
Azreal didn't know who those soldiers were but It didn't matter, he just wiped out a camp of soldiers enemy or no enemy he was sure they weren't going to tell him thanks.

"Damn it! I suppose this will have to end here"

With that, Kyle turned around to leave, taking a long look at the now smaller wall of fire. If it was what he thought it was those soldiers wouldn't be able make it to them even if they had a hundred lives.

Azreal was still lying on the ground, his eyes blood red. Whether from his own blood or Anger it was hard to tell.

He'd been completely humiliated.

When has something like this ever happened to him? once thoughts like those started sprouting his once calm mind started becoming clouded with anger.

Forcing himself to stand, Azreal stared at the sword in his hand and issued a command, from his voice it was impossible to figure out the mess him mind was in.

"Hold him"

The spirits all gushed out of the sword all two hundred plus of them, they traveled on the ground like snakes and equally as fast, although Kyle was quite a distance away it only took them a few seconds to catch up to him and pounce on him.

When he sense them they were basically right on him too late for him to try and defend, it took him a moment to recognize what was attacking him but when he did his pupils shrunk down to the size of needle points.


Never in his wildest dreams would he have expected that Azreal would use souls to attack him, despite the fact that he was stronger than them by far he was caught unprepared so he fell victim to the dreadful illusions.

In Kyle's mind he was standing in an unknown space, everything around him was black.

In the sky two blood red eyes looked down on him.

Boom! Boom!

The ground would shake as the eyes in the sky got larger as they came closer to him.


Two giant row of snow white teeth were revealed followed a roar that felt like it came from the depths of hell.

As time went on the roar didn't die down only intensified.

Kyle felt like his brain was constantly being jammed with needles, it felt like his soul was slowly being chipped at, eventually there'd be nothing left.

Despite all this pain Kyle was still a God thus possessed a God Soul even though he'd fallen into the illusions he wouldn't stay for long.

Taking a deep breath Kyle sent out a wave of energy from his soul shattering the illusions like it was nothing.

Even though the illusions only lasted a second it was more than enough for Azreal to take advantage of, when Kyle broke out of the illusions he saw Azreal's sword a few inches away from his neck, due to the fact that the souls were still touching him his strength was slowly being sucked away, so his mind was a bit groggy but he still managed to raise his hand to block the blade while pulling away from the souls.

The hand didn't stop the blade at all but it slowed it down just enough for him escape with his head.

When Kyle escaped the grasp of the spirits he was staring at his severed arm that was in front of Azreal as well as the spirits that were standing behind him, the parts of his skin where they touch turned black like it was rotting although they could barely be considered wounds they were still there.

"Do you not fear the council?"

When Kyle said that it was clear from his tone that he feared the counsel.

Holding onto his hand Kyle stared at the patches of rotting fresh with horror, he just wanted to leave here and take care of it but Azreal response made him want to rip him apart.

Instead of answering the question Azreal looked down at severed arm and spat on it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the voices were getting closer he'd killed Azreal right there but instead he gritted his teeth and ran off into the mountains behind the camp jumping over it like it was just an ant hill but not before he spat out his final threat.

"I promise I'll make you suffer for this!"

When Azreal saw that Kyle had disappeared he picked up the hand and tossed it into his space ring.

Unlike Kyle he couldn't take the mountain exist since he had to go back to the opposite side.

With everything that just happened in the last couple of minutes Azreal had used more than seventy percent of his Divine Energy but its wasn't enough to have his gasping for air.

Right then Azreal stopped supplying Divine Energy to the flames so the completely disappeared.

On the other side he saw the group of soldiers with their guards up standing a pulsing light.

When the soldiers saw the fire disappearing they immediately became tense. Behind that flame was one or more of the persons who managed to flatten majority of the forest that wasn't something they wanted to take on.

"H-Hey I su-suggest y-you give yourself up!"

The flames had completely disappeared now and his face was in clear view for the soldiers to see.

"Isn't he one of—"

"Kill Them"


The souls were once again released before the soldiers could react the two hundred plus souls had already gotten a hold of them. Within seconds they looked like mummified corpses.

Azreal didn't bat an eye, with a flick of his finger a small flame landed on the corpse turning them into nothingness.

All the spirits came back empty handed so that solved the question of whether or not they could harvest souls for him.

Killing Gaza soldiers was never part of his plan, after all Rhyno and Shahiem had help him greatly but in a situation where it was him or someone else, he'd choose himself every single time without a moments hesitation.

Signal was only in place for a couple of seconds so those at the camp would be able to catch him here.


"How did this happen without anyone seeing anything"

Even though the commander hadn't shouted it was clear that he was seething with anger.

No one stood out to explain because no one knew the answer.

"You can bet that we're going to get blamed for this"

After hearing that finally one of the soldiers braved up to ask a question.

"Sir how could we be blamed for it? All of the soldiers who were strong enough to do this have all returned to the capital and also-"

"So what!? even though talks broke down we were in the middle of ceasefire and then something like this happened who do you think they're going to blame hmmm? The dead guys or the ones with zero casualties"

When all the soldiers heard this not a single one of them knew how to retort all they could do was shut up.

"Why haven't the soldiers who sent of signal reported? Where are they"

Everyone turned to each other and started looking around, none of them realized this fact because of the scare they gotten earlier but now that they were calm they realized it.


It was easy for Azreal to sneak back into the camp because of what he'd done soldiers were constantly going back and forth, so slipping in wasn't hard.

When he got back into camp some of the soldiers were talking about what just happened and it stunned him.

The fighting had stopped? they were in the middle of a drawing up a peace treaty?


He didn't even have to think to know that this was going to end badly but at the same time he wasn't really sure what could be done, nor did he honestly care.

He didn't plan on saying anything to Rhyno and even if he did how would it sound; oh hey I was trying out this new technique I learned that allowed me to harvest the souls of those I kill and turn them into servants, I really didn't mean to fuck up your peace talk my bad I'm sorry?!

Besides by the time he got back to the capital a soldier would've already told a story and if he were to stand out and say he did it, they probably hand him over to the Alliance with a sign that read 'please kill me'

He refused to regret what he'd done, he did what he had to do. It was always him by himself and it always will be, people will be kind and kindness should be repaid but not at the cost of your own interest.

Besides right now that was secondary to him what was really on his mind right now was the crushing defeat he just suffered and how he could learn from it.

Thinking it over and over again in every situation no matter the choice he made no matter how he attacked he'd still lose.

If he'd chosen to use the purple inferno from the beginning then Kyle would've seen through its ability to burn energy and stopped using energy beams and as for the souls in his sword looking at how easily Kyle broke through the illusions then they wouldn't have been of any help to him either and to top it all off he doesn't know if what Kyle had displayed was all he had but as for him he'd basically displayed almost everything.

So no matter what he'd done the only outcome was him losing.

Thinking about it now he was arrogant, it wasn't that he believed that he was the strongest person in the chaos realm it's just that he's never thought about anyone else, his mentality from when he was on earth had come over with him to the chaos realm and for some reason he couldn't understand it seemed like it's been amplified.

While walking back to his tent he'd started to think about his attitude, was his way of looking at things wrong? he knew that he didn't have the best attitude but it felt like something that was engraved in his bones, like no matter how hard he tried he couldn't change a thing.

It felt stifling.