
Standing over the bodies of the last few soldiers in the camp Azreal creased his brows.

Having already walked around the camp twice and not finding anybody else he couldn't help but be confused.

'How could there only be two hundred plus soldiers here and why were they all so weak, what's going on?...'

But no matter how much he thought about it he couldn't come up with an answer that made sense, they were currently in the middle of a border dispute so why would the enemy leave such a small amount of soldiers to guard their camp?

Thinking for a while and not being able to come up with any conclusions that made any sense he shook his head, since he couldn't think of anything he went inside the biggest tent he could find in the hopes of finding some information but when he went inside he was disappointed there was nothing. No papers or anything that could prove useful, aside from a bed and some other necessities there was nothing else in the tent.

"I probably should head back now"

"Head back where? If you don't mind me ask"

Azreal's steps paused he was already outside the tent when he heard the question.

"Oh you're probably from Gaza aren't you? Though you don't look like a soldier but I suppose one wouldn't look like a soldier when-"

"Who are you?"

Not knowing who this man was as well as the fact that he'd appeared there without him noticing wasn't a good sign. He'd searched the camp twice and found no one.

Looking at the expression on the man's face it was clear that he didn't care about the fact that the soldiers were dead he seemed to care more about Azreal's origin than anything else.

The man blushed a little when he heard the question as if he was embarrassed.

"Oh dear, where are my manners!? How could I enquirer about another when I haven't introduced myself? Ahhh truly my sister would scold me if she knew, you won't tell her will you?.....where was I? Oh, that's right my name is Kyle Gordon, Now you should introduce yourself right?"

When Kyle was talking he kept making a bunch of random gestures as if to place emphasis on certain words, it wasn't until he said his name that he finally stopped moving and made a slight bow with his hand across his chest.

Azreal wasn't even sure what to say all, he was completely on guard against this man, something felt off but he couldn't figure it out.

Kyle had long waist length pink hair, the upper half of his face was hidden by a grey mask. If you ignored his words and only focused on his eyes, they were incredibly calm.


Azreal didn't to say his full name or take his eyes off Kyle because he knew something he was planning something.

"Azreal...Azreal? Don't you mean Azrael?...No matter, it seems your parents had nothing but a life of servitude planned for you.....'Help of God' quite a fitting name for a servant, so Azrael which master sent you here to kill the Alliances soldiers?"

'Why the hell is rambling on for?...'

When that thought surfaced in his mind he felt the same chilling sensation that he didn't felt in a while.


Without a moment of hesitation he channeled Divine Energy in his legs launching himself a few meters away.

In the same instant that Azreal jumped away a few chains about the size of a human arm ripped through the ground where he was standing just a moment ago if he'd hesitated for a second more the chains would rip through him.

The chains missed him by a few centimeters, but they didn't hesitate to shoot towards Azreal, who still hadn't landed.


Inless than a second the chains would rip through him like paper.

Igniting the [Puple Inferno] on the sword Azreal made a horizontal slash towards the incoming chains.

When Kyle saw the crescent blade of fire his eyes instantly lit up before dying back doing, pulling back the chains, they came together and started spinning using the air to forcefully dissipate the fire.

The chains had a pink color with a dash of purple and sky blue mixed in, on top of all the chain were blades that looked like they could rip through anything.

When he landed on the ground he didn't get a chance to properly take in the blades before he felt the sensation again and made another leap to his left.

This time when jumped out of the way no chains came through the ground instead the ground started glowing with the same color as the chain.


A blast of energy came through the ground.

Kyle seemed dead set on not giving him a chance to rest because the moment he landed he jumped again and another blast ripped through the ground.

"Hehe, it seems your pretty light on your feet, How about we make a deal?"

Kyle released a deep sorrow filled sigh before continuing to speak.

"When I returned here I few minutes ago and saw all of the soldiers dead I thought that Gaza had sent over a team of soldiers to wipe us all out in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping but never would I have expected that there'd only been one person, seeing you I planned on killing you. After all a Demi-God stooping so low to kill some Demi? If they we heard by others it would truly stain the pride of the Gods."

Azreal had only listened to what Kyle was saying for a moment before running up to him at full speed ready to cut him down.

It was clear now that the only reason why he was talking so much was simply to buy time to lay traps and Azreal didn't really plan on waiting to see what would happen, he'd fought a lot when he was still on earth but this was completely different and the fights that he'd been in so far couldn't even be considered fights.

Inspite of that he felt incredible calm he could analyze everything and make best decision in the moment.

It was almost as if he could predict the movement of the chains the were attacking him.

Azreal wanted to end this fight as soon as possible.

The person in front of him could use an ability he didn't understand yet and he didn't want to take any risk, he wasn't the only one here with power Kyle also had power and since he said he was the leader of these soldiers then Azreal believed he had something even more important over him; Experience.

Seeing Azreal running towards him while dodging the chains Kyle showed a gentle unbothered smile he didn't raise his hands or even move to try and stop him he simply said


Azreal sword was only a few inches away from his face.

The head of chains was already too far to comeback and defend him.

When the sword was only hairs breadth away It stopped and no matter how hard he pushed it didn't budge.

The chains had appeared out of nowhere and wrapped themselves around the sword prevent it from moving.

As Azreal was about to reignite the sword, the chains raised him up and tossed him to the side before he could channel any energy.