Kakar (1)

After saying his piece Lako and his cronies left the room leaving only the rabbit and the man.


The doctor removed his claws, pulled out a kerchief and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"That was close I thought you would've said something for sure, after all, it's not like I'd be stupid enough to kill you I wouldn't make it out of here alive if I did"

A beaming smile grew across the rabbit's face as it took back up the bottle and hid it in the cabinet.

"Guess we'll have to try this another time"

Unable to say anything, Azreal just watched the entire situation with his eyes wide. It wasn't that the thought that the doctor would get killed if he hurt him never crossed his mind but based on what happened before, he re-evaluated his value in the eyes of the WarBeast…..

All he could do was release a deep sigh.

For the next week no one bothered him while he recovered, the doctor didn't even check up on him only the occasional WarBeast coming to feed him since he was still strapped to the bed.

He was once again cast into a world of solitude but as usual, it didn't affect him it was more of a vacation than a punishment.


The door was shoved open with enough force to rip it off, a few pigs walked in, each one looking more comical than the last. Azreal watched as they walked in not saying a word only observing them.

Neither side said anything, it seemed that they had already been given their orders since the moment they entered the room they walked over to his bed and started undoing the restrictions.

A 'hand' held onto each of his four limbs with a vice-like grip while another grabbed onto his neck with the same intensity, he didn't get any wiggle room, it was hard for him to breathe


The hand holding onto his neck gripped so tight that even his thoughts sounded hoarse.

The pigs seemed to enjoy using him as their plaything, the passages weren't small but they weren't wide enough to fit all of them walking side by side so every time a corner came around a tug of war would ensue for no reason other than to entertain themselves.

He found it hard to get angry since that required energy and he couldn't muster up any right now.

Aside from using his body as a toy, they didn't say a word so Azreal had no idea where he was going.

Normally people would fear the unknown but at the moment to Azreal the unknown seemed like a paradise and when they finally arrived a weak smile showed on his stifling face.

Azreal was brought to a stadium but it wasn't anything special since it was nothing but a mini version of an actual stadium, what truly grabbed his attention was the nether realm sky.

The entire sky was emerald green with seven giant suns in the sky each bigger than the other, the colors were even more amazing there was actually a black sun as the center of the sky, it looked like a giant jewel but unlike the other suns it didn't give off any light or cast any shadow.

They were red, green, baby blue, golden yellow, jade white, purple and that beautiful black.

Each of the suns had one or two smaller suns orbiting around them. It was only now that Azreal realized that he's never truly observed the morning sky in the Chaos Realm.

"Done looking?"

Breaking away from the sky, in front of him was a scaly multi-colored chameleon. Its eyes constantly rolling around in its head.

"Amazing aren't they?"

There really weren't any words to describe the voice of the chameleon, although the voice was deep it had an extremely annoying quality about it.

Not caring whether or not Azreal replied it kept talking while staring at the suns.

"They weren't always there you know? Those three"

Pointing at the Jade White, Green and Black sun the Chameleon continued talking.

"Those three represent the three fallen sons, mother only placed them there a few years back, or so the elders keep saying"

Sighing the chameleon shook his head then looked at Azreal, well he couldn't only assume it was looking at him based on the direction its head was pointing since its eye kept rolling around.

An awkward moment of silence enveloped the air since neither of them spoke, the pigs had already gotten bored and left.

Under the sunlight the chameleon scales kept changing colors, making it seem as if they were moving.

"I'm Kakar, you don't seem like you like to talk, is that a trait amongst your kind? Or is it just you? The stories that we hear describe you in a completely different way, to be honest looking at you now I'm kind of disappointed"

'What the hell is he talking about?'

Sighing, the chameleon walked out of the concrete ring and out of sight, a few clunking noises could be heard from where it went.

The moment it went out of sight Azreal immediately started observing where he was.

The ring was built in the middle of a traditional stadium, although it's empty now, without a doubt it could fit at least a thousand people.

As far as he could see there were only two exits, one directly in front of him on the other side of the arena and the other the same way he came.

Even though he knew where the two exist were he didn't immediately act, it was best to weigh the pros and cons of the situation.

The biggest dilemma he faced right now was whether he wanted to give it a shot or not, the door on the other side of the arena was completely out of the question since it was so far as well as the fact that he had to pass the chameleon.

If he chose the one behind him he was bound to meet up on some guards either right away or eventually, plus he didn't know a way out so just like before he'd just be wandering around.

Second and most important was the chameleon, if they thought that the chameleon couldn't handle him then they wouldn't have left them alone together, but since the chameleon wasn't paying attention he could take advantage of the opportunity.

The more he thought about the chameleons presence the more conflicted he became, it was being way too casual for someone one who had a prisoner around.

'Fuck it!'

Gritting his teeth Azreal decided to just go for it before he could put the foot he'd just rose forward he heard the annoying voice again.

"Are you thinking about escaping?"

Azreal instantly froze because the voice was coming from behind him.