
'It's been about two months since the last time I was able to see anyone's life spa-'


The school bell rang signaling final period was over, interrupting his train of thought.

Sigh 'maybe it's for the best'

A wry smile crept onto his face showing that he didn't really believe it.

After packing up his stuff, he proceeded to leave his classroom.

Whenever he walked in or out of class, his fellow classmates would either stop talking or begin whispering about him, trying their best not to look into his eyes.

Even if they tried to hide it, he could still see the hatred and fear just based on body language.

But It was something he'd already gotten used to so the looks no longer bothered him, it was almost as if none of them existed.

These looks had very little to do with his physical appearance, though he couldn't be described as incredibly handsome he wasn't average either, with his long bright grey hair and ice grey eyes, he stuck out like a sore thumb.

When he was younger he discovered that he possessed a strange ability, he wasn't sure what it was, but after observing it for a few months and coming across a few 'coincidences' he finally realized what it was.

He was able to see people's lifespan.

Although it wasn't clear at first, he'd see a blurry illusory hourglass with five different sets of numbers above it.

After coming to this conclusion along with his naivety as a child, he would go around and tell people that they were about to die.


'Good morning Grandma G'

She looked around to find out who was calling her but she didn't see anyone. She felt a tugging on her dress, when she looked down she saw the little grey-haired boy.

'Hello Azreal, where's your mom?' Unable to stop herself she smiled at the little boy.

'She went to the supermarket to get some tomatoes. I'm supposed to wait for mommy and not cause are you feeling today grandma g?'

He stopped fidgeting when he asked her this, staring at her for an answer.

'Oh, I'm fine dear. grandmas as healthy as a horse'

When she said this she couldn't help but laugh while looking at the little boy in front of her, he didn't seem amused though, instead he looked worried.

'I really think you should go to the doctor, gran-'


Before he could finish what he was saying, he heard his mother calling him so he smiled back at the old lady and ran off while saying

'Remember to go to the doctor'

'Alrighty dear'

Thinking that the little boy was just worried about her, she couldn't help but smile even more and agree with him to make him feel better.

'Awww are you worried about her'

'mhmm mm, she going to die soon, maybe if she goes to the doctor they'll be able to help'

The young woman couldn't help but freeze after hearing what her son just said.


Whenever he told someone to go to the doctor they would all just laugh it off, thinking he was just a child who was worried about losing the people he knew.

It wasn't until later when the very same people he told to go to the doctor started dying that people started paying attention to him, though most still thought it was just a coincident, after all the people that had died so far already had a foot through death's door.

But as time went on things started to look less and less like a coincident and people had no choice but to stop and take notice of the child who was giving out these death sentences in the form of 'go to the doctor'.

When it became painfully obvious that all this was connected to the little boy, there wasn't the least bit of curiosity as to how he did it; everyone came to fear and hate him.

That year when he turned eleven, he was ostracized by the entire town.

Parents forced their children to stop playing with him and if he even looked at one of the adults too hard they would 'discipline' him, At least that's what the excuse they told his mother.

His mother, seeing him in such a state, would cry and beg for them to stop.

'Please he's just a little boy, why are you treating him like this!?' She would cry.

'Why are we treating him this way?? He is working for the devil and should have never existed!!! If it wasn't for your late husband, we'd have already sent you and that demon to live in the mountains!!'

'That's right, you're lucky we even let him stay in this town! you should be thanking us but here you are making it seem as if we're the ones who are wrong'

No matter how much his mother begged and pleaded they wouldn't stop, every night he would cry himself to sleep.

Possibly the only reason why they didn't kill him was that his father had died saving some children from a burning building, making his father a small hero.

In the end, his mother had no choice but to apologize and leave with her head held down.

As time went by he got used to being by himself and not depending on anyone, causing him to grow more and more antisocial by the day.

Even though they didn't force her and her son to leave and go live in the mountains, they didn't make it easy for them to stay.

She lost her job due to 'low performance' and on the very same day, when she was going home after picking up her son from school, she saw smoke billowing up into the sky coming from the direction of her house.

When she got there, the house was already completely engulfed in flames and no matter how much she screamed for help, no one came.

Any normal person who went through all of this would've already been on the brink of a mental breakdown but she had to be strong for her son.

With no other choice, she left with her son, building a little hut in the mountains and they were fine for a while.

She would teach him how to read and write and whatever else she knew and he would absorb it all like a sponge, they survived on eating fruits and whatever else they could catch and roast.

But reality came crashing in when he was fifteen. His mother had gotten sick.

She went out to gather some fruits and accidentally ate something she was allergic to.

He had no idea this would happen because for some reasons he's never been able to see his mothers lifespan.

With no other choice, he ran into town in the pouring rain, based on the weather there would be a storm but none of that mattered. He couldn't tell how many times he'd slipped and scraped himself but he still ran to the town doctor.

'Doctor please help my mom, she's sick ! please help her!'

But no one answered the door no matter how much he bashed upon it.

Looking around he could see someone looking through the curtains on the side and also hear whispers coming from inside.

'.....who's outside?'

