Goy Ung

Kram moved towards Myx "My name is Kram who has the soul of the keeper of the 3 books of creation that is an abomination in the eyes of the true god."

Max looked at Myx with difficult face "Little brother Myx sit down and I will properly explain everything that I know to you"

Myx then sat beside Max and Kram followed them and sat on top of the table. "Sit tight and I will do the explaining"

Kram reach out both of her hands to their forehead and casted . In an instant the memories that max wanted to explain to Myx was transferred in an instant.

Myx was stunned by the memories that he received "What kind of spell did you just used?"

Myx knows that the keepers, angels and gods have the ability to control law but still asked the question through curiosity.

Max who did not really understood what happened looked at Kram and Myx with a confused face "Can you both explain to me what just happened because I did not really felt anything that happened."

"That is called memory transfer and it is something that can be learned once you reach the level above 100 expansion level. And if you thought that it has something to do with Law of elements, you are quite wrong."

The elemental laws are the powers of the gods, the keepers, seekers and angels were also able to use the powers of laws. Elemental law users were rank by their origin, God who are at the top, keepers as the second, and angels and followers at the bottom. Kram being a seeker that originated from the true god is also one of the users of elemental laws.

Myx moved away and turned his back on both Max and Kram "Now I do understand and from what I can see from your abilities as our guide I hope that you will not use your powers and hinder our growth and have a way to hide your aura"

"Do not worry my only Job is to ensure the safety of the book. I will only intervene in life threatening situations and also provide answers and guidance regarding your questions about the book and this world. The book itself is the number one artifact in this world due to the books ability to confirm the uses and functions of other artifacts, unlocks their special abilities, and enhance their output. The book also has the ability to absorb these artifacts inside their pages becoming its scabbard"

Max and Myx finally understood that Kram were only being this nice and welcoming because of the parts of the books inside their soul. Max then smiled at Kram "We should go now, I am already absent for my morning class. If we still continue to discuss about this I will be late for my afternoon classes. I am just worrying specially that this is the last year for me at the institute."

Myx slightly bowed "Ok big brother Max I should take my leave and head out to master Zhangs courtyard for training."

Watching Myx leving Kram entered back to Max soul. Max then left the house and headed to the Wrenkstel institute.


It's still around 11 AM in the morning and the Wrenkstel institute students are still in the class room and the scenery in the entrance of the institute was quiet. Max walked pass the entrance and saw his best friend Goy Ung in a tree eating an apple.

Max approached his best friend. Max twitched his eyebrows and with an annoyed face he asked; "Goy kun, are you skipping classes again?"

Goy Ung who was only focusing on his apple was startled by Max voice and accidentally dropped his apple. Goy Ung looked at Max showing a trace of happiness "Max kun, you are back. I thought you were sick, you really made me worried and I couldn't even eat"

Max twitched his eyebrows, straightened his back and coughs a little "Oh so you were really worried about me that you couldn't even eat so that explains the apples"