Internal Demons

Looking out at the sea of swords Azreal knitted his brows, turning around, the child had disappeared but faint sniffling sounds could still be heard.

"What's going on?"

"This is your nightmare you bastard!"

Azreal was only mumbling to himself so he never expected to get a response much less one like that.

Turning to the source of the voice Azreal didn't recognize the person or the four shadowy figures.

Kyle stood atop the swords with four soldiers standing behind him with stoic expressions but the hatred in their eyes wasn't hidden.

"Who are you people?"

Kyle immediately started laughing to the point of cramping up.

"Let's see how long you can play dumb"


Standing a safe distance away Kakar observed the sphere that was rotating around Azreal's body, every now and then some cuts would appear on Azreal's skin and the blood that leaked out would be absorbed by the sphere.

Everything happening was beyond what he could have ever expected, racking through the memories of all the stories he was told growing up in his clan none of them came close to explaining what's in front of him.

Every being would have an instinctive fear of the unknown, but for WarBeasts who grew up within clans learned to conquer their fears from a very young age, this was especially so for Kakar who was naturally curious.

Hesitating for a moment he walked up to the sphere.

Looking at his palm for a moment his nail began growing, they grew about two inches before he felt comfortable.

Stretching out his palm he pushed it into the sphere, the moment his fingernails came into contact with the sphere it became too late to regret it.

Kakar was instantly plunged into hell, every single life-threatening situation that he's ever been in replayed in his mind over and over again on a constant loop, each time became far worse than the last.

To him it felt as if years had passed, the number of times he's died so far was uncountable, he could feel that he was slowly losing himself.

"BloodLust! Limit Breaker!"

The instant he spoke a blood red aura burst out of his body, the instant the aura appeared Kakar entire body turned blood red, his muscles started spasming. Contracting and expanding over and over again.


Despite the massive increase in strength, Kakar still found it difficult to fully break away from the illusions.



Instantly the sphere was shattered, looking at his hand, it was now totally malnourished like a rotting twig.

Despite the condition he was in the curiosity in his eyes was overflowing.

Turning his attention to Azreal who was kneeling on the ground he was surprised that he wasn't depressed or sad, for a second his own mind wavered when he died so many times but Azreal didn't look any weaker, if anything he looked enraged, it was a self-deprecating kind of anger.

Kakar body was still expanding and contracting and the bloody aura hadn't disappeared, his withered hand was slowly returning back to normal.

"Your mind is too weak, even for a 'god' it's far too weak, power isn't solely about gaining strength. You can have all the power in the world but without a strong mind it's all useless"

Azreal didn't say a word just thinking about what just happened left a fire burning in his heart, everything felt too real.

Looking at Azreal Kakar didn't know what went on in his mind but he felt as if he understood everything, even so, a feeling doesn't compare to actually knowing.

"What did you see?"

As his hand returned to normal the bloody aura slowly faded from his body, leaving him pale and taking deep breaths.

Looking up at Kakar the anger in his eyes faded a bit slowly beginning replaced by confusion, every time he tried to describe what he'd seen the words couldn't come out of his throat.

After waiting a minute Kakar smiled and stretched his hand forward, resting it on Azreals shoulder.

"Show me"

Slowly Kakar's eyes started glowing and just the same Azreals'. Instantly Kakar was able to see everything that happened in Azreals mind, the glow of their eyes faded as he removed his hand.

"You really are a sad little creature…with quite a few internal demons to conquer"

Looking at Kakar with slightly blurring eyes filled with confusion, his mind fading in and out of conscious.

With his body mostly back to its normal state, Kakar began taking deep breaths.

Once he fainted he was back in the dreamscape


"Back so soon little bastard!"

Already knowing the source of the voice Azreal refused to get caught in what happened to him before, like an enraged wild beast, Azreal doesn't waste a second going straight for his target.

"Hahaha nope"

Before he even managed to get close to Kyle the space around him started to wrinkle and everything around him started to change.


Lying on the ground, shivering slightly the woman weakly caressed his head, her body looked like it was just a skeleton with skin draped over it, despite her appearance, her multicolored eyes, which almost resembles a spiraling galaxy still shined bright, her eyes were always his favorite features.

"I'm sorry mom I tried! But they-"

"Shhhhhh its okay baby, mommy understands…."

Her gentle patting slowed down but her arms got firm.

"...That this is all your fault!!"

With strength and agility that shouldn't be possible for someone in her condition, she flips Azreal and straddles him resting her hands firmly around his throat.

"This is all your fault, you're an abomination!"

Using one of her hands she tightens her grip around his throat and with the free one she started beating with pure rage.

"If hadn't been born none of this wouldn't have happened!"

Hearing a faint sound she stop her beating and raise her hand off his throat a little.

"What did you say?'


"Speaking up!"


With his face being that of a child now covered in blood with tears streaming down his cheeks all while issuing an apology a situation like this would be enough to make anyone's heart bleed, just not hers.

"You're sorry!? Hahaha! Can your sorry bring me back to life?! Huh? Answer me!?"

Squeezing his neck tighter, she began hitting him harder and harder until his body was totally unresponsive.

The moment he died everything surrounding him changed, in the blink of an eye he was lying in his mother arms crying again while she gently caressed him.

The scenario kept playing over and over again without Azreal realizing what was going on.

"I guess I can't expect better"

Slowly the space around them started to wrinkle and Kakar's figure slowly manifests.

Before any of them could react with a stomp of his feet the entire dreamscape was destroyed, leaving behind only a vast blank space with Azreal chained up as Kyle slowly fed on his energy.

Without saying a word Kakar, began to exert pressure on Kyle, finally turning to see the uninvited guess a chill ran down his spine.

"I don't know who you-"

Before Kakar could get into his monologue Kyle was already gone.

"Well, that's disappointing..."

Just as Kyle left Azreals mind so did Kakar, coming back to reality he slumps down on the ground covered in sweat clearly tired.

"Fuck I hate doing that…"