultivators or the Karmic strain will be too much for the ship. Plus, you would be leaving this world in the hands of Fiends," said BS42.

"We need to find a way to amp up my power. I need to get a lot stronger, otherwise, there isn't any hope for a good outcome," said Lorne.

BS42 was quiet for a few minutes before speaking finally.

"We might get enough power if we activate your Dragon form," said BS42.

"Did you leave that option available? I thought you said it was better to fully integrate my strength than to have different fighting forms," said Lorne.

"I did say that and I did integrate the dragon strength into your current body. Given the nature of your Zimwarn body and also the way I integrated everything, it's still possible to go into your dragon form and up your power even more," said BS42.

"If I go into my dragon form, how much of a boost are we talking?" asked Lorne.

"I don't know, at worst it will be negligible at best I'm thinking you'll double your strength," said BS42.

"Would that be enough strength?" asked Lorne.

"To defeat this guy, no, to get away, maybe," said BS42.

"Okay, it seems like our only chance to get out of this, what do we do?" asked Lorne.

"You focus on fighting this General and I'll try and figure out how to trigger the transformation," said BS42.

"Sounds like a plan," said Lorne.

Although the conversation was drawn out, BS42 and Lorne were speaking through their minds and therefore their conversation was as fast as thinking.

Now a plan was in hand, Lorne focused all of his effort on General Maek. He needed to survive long enough to make the plan possible.

Renewing his vigor and exploding with strength, Lorne threw himself once more into battle. The General was momentarily surprised but quickly recovered. He decided it must be the last acts of desperation on Lorne's part.

General Maek took great pleasure in messing with Lorne. He loved to toy with opponents who were obviously inferior to him. He could mock them, give them a glimmer of hope and then brutally destroy whatever hope they had.

The more desperate the person was the longer the General wanted to stretch out the fun. Right now, General Maek could tell Lorne was extremely desperate. A mad pleasure filled the General as he continued to draw Lorne in and then suddenly erupts with even more power.

It had been so long since the General had toyed with someone to this extent. Lorne knew his brute strength wasn't enough to win. He, however, wasn't merely using brute strength. The entire time he was fighting against the General, he was also laying down formations and with a single tap of his foot, several formations would come alive.

He was pretty sure the General was too caught up in his own delusions he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing.

Finally, his preparations were complete and he unleashed the full power of his killing and illusory formations. The General was trapped instantly in the illusion and endless amounts of firepower were unleashed upon the baffled General.

Loren believed he bought a few minutes of time, but immediately after finishing the formation a roar could be heard and his entire formation was torn through instantly.

It was surprising, even his best illusion formation only lasted a few seconds. Of course, he brought more than just this one strategy against the Fiend. Everything he could think of came out all the years of training everything came together in that moment.

Every gadget of Tower, poisons, mental techniques, and physical brute strength attacks were all thrown at the General at the same time.

None of it helped. The General walked through all of Lorne's best attacks as if nothing phased him. It was like he was walking through the park.

Using his improved Ridarn vision, Lorne followed the energy pathways threw the Fiends body and then used his Lazer vision in combination with his Ridarn vision to target his energy pathways.

Surprisingly, these attacks were effective. The attacks were almost invisible, if not for being able to feel the heat of the Lazer Vision, the General wouldn't even know how he was being attacked.

These attacks actually enraged General Maek. Before he was just taking Lorne half-seriously, but now he was beginning to get hurt.

Sure, the attacks weren't doing any real damage to him but they hurt a lot and interfered with his ability to do battle.

General Maek exploded in rage and sped up so fast even Lorne couldn't follow his movements. This meant he could no longer target the General's weak points.

A fist crashed into Lorne's jaw, he almost felt like his jaw was going to explode! One devastating punch after another slammed into Lorne. Blood splashed every where. If not for the density and flexibility of Lorne's bones his body would have shattered long ago.

For the first time, Lorne was learning one of the best benefits of his shape changing ability and that was it made taking a punch without dying possible. It still hurt, but if he took some of these punches without using his shape changing ability he would have already died many times over. Regardless of his massive power up, he couldn't handle the power of the General's punches.

Although he was being hammered into oblivion, Lorne still managed to make some observations. This Fiend General wasn't just strong, he also had unbelievable martial art capabilities, his speed was unimaginable, and his tactics were flawless.

Lorne realized his mistake now, if he had just acted like a punching bag earlier instead of actually trying to win, he would have been doing much better right now. He would have bought time for BS42 and not had to suffer such brutal attacks.

He was losing his focus and consciousness was mere moments away from fleeing from him. He didn't think he could hold on anymore. He even forgot why he was trying to hold on. Part of him was okay with things ending with his death. At least then he could rest.

Suddenly, however, he remembered why he was fighting. He wasn't just fighting for himself, his friends, his sect; he was fighting for an entire world! If the Fiends won today this world would fall to the Fiends and after this world the universe would soon follow.

"Lorne, focus, I've found a way. Get some distance from this guy and we can dragonize you!" It was BS42 speaking into Lorne's mind.

He was too groggy to respond and nodded his head.

A massive fist crashed into his face and sent Lorne flying away from the Fiend General. For the first time in a long time, one of the cave walls exploded apart as Lorne blasted through it. Lorne's collision sounded like the firing of a cannon on a battleship.

His body was buried under all sorts of debris but wasn't moving.