: The Cai Family is no more, KISS KISS.

Chu Han Looked surprised at Lin, he gave her a pervert look in his eyes as he looked all around her body and said evilly. " is little Lin sure,? anything I ask .?"

Goddess Ling Looked at his face and Gave a cold `Humph`, then she never paid him any attention after.

Chu Han Laughed then asked we a serious expression on his face. " Little Ling, I need your help this time, You don't need to fight just ensure no one can help our enemy, okay.? if we can leave this city safely, I will give you a kiss."

Lin who was listening was surprised and looked at him eagerly." Real... Humph".

she found she has fallen in this guy trap` humph humph, who needs your kiss.`.

Chu Han felt helpless he really wanted her help, but he didn't want to force her.

As he was thinking of a way, to lure this Hot Demoness into helping him, he heard the system sound in his head.

"Side-mission: Save the Earl Daughter, from the hands of the Cai family, Any injury will be healed each injury will be healed for 100 points. from your points. if you can make the goddess Lin kiss you, you'll receive 15.000 points, as rewards, after saving The Earl daughter."

"Mission Rewards: 500 Years Ginseng, Dragon's Blood x3, you will also receive the Armour Called.`Thunder God`. The thunder god Armour can be used to stop three attacks from normal `Void Qi King Realm`. God's Hint.`Don't waste this Armour on some ants, on the way to be Immortal

blood and sweet should be poured.`".

" Mission Time: 2 Hours, if you cant save her in the mission time limit, you will lose 100 years of cultivation."

Chu Han looked at Little Lin and said in low voice. " Little Lin, You should hide in the shadows don't use your power even if I'm dying don't help me stay hidden, if there is any other power tries to interfere then you may stop them.". then he started running.

Little Lin was bewildered by his words, she was thinking, ` This handsome brother is so manly, I.. Humph` her face turned red and she hurriedly followed behind him from the shadows,

They arrived in front of the Cai manor, Then Chu Han Looked at the manor coldly, before crushing the gate with one palm, as he called out loudly.

Chu Hn Called Loudly. " Su Chi, you old bastard if you have dignity, come out and fight with this young master or else I'll destroy the whole Cai Manor."

Then Chu Han instructed Little Lin to Save Little Yin while he is fighting this old dodger, he told her how Little Yin looked like and she nodded and left.

When they Cai manor people arrived with Su Chi before the gates they saw Chu Han waiting there with a smile and he looked at the Cai manor people.

Chu Han Said politely. " May this junior ask the Cai family to not help Su Chi, this is a personal grudge I hope Mr Cai understands.".

He really didn't want to kill people for no reason, so he gave them a chance, a chance to live.

The Cai Family patriarch looked at him coldly." brat, Mister.Su grudges are our Cai family grudges."

Su Chi who was behind the old man, looked at Chu Han with a sneer." huh? you want to fight with me.? I was going to kill you tonight but it seems,

you sought your own death kid don't blame this senior."

Su Chi used a battle technique, and a movement technique its something called combination only strong cultivation can use two technique at the same time. he swung his sword at Chu Han Lift hand,

Su Chi Wanted to cripple Chu Han Left hand, and then Cripple the Right hand, then the Left Leg, and then the right leg. and for last he will behead him.

`Sou~~` (AN: Sou= Sword moving in the air.).

The sword penetrated Chu Han left-hand meat and scratched his bones, but Chu Han Moved back with his full speed.

Su Chi Looked Enraged and He said loudly. " huh? it seems you reached the ` Qi Transformation realm` i don't know how you did it but you just entered it with no martial arts to back it up you are nothing but a mere pig waits to be slaughtered."

As he waved for another attack, This time he went for Chu Han Head,

he went for the sure kill skill of the Su Clan Named ` Sword's Edge`.

Luckily this move Chu Han already knows about as he learned it when he fought with the Su Clan young master.

Su Chi was surprised but then enraged he looked coldly and said to Chu Han." DID YOU KILL MY YOUNG MASTER.?"

