The Undying King Darius.

When Azreal's body was teleported again, it woke up inside a forest. It got up and gauged its surroundings.

"Hahahahaha, this king is truly The Undying, I've returned to the world!" Darius chattered, exhilaration evident in his face.

Yes, Darius! It was Darius inside Azreal's body.

"Now, where the fuck am I?"

Searching through his memory, he couldn't find any familiar place similar to this: grasses that were so tall, he could barely see what was ahead, and tree trunks that even a hundred of him won't be enough to surround.

What made everything worse for him was that parts of his memories were missing.

"Tsk, fuck it! But this body is truly in a horrible condition, and there's barely any Divine Energy in the air... Am I in some kind of pocket dimension?"

Darius didn't have any other option. All he could do was continue walking until he found a way out of the forest, especially since he couldn't figure anything out it.

It took him almost two weeks just to get to the edge of the forest, of which he didn't dare eat anything from the forest. He just kept using what little Divine Energy was in Azreal's body to replenish himself.

At the edge of the forest, there was a small village. Peeking through the thick foliage, Darius observed the village and with every passing second his expression only got worse.

"Fucking WarBeast, great! To think I'd meet these fuckers again! How much bad luck can a guy have!"

For someone who was supposed to be observing the village without being noticed, he didn't speak softly at all, it sounded like he was having an argument.

The 'people' that were in the village all stared in his direction.

"Uhmm, hello? Is anyone over there? It's okay you can come out…"

"Are you hungry?... since your coming from the forest there probably wasn't a lot to eat…"

The villager that were on the outskirts of the village seemed like friendly people, even going so far as to put a basket of fruit on the ground and walking away.

"Fucking bastards trying to poison me!"

When the villagers heard this, they all stopped and looked back at the bushes.

"Stranger, we aren't trying to poison you… Why don't you come out and we'll get you a warm bed for the night…?"

Narrowing his eyes, Darius observed them carefully before walking out of the bushes and sat next to the basket that was bigger than your average child, eating the fruits that were inside.

None of the WarBeasts seemed surprise to see him.

"Hahaha, see I told you it was a human!"

A few of them gathered around and sat next to him, the largest WarBeast out of the group was around eight feet.

"So little fellow, how'd you get here? Where are your companions?"

With his mouth filled with food Darius spoke, "No companion. What are these things?"

When he ate the fruits he felt a stream of energy flow inside him.

"Haha, those are the specialty of our village called-"

"No companion. What are these things?"

Before that WarBeast could finish speaking another one nudged him as a sign that he should shut up.

"Now, where's that warm bed you promised?"

Smiling faintly, the biggest of the WarBeast got up and started heading back to the village.

"So in the little village of yours, what are the women like? Fuzzy like you?"

None of the WarBeast answered him. They weren't angry but they weren't happy either, they just ignored him.

When they were walking through the village, everyone came out of their homes to observe him.

"Why doesn't it have on any clothes?"

"Wow, it looks so soft!"

"Ahh! Look at how it's looking at us!"

"Yea, it's almost like I'm completely naked in front of him!"

"Hmph! You don't sound upset about it!"

They brought Azreal to the biggest house in the village, an old woman who looked like she would drop dead at any moment was standing there, almost like she was waiting for him.

"I'm not really into granny but if this is the best you can do then this king will make due… but, why don't we go back to the ones infront before"

When Darius spoke he kicked his lips, still the WarBeast had no reaction at all.

"Who is this?" the old woman asked.

Before any of the WarBeast could answer, Darius spoke up.

"This kings name is Darius, The Undying"

For the first time, the WarBeast showed some reaction, their faces showed a little anger but the old woman only smiled.

"I see. Your body seems to be in a bad shape so why don't you come inside. I'll treat you and get you some clean clothes"

"Don't mind if I do."

Darius stepped passed everyone even pushing the WarBeast aside.

"Which room?"

"Oho, the first one on the left."

"Wow old woman! How long did it take you to collect all of these?"

The room was filled with different medicinal herbs and concoctions, the very air in the room had a blue color to it.

"Most of these were collected by the previous village chiefs before me."

Her voice came from the doorway behind him.

"So, let's get this started?!"

Azreal's body was already completely nude so he didn't need to take anything off.

The old woman looked at him from head to toe, smiling a little bit. Darius didn't know why but when he saw her smile a shiver went down his spine.

Closing the door behind her, she began taking down different jars of medicines and mixing them together.

Darius watched every movement she made. It only took a few minutes for the mixture to be completed Shortly afterwards, the old woman used her wrinkly hands to apply the medicine to every inch of Azreal's body.

Every Inch.

Slowly. Very Slowly.