The Seeker

Perzeus then backed out and look at Max and formed his hand with a big X indicating that Max missunderstood. "I am sorry it is not what you think"

Max then returned to his calm self and asked "What is it then?"

Perzeus move forward and touched Max hand "I can sense your ultra-high mana, your soul structure is quite interesting, and you also have triple S rank mind which can be accumulated by a person who has gone through a lot. That means you are actually a black growth rate magoi drawer yet you are not yet a magoi drawer, It seems I can leave you with the body of the dragon prince of Asgard which happens to be the last dragon and impart to you my soul because I am being hunted and I know I will no longer survive another week."

Max eyebrows twitched and a sign of discomfort is shown to his face "Ha? Are you kidding me? Another body what's wrong with my body? I am decently good looking you know and your soul I do not know any good use about that"

Perzeus gently smiled then explained "Your body is of a human, mankind has lost the battle since ancient times and they rarely possess mana and their body is quite fragile. Dragons are only second to the gods yet they were punished to extinction"

"There is 12 types of creatures in this solar system, the first rank the gods which controls absolute control of the laws of power, the second are the dragons which have strong body's that cannot even be destroyed unless if it was a god, they also possess high aptitude in mana and laws of power. The third are the keepers which are the 4 primordial beast, the 7 deadly sins, the 12 protectorates of heaven, the 13th key which are created by the gods to protect great treasures, the fourth being the angels who serves the gods, the 5th, 6th and 7th are the vampire's, wolves and elves who has their own individual powers which concern blood lines which control fire, ice and wood respectively. The vampires has the ability to make contracts with demons and summons them while wolves can integrate with demons and elves can absorb the demon like a supplement to increase its power. The 8th are the demons which does not possess any intellect yet roamed everywhere and they possess different kinds of powers depending on what demon and level, and the 9th being the followers which are humans who possess the legacy and bloodline of the gods or of the keepers. The 10th were humans which rarely has high magic attributes. The 11th being the beast men who are cursed human which has animal body parts; they only possess speed, blood lust and physical boost magic and the 12th who were special and rarely seen the seekers"

Max then looked at Perzeus directly in the eyes and in a confused face and asked; "Oookay… so which are you? And in this planet how many race resides?"

Perzeus realized that Max is getting really curious about him and answered without holding back "We seekers are rank last due to us never being able to reproduce and as of now there is only a few hundred left of us because we are immortal beings that cannot reproduce and can be killed. We have the power to make contracts that can never be denied and make anyone undergo rebirth which is a power that the gods envied upon. Hmm this planet is called Gaia and the race here is of the vampires in Astera nation to the east, the followers in Phoenix nation to the south, the beast man in the Weiser nation to the west, wolves in Blue Monarch nation to the north, and at the center is here the Creator nation, a nation of humans. There are also the demons which roams everywhere and some elves which are rarely seen in the forest."

Max seiously said; "hmmph, so I'm basically almost at the bottom of the food chain huh…."

Perzeus stood up and started loughing "you make me laugh, you did not even realized the barrier magic that I casted from the time I grabbed you a while ago and now you're making a joke about the "

Max with an angry expressionin his face replied with serious tone "hmm shut up… so what exactly is chasing you?"