This time, Everyone could feel his killing intent, he will surely kill.

Chu Han Smiled and nodded." yup. it's me I killed that good for nothing young master, COME. BITE. ME." he wanted Su chi to lose his temper so he can get a close chance for his sure kill `Thunder Palm` with all his might, he doesn't care about any injury, all he knows he needs to kill this man in front of him.

As what Chu Han wanted, Si Chi went `Crazy` he even killed, some people from the Cai family who were next to him.

He went to kill Chu Han, one sword strike as he called loudly " Sword Spirit"

`OOM!!~~`. (AN: OOM= Strange movements)

A strange light shone on Su Chi sword as he leapt towards Chu Han With all his might, His sword Penetrated Chu Han Left Shoulder and went out.

Just as he thought he won he felt pain all over his stomach, when he looked he saw a palm mark on his stomach, while his Dantian Destroyed, he Cried before Coughing Blood then looked at Chu Han in Disbelief. before his mind went blank, he died just like that an expert at the 1st stage of the ` Qi Transformation realm` Died like that.

While all of This was happening outside the manor. Little Lin already went inside the manor and found the unconscious Little Yin, When she saw her face she was shocked. and Murmured." L-little sister.?" this girl was her little sister who left the world of Immortals with their father because her mother Clan, Didn't like their father, and they kicked him and her little sister since then she couldn't find them at all.

she shook her head and whispered.` That pervert seems to like her, he cares for her a lot he even went as far as to bet his life.`.

She carried the unconscious Little Yin before LEaving the Manor and When she walked out she was shocked.`That guy Actually won. haha seems like he is quite injured, serve him right.`. she came to him wanted to leave but he shook his head and whispered to her something. she nodded and left.

he looked at the Cai Manor people, he smiled coldly before saying loudly.

" From Today onwards, The Cai Family is no more"

He started a one side massacre after he killed all of the Cai family people.

He started to run to the City gates, where he saw two gorgeous girls waiting for him.

He waved them to leave, they all left the city, when they entered the woods, he suddenly stopped moving, and sat down. his face pale.

The two girls looked at his face and came running to his side, then they saw his pale face and Little Yin Cried pitifully." Chu Han, please be okay.". She hugged his hand but its then she saw the huge hole in his shoulder, she screamed.'AHHH' and then she cried even more.

Little Lin who stood there felt her heart Ache for him as if this Hole was in her own shoulder. she looked at him before walking to his left hand which was injured,

she held his hand and said calmly." d-do you need any help.?"

Chu Han shook his head and wanted to move, but he coughed

*cough* *cough* blood, his face paled and he almost collapsed.

The girls were frightened before they say anything Chu Han Smiled at them and said." hah, it...it seems I really cant survive this time."

Little Lin was scared and so Little Yin Almost fainted. then little lin remembered the 9th golden rank pills he once gave to her, she looked at him.

Then Little lin said." don't you have Strong healing pill.?"

Chu Han Shook his head." was my last no more, no...more" he let out a sigh.

she cried, yes she couldn't take it anymore, she held his hand while murmuring"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, what should I do, what should I do."

Chu Han Thought.` Humph, this young master will kiss, even if I have to die for that kiss.`

He said weakly." Can I ask for a kiss, maybe it will be my last kiss."

Little lin was shocked, but before she could say anything her little sister Little Yin hugged him and placed her face to his, then she planted a deep kiss. strange sounds were heard.

`Moans~~~~~!!!` (AN: Moans = Moans (*_*) )

Little Lin was shocked, but she soon gained her senses then forced her self to reach and kiss him another deep kiss. ` Humph see how this Immortal will kiss you to death.`

`Moans!!~~Moans~~Moans!!` ( AN: (*_*) )

Chu Han didn't want to stop but she pushed him back and looked at him in shock before her face turned Red." you cheated again, I hate you, Don't talk to me again. Humph" and left running with little Yin.

Chu Han looked at their back and said "KISS, KISS". his eyes were fixed on them.