Group Mission

They'd all been sitting and talking for a while so they could get a better understanding of each other to make it easier to work together, for the entire Q&A session Azreal was still experiencing the repulsive and attraction feeling towards Sadie but by now he sort of learned to ignore it.

While they were all talking Dustin had left to register them for the mission.

"So what do you do?"

It was Reyner who spoke up

"What do I do?"

Azreal was sort of confused by the question, he wasn't sure what sort of jobs the Divine would do to earn a living.

The whole Gods doing missions to earn money seemed so odd to him mostly because of what he'd been taught most of his life but looking at it from a different perspective the life of the Divine would be beyond dull if everything was handed to them.

"I mean Sadie here is our archer slash medic, Dustin's fighter and I'm the mage so what do you do?"

Azreal still wasn't really sure how to answer the question, it wasn't that he didn't know what he was, he's a fighter because he didn't think he knew enough spells to be called a mage —whatever the correct name was— but he wasn't sure if he wanted to take on all the responsibilities of a fighter since he'd just gotten here and he didn't know who he'd be fighting or how strong they were but in the end he didn't have any other option.


It was at this time that Dustin walked back over with a big smile on his face along with a piece of paper.



Sadie and Reyner replied while Azreal just nodded.

"Our employer wants to keep their identity a secret so we'll have to wait outside of the city"

"Sounds goods"

On the way out of the city Azreal didn't really speak much as usual but all along the way Sadie tried to strike up a conversation with him which pretty much failed, it was Dustin who spoke up and explained a little bit about Azreal's personality.

When they got outside of the city they were there for over an hour but their employer still hadn't shown up so Azreal decided to ask something that he hadn't planned on asking but for the sake of talking.

"Where is Cornwall?"

Everyone in the party looked at him with varied express but in their minds, they were all thinking roughly the same thing.

'What the fuck! why would you come along without knowing where you're going??'

"...Cornwall is a small independent nation to the west of us"

Fixing his face Reyner answered but the only response he got from Azreal was 'oh' he didn't really take much offense to it, if it was before Dustin explained then he would've probably started getting ticked off.

"Yea just think of them as kind of a colony, they pay tribute to the king and in return we protect them from being swallowed up by the 'alliance'"

Dustin thought that the explanation that Reyner gave wouldn't really help Azreal in terms of giving him any clues as to what they thought the mission might be about.

And it was just as Dustin had suspected he really did start coming up with a bunch of theories about the nature of the mission but even with the new information he still held firm that it might just be some rich man or woman cheating on their spouse.

Along with the information came something else he was curious about.


"Wow are even from the north?....Alliance just a bunch of other smaller nations that came together to former an empire long before Gaza existed—"

Before Reyner could finish their attention was draw to the horse-drawn carriage, to everyone else this might look normal but Azreal saw it for what it was, the 'horses' looked more like muscular flaming beast rather than horses, sure they had the body of horses but even the hair all across its body was made of fire, with every breath it exhaled smoke came out.

The carriage slowly drew closer until it stopped right beside them, no one came out to greet them nor did the person inside say anything.

So Dustin walked up to the carriage, the person inside slight opened the door which Dustin pushed the paper he'd gotten at the guild to the person inside.

After a few seconds the paper was pushed back out and the person inside spoke in an incredibly hoarse voice, which everyone without even speaking unanimously agreed was fake but that didn't really matter much to them.

"Two of you take the reins and the other two guard the back"

"Reyner, you and Sadie take the front, Azreal and I will take the back"

Looking at the front of the carriage there seemed to be a small and frail looking old man holding the reins but Azreal was just assuming because the person was covered in a cloak.

His only clue as to the persons age was the way house the body was bent under the cloak.

Seeing Reyner and Sadie approached the cloak fell flat and a grey looking phantom flew out of it and into the carriage seemly closing the door behind it.

When everyone took there places Azreal decided to ask Dustin about it.

"What was that just now? Holding the reigns"

If Dustin hadn't known that Azreal was only seventeen and was the child of two Gods he would've thought he was a complete fool and chased him away, but luckily in his mind Azreal's parents were Gods and since he was only seventeen it made sense that he didn't really know a lot about anything for all he knew Azreal probably ran away from home.

"It was a phantom rider, something that they came up with in Arnet Gardens, it's basically just a shell that's powered by Divine Energy to complete simple tasks"

"Oh, how long will it take to get to Cornwall?"

"About a week"

Azreal had thought of something earlier but didn't want to ask until he knew how long the journey would take but finding out it would take a week he couldn't help but ask.

"Why don't you just open a portal to get there?"

Hearing the question Dustin was completely stunned, It wasn't a bad question but he still couldn't help thinking that it was stupid for a moment before remembering that Azreal was inexperience.

'Still there has to be a limit right?'

"I suppose we could do that since the distance is within the reach of my power but no one would be stupid enough to risk it, Cornwall is separated from Gaza by a small piece of land that clearly belongs to us but in recent years the alliance is always sending troops there insisting that they have some old border documents showing that it's there's because of that there's always some fighting going on there between them and us, so the space there is always unstable so unless we had the power to forcefully stabilized the space it would be completely reckless"

Finally gaining some clarity Azreal nodded, the question never came to him to ask Shahiem or Rhyno because Shahiem really seemed to enjoy the slow journey as well as the fact that his mind was mostly focused on training so he really never thought about it until now.