The King Is Dead

The illusory Adidja looked at everyone without any emotion in his eyes.

"If you're seeing this, it means I won't be returning.."

When his words echoed across the room, it felt like the world came crashing down on their head time itself seemed to have stopped moving.

Instantly tears started streaming down Sheba and Keshan faces as they slowly inched closer towards him.

This was the man who they married, the father of their child someone who they traveled with for so many years.

Now all of a sudden in a tone devoid of all emotion a piece of his soul that he left behind is telling them that he died.

Everything was happening too sudden for them to accept.

Watching Sheba and Kesha approaching him, he shook his head completely apathetic to the emotional torment they were feeling.

"From beginning to end the plans that I came up with never included my survival but yours, I have done everything I needed to-to ensure your survival"

After speaking to his wives he turned his attention to his subordinates.


None of them moved even though he was just a piece of soul left behind they refused to cry in front of him.

Despite his lack of emotions, he understood this so he smiled.

"Who fought the bird?"

Rhyno didn't answer only grunting in response.

"Once you go back to the city in my study you'll see a blue book without any markings on it a drip of Shahiem's blood should unlock its content. Inside you'll find a recipe I obtained when I was younger on how to consume a Phoenix and obtain its bloodline"

During his pause, no one spoke it was almost as if they weren't even listening to him, Everyone one of them was lost in a daze.

"If the method is followed correctly then he would be able to obtain the Phoenix bloodline, although the bloodline won't be pure it's enough to speed up his cultivation and if you can become a 'Named True God' or even a 'Transcended True God' then he would be able to unlock a Phoenix's hereditary memory then after that there is no telling how far he would go….."

Still, the entire room was silent.


A faint voice spoke, if one didn't listen carefully they wouldn't hear it.


"Why Adidja! Why couldn't you just run! Why didn't you just come home to your wife! Your family!"

Finally, Kesha couldn't hold it in anymore and started screaming amidst the crying.

"Aren't I home? I know that you can't understand everything now but everything I did was for my family. No matter what for the short term Alliance won't step foot in Gaza and without me here they won't have any reason to return....."

"Stop it!! You did this for yourself! for your stupid legacy and nothing else!"

This time it was Sheba who started shouting.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't present any emotions instead his face showed a puzzled expression.

Turning around Adidja sat on the throne behind him using his hand to prop his head up, with every move he made the ring followed behind him.

"My legacy? legacy is standing right there"

Adidja point at Shahiem who'd fainted standing up the moment he heard that his father was dead.

"Glen is dead…...Earlon lost one of his legs....Elk could barely be considered to be injured....Rodney has a hole where his stomach should be.....One True God dead and three injured, so for at least a few hundred years, Rodney won't recover…...Earlon will have to learn to operate with only one leg I don't know how long that will take…...With a few years, Elk will recover"

Pausing for a second Adidja knitted his brows, it seemed like he lost all other emotions except anger or maybe he only remembers what it's supposed to look like.

"Yet here you all are safe and sound…...Rhyno and Shawn both overexerted themselves and within a few days, Rhyno will be fine while Shawn will take at least a year but Grimm is perfectly fine.....Glen is dead, Rodney is useless for the foreseeable future, Elk is out for a few years and Earlon condition depends on luck.....Every single True God in Alliance was completely and utterly crushed while every one of you are fine!…...I've even presented an opportunity for Shahiem to surpass me in every way and become someone whose name can be known throughout the Chaos Realm"

Even those his face displayed anger his voice was still calm and lacked emotion.

Everything he said only caused his wives to cry even more. For millions of years they've been with the one man and now here was someone that looked exactly like him but was completely different telling them he was dead, how else could they react.

"In this form I only have a few minutes, I'm sure this goes without saying but no matter what Shahiem isn't even supposed to dream of revenge until he breaks through the True God Realm and even then I'd prefer if he didn't"

Still, no response came aside from the crying from his wives and a few grunts from his subordinates.

"Also all of you are to remain by his side unfortunately without me all those nobles across Gaza once they realize I'm truly dead will try to revolt but with you standing beside the new king it will help drive fear into them and stabilize his reign"

After saying what he needed to he walked over to Kesha and Sheba taking them into his embrace, his actions only caused them to cry louder.

In order to hold them, he had to concentrate all of his soul's energy into his arm causing the rest of it body to become completely translucent.

He held them like that for close to ten minutes before pushing them out of his embrace and kissing each of them.

Finally, he walked over to Shahiem and hugged him tightly almost like he refused to let go, even when his body started breaking apart and slowly fading.

Before his body completely disappeared he smiled at his wives this time it looked genuine, it looked like he had a thousand more things to say but couldn't.