Kram the Guide

Max turned his head away sulking "I thought it would have the appearance of someone I really cared about maybe Perzeus memories snuck in and changed the picture -..-"

Max then rubbed his hands on his chin "hmmph speaking of perzeus memories I am still not getting the hang of his millions of years memories"

The girl was still unconscious so Max laid the girl down on his bed. Max tried to check the girl's body and found that the stone he shattered was in the girls palm, embedded in her flesh. Max touched the gem and was startled when the gem glittered and the girl is started to regain consciousness.

Max looked at the girl and showed a chearful face "Hmmph, I am Max. What is your name?"

The girl looked at max then looked at max touching her arms. The girl suddenly retrieved her hands abruptly and said; "watch where you are touching me, you vile creature, perverted dog"

Max covered his mouth and initially thought to himself "Oh my gosh what a dirty mouthed little girl I will discipline you later" but did not say the sentence.

"Who are you calling dirty mouthed little girl my name is Kram and I will allow you to call me Lord Kram the keeper which is under the true god's care. I can read your thoughts as clear as day light."

Max looked at the girl with astonishment in his eyes "Now I finally understand the identity of the guy who sent me to this world."

The girl looked away with stubborn face "hmmmph, I may just be a part of his soul but I do understand about half of this world's secrets."

Max smiled and asked; "So can you tell me about that appearance you have?"

The girl pinched at Max right cheek verry hard and yelled "you nut brained creature not only you were reborn after you came to this world.You were also merged with another soul, how can you even encounter such bad luck in the first day you came here"

Max then was rubbing his right cheek with his hands crying "At least he saved me from falling while you yourself transported me here in the sky, wouldn't I be dead and encountered the most idiotic bad luck ever if that happened?"

Kram looked away and was trying to hide her laughing face in secret.

Max then clenched his teeth and yelled; "You! Little girl you really have the guts to make fun of me and don't assume any responsibilities huh"

Kram crossed both her hands in her chest and with a straight back she spoke; "Ok I was wrong; I never thought that you cannot fly because you are the creator's blood relative. Besides the soul that was merged to yours has actually had his own mind in which he will only transfer memories he wants you to know and does not want to obliterate your mind and resume control over the body. He even change my looks into a little child"

Max who was still hurt in the face was astonished and showed his puppy eyes "Eh so that's why I cannot really remember anything about his memories"

Kram looked at Max and smiled "I am also a part of your soul, but I have my own body. I can freely go in and out of your body anytime you need me."

Max then gave Kram a handshake and smiled "Ok then I will be counting on you in my journey to find what the creator really desired"