Jack the reaper is my temporary body guard

Max felt bitter in his heart for allowing both men take advantage of him but he can only endure for the reason that he cared for the both of them. Max looked at Myx and bitterly smiled "Little brother Myx, I will go back to our old home in Floros village where we grew up to check some medicinal plants and also to check the Tigris ruins. I also plan to visit mother and father's grave."

Myx was quite puzzled about Max decision going back to their village. The village did contained memorable memories for the both of them but it also reminded them about their birth parents death. The village was the place where their clan started and it is a huge village with mountains and rivers surrounding it to the far west border of the country.

"Then I will go with brother Myx to ensure his safety." Their village was quiet dangerous due to being crossed by beast man and other demons which is crossing the border from time to time. Myx was worried about the fact that Max would like to venture to the tigris ruins which is located in the border itself.

Max slightly smiled "Little brother Myx should not come with me for the sake of sister Yoan. I will depart along with Ken Roui and also hire some escort for us to go to the village and enter the ruins."

Myx clenched his teeth and think through it for a brief moment then nodded in agreement. "Then I will let you burrow one of my guards who is already at level 69 expansion level who protects me where ever I go." The king values violet growth rate magoi drawer the most in the whole country only having 3 living and numbering less than 30 for the past 100 thousand years of history. These violet growth rate magoi drawers will reach the heavens living their lives up to 3-10 thousand years. Myx Master who he calls Master Zhang is the most powerful magoi drawer in the country already at the 2nd divine power which is 2000 expansion level in the ways of mana and was already 4 thousand years old.

Max slightly smiled and noded "Then I will politely accept little brother's offer."

Myx then lift his right hand and snapped his fingers producing a sound with a slight aura resounding with it. A dark shadow appeared behind Myx that gradually turned into man. The man has black robe with hood covering his eyes only showing his pale skin from mouth to neck and beautiful rosy lips strikingly resembling that of a woman. The man i also holding a dagger and has chains on his wrist and ankles.

Myx slightly turned and moved her hand toward the man "This is Jack the reaper, 7th among the 12 royal knights of the king who is one of the 2 royal knights currently under me. I also have Elise the undead which is rank 11th."

Max looked at the figure whom Myx is pointing his hand on "I never thought that the most deadly of the royal knights is on brothers command."

Jack spoke with a pleasant voice yet so unfitting with his looks "I Jack killsmore the reaper 7th rank of the royal knight will protect Max Chaeus Zoen with my life"

Max looked at the unmoving Jack behind Myx and slightly smiled "Then we will keep this a secret and want you to stay in the shadows for the time being and will only show when trouble comes."

Max then transmitted his voice to Kram "Kram is it ok to trust this guy? And why haven't you talked lately?"

Kram then transferred his voice with an angry tone "I forcefully hibernated for the time being. I don't want to see and hear your vile actions last night till this morning!" kram then took a glimpse of Jack "This guy is truly powerful adapting to the artifacts power. His dagger is called carnwennan, the dagger of the hero King Arthur. It is sometimes attributed with the magical power to shroud its user in shadow. He used it to slay the witch Orddu, daughter of Orwen by slicing her in half. I can't say if this guy is trouble or what but you are safe from this guy as long as I am here."

Max was amazed by Kram's description of the artifact. Artifacts are weapons or any object that can never be replicated and if it does it is not as powerful as the original

Max then moved towards Myx smiling "Little brother Myx, I will go and find Ken Roui now and inform him about our departure tomorrow morning. I hope that my dorm room's repair will also be done as soon as I get back from the trip. I hope that little brother will pay for his damages to the dorm mistress as soon as possible." Max then kissed Myx cheeks and walked out of the room with a big smile in his face.

Myx suddenly realize about the damages he has done and twitched his eyebrows feeling mocked by his brother about paying the bills and watched as his brother and Jack disappear from the room.

Max who walked outside the dorm stumbled across Gok Han of all occasions and gritted his teeth "I never thought that the bloody Gok Han who is a member of the Han guardian family would appear in front of such a lowly student dorm. Are you perhaps looking for Kloe san?"