
When the giant ape died Azreal didn't try to get his foot free from the branch on the ground instead he was just lying there in the pool of blood.

He hadn't lost his consciousness or anything like that and yeah he felt exhausted mentally but it wasn't enough to have him lying there, after all, there could be more of the giant apes around.

The reason he was still lying there was because of peculiar feeling that he's never experienced to this extent before in his life.

What he was feeling right now wasn't regret nor was he feeling any guilt for killing the creature; What he was feeling was maddening drive to kill more to feel more blood on his skin and that feeling left him utterly terrified because it felt so blissful but at the same time it felt like something was compelling him to not follow his desire's, maybe it was the morals that he grew up with when he was with his mother, he wasn't really sure.

But he just laid there, reveling in— but fighting the feeling until he unknowingly slowly faded off to sleep.


"Prince Shahiem are you sure this is direction you heard the snow ape's screams coming from"

Asked a tall muscular brown man in a full black suit of armor that seemed to suck in all the light from his surroundings and reflected none, he was protected from head to toe by his armor.

"Yeah Rhyno, Am sure now hurry up"

There were a total of twelve guards including Rhyno walking alongside Prince Shahiem, Every single one of the guards were all dressed in the exact same suit of armor.

"What rank do you think the snow ape will be?"

Shahiem didn't wait for an answer but instead continued to talk.

"I really hope it's at least rank six that way it'd be a lot easier to finish my concoction"

While speaking about his creation Shahiem face looked especially excited.

After walking for a while they came up to the crater that Azreal had created when he was testing his powers they all came to a halt.

"It looks like my original prediction about it being trapped was wrong it looks like there was a fight and a pretty intense one by the looks of it"

None of the guards responded instead Rhyno jumped down into the crater taking a moment to look at the rock and sense the energy that was there before jumping back out and reporting to Shahiem.

"It doesn't look like it was a fight, the snow was infused with Divine Energy and it was quite unstable too; it seems like a new transcended came here to get a feel of there power, the snow ape must've sensed the energy and thought that someone challenged its territory"

Hearing the report Shahiem was taken aback who would be mad enough to come out here to test their powers? This snow region was filled with different creatures at every turn and they weren't weak either.

Following the trail left behind by Azreal and the Snow Ape everyone gained a pretty good understanding of what happened but when they all saw the impaled snow ape they were all slightly surprised.

Rhyno was the first one to speak.

"Looks like it's a rank eight snow ape"

After saying this he then turned his attention to the young man covered in blood, realizing that he was still breathing was quite surprising.

After all based on the trail left behind and the feel of the energy he shouldn't be strong enough to kill a rank eight beast.

It wasn't until he finished admiring the snow ape that Shahiem finally saw Rhyno looking somewhere else and followed his line of sight.

"Looks like we need to take him with us as a thank you"

"Thank you?"

"You don't honestly think I'm going to leave this here do you? We've already been in this frozen wasteland for three weeks and I'm not staying here a day more than I have to. Deal with the body and let's head back to the camp and load up the carriage"


The next day Azreal slowly started to wake up although something's felt out of place he didn't really pay attention to it after all his mind was still a bit groggy because he had just woken up.

It wasn't until he sat up and saw a mellow-brown skinned young man sitting opposite to him that his mind started to gain some clarity.


Azreal couldn't really come out with any words at the moment, the last thing he remembered was falling asleep now he was in what he assumed to be a carriage with someone he'd never seen before.

"Hello my name is Shahiem Constantine it's nice to meet you"

Azreal a bit slow to the uptake after all this wasn't what he wanted to know.

"Ahem...I'm Azreal Ainsworth, nice to meet you too"

"Well Azzy, Why were that deep in the northern snow region?"

Hearing the question Azreal couldn't help but showing a wryly smile, he decided to just completely ignore Shahiem calling him 'Azzy'.

"I don't know I sorta just wound up there"

It's not like he could explain the whole story and say he was nothing short of abandoned there.

Hearing Azreal's response Shahiem knitted his brow and stared deep into Azreal's as if he was trying to take a look at his soul.

After gazing into his eyes for a while and not noticing anything he decided to just give up.

"We found you lying under the corpse of a rank eight snow beast so as a thank you we decide to take you along with us"

"Rank eight beast? Thank you? Where are 'you' going?"

The look that Shahiem gave Azreal was one of complete pity, he was stupefied as to how someone could not know the rank of the beast? but after thinking it over and realizing that Azreal had probably just ascended the look on his face changed.

"Let's see now unlike where ever you might've ascended from everything here has enough strength to defend itself; Beast are ranked from one to ten then after ranked beast you mythical creatures then sub legendary then legendary creatures, Thanks, because we've uhmmmm borrowed your dead snow ape and it not where I'm going it is we're going"

Shahiem them moved to shift the curtains allowing Azreal to take a good look outside.

Looking outside Azreal saw nothing but lush green as far as he could see. The trees, grass, and flowers we all swaying in the gentle wind that was blowing, once in a while he'd either see children off in the distance playing or adults going about their daily business, they were a dressed in padded clothes so he couldn't be that far from where he started.

"Welcome to Gaza Nation.....Although this is just the countryside we'll reach the capital in about a month or so"