Salvation of the Fiends

"Have you chosen? Will you join me and take up the mantle of cultivator once more or shall I send you to the Fiend Fate?" the Overlord asked imperiously.

"If you can truly free me from the Fiend Fate then I will always walk beside you as your most loyal servant. If not, then I will fight against you with everything I have. You may have been a Great Fiend at one time, but right now you are much weaker," said the Fiend General Maek.

"I will free you!" promised the Overlord.

"Do you know how?" asked the Fiend General Maek.

"I have a good idea of how to start," said the Overlord.

The Fiend General was starting to get angry, it sounded like the Overlord didn't have a way. Perhaps all of his words were just bravado.

As General Maek was trying to decide whether or not to kill everyone here; BS42 suddenly appeared.

"We have a way to free the Fiends," said BS42.

"What evidence do you have?" asked General Maek.

"Our evidence is on the way, that should be him now," said BS42.

BS42 looked off into the distance and two figures were walking towards everyone. It was Master Compassion and Warbox Nimle.

"These are the two who destroyed your Command Center and the Fiend Gate. Warbox Nimle was previously one of your Fiends. Lorne, the Invincible Hero, encountered him outside of the Maze. He was able to convince him and his fellow Fiends he could save them from the Fiend Fate. This is stage One of the cure," explained BS42.

"He's a puppet," said General Maek with dissatisfaction.

"He is a Warbox. He is far more than a puppet, he is like me, a soul contained in a robotic body. We have many advantages over regular flesh and blood creatures. The first step in the process of freeing someone from the Fiend Fate is to remove the soul from the body and then placing it in a special robotic body. This body utilizes special unique technologies to bleed off the Fiend energy signature which we discovered is what signals the beginning of the Fiend Fate when a Fiend dies," said BS42.

After the Fiend energies are bled off, the purified soul can be placed in a new body. This body can be customized. It can really be whatever you want so long as we have DNA samples of the species. Heck, if you have the DNA for a body we could easily create a clone, or a clone which has been engineered to be stronger and better than before," said BS42.

"You already have the technology? You never told me," said the Overlord.

"Why tell you, we were just experimenting. We realized after we freed you from the Fiend Fate it was possible to free Fiends from the Fiend Fate and potentially turn them back into cultivators. However, we didn't know if the Fiends would like this or become Fiends again. We saw from the Great Fiend he was truly happy to become a cultivator but this didn't mean all Fiends would fill this way.

That's one of the reasons we also created Slave Seals to keep the Fiendish cultivators from betraying the cultivators again.

However, it sounds like Fiends really hate being Fiends," said BS42.

"That's true of all the Fiends who have converted from cultivators into Fiend, but True Fiends are a different matter," said the Fiend General Maek. The Overlord nodded his head in agreement.

"What do you mean," asked BS42.

"I'm sorry but I cannot say more. It is dangerous to have such conversations, especially exposed as we are, and I am still a Fiend and have certain restrictions placed upon me," said General Maek.

"Yes, we both do, I am also unable to speak further on this. I need to become completely free of the Fiend oath before I can say more," said the Overlord.

"Given the way things are, BS42 and I spoke and I wish to give you a gift to help you in your goals to free the Fiends from the Fiend Fate. This gift should be used for that end and not just to conquer," said Lorne as he nodded towards BS42.

BS42 placed one hand on Lorne and another hand on the Overlord. An ethereal Warship for outer space appeared and left Lorne's body and entered the Overlord's body. The Overlord's eyes snapped open, he closed them when he felt BS42 invading his internal space with his soul energy.

"Is this a Warship?" asked the stunned Overlord.

"It's more than a Warship, it's salvation," said Lorne.

"We began creating the Warships..." began BS42.

"Warships, there's more than one of these?" asked the Overlord.

"Yes, the first was launched a few years ago to explore the universe. We have received various updates from time to time. That Warship is geared more for exploration and defense. This Warship was going to be our flagship. We planned to create a fleet of them. It has a special Samsara lab dedicated to freeing Fiends from the Fiend Fate and turning them into Warboxes. We currently have converted forty-seven Fiends into Warboxes. There are more than two thousand Fiends locked in cryostasis waiting to be transformed.

Warbox Nimle is the first Fiend from here who has entered stage one," said BS42.

A woman suddenly appeared before them all. She was about five foot two inches, a slender waist, red hair, and a smart looking grey military uniform.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Stacey Yavo. She is our first successful Fiend who has gone through the complete process. She graduated from our naval academy after completing a series of tests and has proven herself to be a competent and loyal soldier. She has been given a standard Zimwarn body," said BS42.

"You are from the Zimwarn Empire?" asked General Maek.

"Yes, the Invincible Hero is a Prince from the Empire who is in the midst of his life training," said BS42.

"You are a son of Emperor Brazik Zimwarn?!" asked the Overlord in shock.

BS42 sighed and took in a deep breath releasing it.

"No, he is the forty-second generation grandson of the Emperor. I am from the forty-first generation and my brother, his father is the Emperor of a lower realm," said BS42.

Now, Lorne was shocked he never heard any of this information before. He thought his father was the founder of the Zimwarn Empire, but he wasn't? What was this Life Training thing BS42 just mentioned.

BS42 noticed Lorne's confused expression.

"I know I haven't told you any of this before, but it's true. You are a forty-second generation grandson of the founder of the Zimwarn Empire. Your father is the founder of the Zimwarn Empire for one of the lowest realms.

He was sent to the low realm to create a Zimwarn Empire. Our "Grandfather" realized one of the reasons the Fiends were doing so well is because they could send forces to any realm they desired no matter the level. Grandfather wanted to do something similar. Therefore, he created the Zimwarn Empire to expand not only across the multiverse, but also across the the infinite realms from the bottom to the top.

Your father and I grew up in the lower realms and like you, our father send us on a life training mission to establish our own Empire. We went about things a little differently and we created a unique path using our soul and Samsara technologies. We didn't want to just send our children to pointlessly die on their Life journey missions. We wanted there to be a high chance of survival, thus we created the Samsara pods. The difference between you and your father is that if he had failed he would have died forever. You and your brothers and siblings are all still alive even though you stretch throughout the multiverse. Well, all of you live except for maybe one brother we haven't heard from him for a few hundred thousand years.

You were sent out to create your own Zimwarn Empire, but I have come to realize you aren't suited for it. The Overlord is more suited for it than you. Of course, I recognize he will never want to serve the Zimwarn Empire, he could become a powerful ally. However, I wouldn't create anymore Zimwarn bodies, I'm sure, as a Great Fiend, you know of our Grandfather's eccentric personality," said BS42.

It was now the Overlord's time to show fear. He said nothing about this and merely nodded his head.

Lorne, was still confused.