:Little Yin Constitution Extreme Cold Yin Body, The Bet.



Chu Han Was about to Leave the hot spring when heard the system in his head.

" Host Finished the Main Mission: Rewards will be given."

Chu Han Heard another sound in his mind.


" Host Received Rewards: ` The Yang Sun Immortal Cultivation Technique`, Host Can use This technique with your Extreme Yan body, you will be able to Reach Earth Immortal Easily if you Cultivate hard, ".

"God's Hint.`you stupid brat. I gave you the reward, don't lose me face and Reach Earth immortal as fast as possible, or else. Humph, This Goddess will Torture you`."

Chu Han Mind received the `Immortal-level Cultivation Technique.` and he found its something very easy, he just needs to absorb the sun Energy and Transform it into Yang energy before Transforming it into Qi, then use the Qi to try breakthrough the realm barrier.

This `Immortal-level Cultivation Technique.` only mentioned cultivation ranks from `Spirit Qi Realm` - ` Hight Mortal Realm` - ` Void Qi Spirit Realm`

- ` Low Earth Immortal Realm` - ` Mid Earth Immortal Realm` - ` Hight Earth Immortal Realm` - ` Sky Immortal Realm` - ` Void Immortal Realm` - ` Void Qi King Realm` - `Void Qi Emperor` .

But other than these ranks the `Immortal-level Cultivation Technique.` didn't mention which means this `Immortal-level Cultivation Technique.` wasn't complete.

Chu Han shook his head, before leaving the spot when he arrived at the spot he agreed upon with the two girls, he saw them sitting while chatting together.

he was surprised when he arrived they both stood and smiled at him, he felt happy.

Little Lin Said happily." Honey. I found out that Little Yin is my long lost little sister." but her face turned to sadness as she said." but our father is dead, I wanted to see him even once." she threw herself at Chu Han and started Crying pitifully.

Chu Han Was about to Speak when he saw Little Yin Threw herself at him, and Both girls went on crying.

He Felt sad for both of them, even he the pervert Chu Han didn't want to take advantage of them, but their Moulds were hitting his chest` Ah.. what sensation.`. just as he wanted to disperse the thoughts,

Little Lin Looked at his eyes and somehow as if she saw through his thoughts, She said meekly."Chu Han, I want to avenge Father.".

He nodded and whispered."we are still too weak to attack the Emperor or even the Others involved in the Huge scheme.".

Little Lin Nodded as if she felt relieved she hugged him tightly and said shyly." I thought you were just a pervert and a bad man, but it seems you are a big pervert and a big bad man, humph. but I don't hate you.". she said so as she took Little Yin and walked. Chu Han, Shook his head slightly




When they arrived at the Crimson Eye kingdom border city, they found a manor. Chu Han bought the Manor. This manor was small, with flower garden in the courtyard.

At Night.

Inside The Manor, Chu Han sat there cross-legged, with both Little Lin and Little Yin.

Little Lin was watching Chu Han Cultivating using the Technique he just received. and felt shocked. no, she exactly felt deep shock, this man has a lot of treasures even his cultivation technique isn't normal either. exactly who is this man really.?.

She shook her head before going back to cultivate quietly. While both Little Lin and Chu Han Were Cultivating Little Yin was looking at them with a curious look on her face,

Chu Han opened his eyes and saw the look of curiosity in Little Yin eyes,

he Flashed and came to her side, gave her a hug and asked." Do you want to learn to cultivate little Yin.?."

Just as his question left his mouth, Little Lin Opened her eyes and looked at little Yin in Chu Han Arms and Said with a smile, "Little Yin. Just you wait. I will make sure to find a perfect Cultivation technique for you, You bad man let her go, we don't need your things humph." She really. Loved her little sister.

Chu Han Said with a smile." Little Ling Wanna bet with me.? Who can get her a perfect and high cultivation technique will win the bet, so if I win I need to kiss you, and if I lose you will kiss me okay." he was really cunning and pervert.(AN: LOL).

Little Lin Gave him a snort before saying." who wants to kiss you, if you lose you have to let me see your cultivation technique."

She then took out a book from her Spatial Ring and handed it over to Little Yin while saying." See little sister, I Love you more than he does. see this is an Earth Tire Cultivation technique, you don't need his low tire things right. right?."

Chu Han Smiled when he saw this as he looked pitifully at Little Yin."Little Yin will you take this Earth tire thing if you promise you give me a hug and a kiss, I will give you an Immortal Tier Technique. okay.?"

Little Yin Was Elated, and Looked with a shy face and said meekly." I Trust you. but I Trust my sister the same. I Love you both."

Little Lin Snorted t his words and said haughtily," Humph even this immortal only have a low ranked Immortal Tier Book, How can you have one as well, if you can bring one out I will do whatever you ask humph. humph."

Chu Han Was Elated as he already searched in the system shop and found a technique which related to the Extreme Yin Constitution called. ` Extreme Yin Qi Cold body` ts price was at 11.000 points, was a lot but for this bet its nothing.




Chu Han looked all around Little Lin body with a pervert look as he grinned evilly." Anything I ask huh.? are sure.? don't go back on your words after losing."