'....its that silver hair boy'

'....make him go away'

After banging away for close to an hour he realized it was pointless, running back home he decided to stay with his mom in her final hours, laying down beside her bed, crying.

'Am sorry mom...I'm so sorry.....if only I wasn't born this way.... I'm so sorry'

For the entire night, he cried. He had no idea when he fell asleep but the next morning when he woke up his mother was hugging him.

Her body was cold and she wasn't breathing.

That day he dug a grave for his mother and carved out her name into a headstone, crying until there was no longer any sound coming out of his mouth.

When he finally stopped crying, he decided that he was going to go back to school, his mother had always wanted him to get a proper education and leave this place.

And the fact that he knew that it would piss them off made him want to do it even more.

In the blink of an eye it'd been two years since his mother died and during those two years, he'd started going back to school.

He'd been in so many fights that he didn't even know the exact number anymore, these students had all lost someone 'because of him' and their parents would describe how he had 'caused' the death of their loved ones.

Both his parents were dead and he didn't have any other family members causing him to only get colder with each passing day.

Whenever he gets into a fight it was almost as if he was possessed with every punch or kick that he dished out, he felt that as if he was getting revenge for his mother making him dish out attacks ruthlessly.

He wasn't stupid enough to kill anyone though after all these people were looking for him to making the slightest wrong move for them to justify killing him.

If it wasn't for this self-defense, he would undoubtedly be at the doctor's right now, dying as the nurses ignored him.

Throughout this entire time he didn't forget to keep handing out those death sentences, telling people 'I won't miss you'

Every day after school Azreal would walk along the river that runs outside of town to get back to the mountains, being here he would always stare off into space and get lost in his own world.

It's always peaceful here because no one really ever comes here but today was a bit different.

"Took you long enough....."

Being woken up from his daydreams and seeing a familiar face walking out from behind a rock along the river bank, he stared at the newcomer with indifference.

The boy standing not too far away from him was Davie.

Davie was one of the boys who had a deep hatred for Azreal.

It wasn't as if Davie or anyone of the other boys or girls around town had a problem with him, to begin with.

In fact, they were originally all friends as kids but as they grew up, they were infected by the condemning and hate-filled words of their parents and everyone around them, causing them to hate him just the same.

Davie was often among the random kids who'd come looking for trouble and he'd often be among the boys who got a ruthless beating.

Seeing that he was being ignored only made Davie hate him more, the more he hated him the angrier he got.

"You think you're better than me???!!! you're nothing but a little fucking devil spawn and today's gonna be the last time am gonna have to look at that disgusting face"

Flashing Davie a disdainful smile while arching his left eyebrow.

"Heh...Just yo-"

Before he could finish he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and before he could even react or even look around to see who attacked him, more pain sprung up from all over his body along with the accompanying cracking sounds.

A menacing laughter could be heard as Davie walked closer to his twitching body.

"Turn him over..."

Two boys out of the group ran forward and turned over his bloodied form.

"You look so pathetic..."

His entire body was covered in blood from head to toe there wasn't a spot on his body that wasn't covered in blood, and seeing this, Davie couldn't help but laugh.

"Why don't you die already....beat him to death"

No one moved forward

"What are you doing I said beat him to death!!"

One of the boys stepped forward shaking his head from side to side

"This isn't what we said we'd do, we agreed to help you beat him ....."

His gaze landed on the bloodied body on the ground with a look of pity clearly evident in his eyes before looking away and continuing.

"Looking at him now we've already gone too far; he's probably gonna die any minute now so why do anything else... let's go, we're leaving"

Davie wanted to retort, but he was intimidated by the boy who spoke up so in the end all he could do was unwillingly turn around and walk away with eight or so other boys.

Being on the ground covered in blood he was in so much pain that it was unimaginable, but he couldn't scream or cry for help.

Even if he did, would anyone even show up to help? All he could do was silently let the tears ran down his cheeks...

Looking over figure of boys that were leaving he smiled despite the pain, he tried to speak but all that did was cause him to choke on his blood.

'I won't miss any of you'

Above all their heads Azreal saw an hour glass that was in the seconds of its count down.

Meanwhile, in a far away mansion, a simple looking old man was watching everything that was happening to Azreal in a pool of water in the garden.

He looked as if he was in an incredible amount of pain but his body didn't have the slightest scratch on it.


Before the old man's voice faded, a glasses-wearing middle-aged man appeared behind him, bowing, wearing a full white tuxedo.

When he appeared the room was completely silent so he didn't dare to interrupt the old man while he was thinking, the old man eventually released a deep sigh then he began to speak.

"I had originally wanted to let him stay there to try and live out his life — in spite of her leaving him— away from all of this, but it seems that's no longer feasible..."

He wanted to say something but as if the old man read his mind he spoke first.

"I know what you want to say but that no longer matters; none of it does...Enron go get him"

At the end of his sentence, his voice was noticeably a bit more emotional.

Hearing the order Enron left the same way he came; vanishing without a trace.


The last thing Azreal saw before he lost consciousness was a man appear out of nowhere in a full white tuxedo, six huge beautiful black wings coming out from his back.....