Arena : Day One : Fight (1)

By this time all the participants had started waking up and started observing everything but in Azreal's cage they were all staring at him.

None of them looked away, they didn't even try to stop their drooling.

"Wow wow looks like we've got a hungry set of participants over here, did you guys make up some story about how human flesh tastes?"

When the announcers said this the other breast master laughed a little but never took their eyes off Azreal cage.

"Alright! Alright! Now, this is the moment you've all been waiting for! Majority of the participants are awake now and I can't wait any longer so let's get this started! Let's go!"

A few of the participants hadn't woken up yet and when their masters saw that all they could do was grind their teeth.

The arena's rules were set in stone and it only became malleable when they need it to be, this was something they all know but could do nothing about.


With that sound, all the shackles were released and all the participants landed on their feet.

In every one of the cages in the ring, all the participants were staring each other down just waiting for just one person to make a move.

"Wooohhhoooo this is always my favorite part! Who's gonna die first?! Who's gonna make the first move! I'm getting chills over here! Oh com—"

In that moment everything thing the arena fell silent



The current turn of events happened way too quickly, even the participants were all looking over at that cage.

Asbiom stood there with a Lizard in one hand while he was stomping on a giant fire ant with his foot, the rootless smashing of the exoskeleton reverberated all over the arena, silencing everyone.

Even when he'd broken through the exoskeleton and was stomping on the innards Asbiom still didn't stop until the body had completely stopped twitching.

In fact, half the twitching he'd notice was from him stomping so hard, the ant had died long ago.

With the humanoid-Lizard —who had a look of sheer terrain it's eyes— in other he walked up to the cage, staring at the beastmasters and….




By the third he'd banged its head against the cage Asbiom white fur was soaked red.

Looking at the two destroyed bodies Asbiom closed his eyes and whispered under his breath.

"I'm sorry….."

After releasing the body he walked over to a clear part of the cage and sat down, slowly closing his eyes right after.

Meanwhile, in the audience, the lioness' eyes had become watery while Kakar showed a solemn face.


"I-I-I won!!!!"

The silent moment was broken by that one shout which was followed up by cheers from the audience.

"Hey, I change my mind give back my ticket!"

"Hell no! Fuck you and fuck that fire ant am going to collect my money! Hahaha!"

While majority of the crowd was cheer and majority of the beast were distracted Azreal had the idea to take advantage of the distraction and kill as much as possible but just as he was about to move a giant green claw seemed to be coming towards him.

'Shit! Bloodlust!'

Without thinking, Azreal activated bloodlust and moved out of the path of the incoming claw.

While dodging he was able to take a closer look at it, it was one of the front legs of the Mantis.

On the front leg was the impaled body of three other warbeast.

If he hadn't activated bloodlust to increase his speed he would've been just like those warbeast on the mantis' front leg

'When did it—'

Before Azreal could finish his thought the little-jagged edges on its exoskeleton grew over four inches on retreating front leg, ripping into Azreals shoulder dragging him back with it.

Thanks to quick reflexes Azreal was able to push himself off from the spikes but before he could stabilize himself the other front next came straight for him.


His body was slammed right into the bars of the cell, the mantis didn't waste any time the moment it realized he couldn't go any further the exoskeleton skeleton started to extend ramming all the way through him.


Both of them were screaming.

Before it could finish him off a simple looking dog, one of the warbeast it had forgotten about had it fangs jammed into one of its eyes.

Because of the shape of its front legs and the size of its body, it couldn't pick off the dog warbeast from its eyes, so it had no choice but to start slamming itself into the bars of the cage trying to shake it off.

Sadly for the other warbeast in the cage they couldn't escape from the giant body of the mantis.

Really and truly the only creatures that mattered in that cage was Azreal and the Mantis all the other beast were just there for show.

It was only after hearing the screams that most of the audience realized that the giant mantis had started fighting.

"Wow the cage with the giant mantis started fighting!"


"Look there are only three of them left, it completely crushed the others!"

"Hahahaha the dog beast is ripping out its eye!Haha!"

The dog was truly holding on for dear life and pulling as hard as it could, by this point the eye was practically destroyed but the mantis still felt pain and the dog was still trying to rip it out.


Finally having enough the mantis rammed one of its front leg in its eye completely ripping it out of its socket because it didn't have any finger it couldn't grab a hold of the dog so it's only choice was to rip out the entire eye.

Once the eye came loose the mantis didn't waste any time, it flew over to where the dog had landed and started stomping on the dog while it was down completely destroying the corpse.

Without wasting a second it turned its attention to Azreal who was bleeding but the rage in its eye didn't lessen.




In its enraged state,e it struck out with both its front legs.

The fast-approaching front legs took the forms of snakes —though they weren't as flexible— when they struck out against Azreal.


Sucking up the pain Azreal activated bloodlust again dodging the incoming attacks, all this time the mantis hadn't moved from its spot aside from when it killed the dog but despite its size, Azreal wasn't able to come in close the snake-like front legs kept him at a safe distance.

Azreal was like a grasshopper moving around the cage jumping from one end to the other to avoid the two snakes, all this time Azreal had still been bleeding since he had no way of stopping it and the nonstop jumping wasn't doing anything to help.

While avoiding the mantis Azreal decided that he would no longer try to get in close to it especially since right now with the amount of blood he was losing he was starting to feel weak.

'Come on there got to be a way to kill this thing…'

By now Azreal had gotten far enough from the mantis that he could take a breather.

'I doubt I'll be able to go much longer and I can't afford to waste what little Divine Energy I have to heal the wounds...fuck, this is just the first round? Come on think, think!'


In this midst of this fight, the masters were all getting excited.

"Wow brother Kaz that mantis of your is pretty strong! I can see why we have seen you in the past competitions raising a beast like this was truly worth missing a few competitions"

Hearing this Kaz had a smug smile on his face.

"You haven't seen anything if it was able to fight in a completely open space it would be unstoppable!"

While speaking most of the masters would take quick glances over at Lako and Mako, the fight so far was truly a one-sided one event before anything happened the human was already wounded.

For things to go this badly their first time in an arena this size was truly sad.

Still, Lako and Mako didn't get upset they maintained their calm, after all, Asbiom had just defeated the beasts in his ring.

Kaz didn't forget to add insult to injury.

"Imagine both of us had dreams of coming this far but that was so long ago and you managed to finally make it this far and this is what your first time is like? Sometimes it's better for people to stay at a certain level—"

In the middle of his gloating rant Kaz was cut off.

"What!! Is that Bloodlust! Did that human just use bloodlust?!?!"

When the other masters heard this all of their attention was drawn to Azreal's fight even Lako and Mako were shock by what they had just heard.

Looking at the fight they saw a blood red Azreal dodge the mantis' front leg.

All of them had looks of disbelief written on their faces and their facial expression was the same as some of the audience member, although bloodlust was a warbeast technique not everyone could or was willing to use it so not everyone learned or was taught it so most didn't know what it looked like they thought it was a human technique so they cheered.

When the lioness saw this she was stunned silly she stared at Kakar but Kakar just looked straight ahead.

"What have you done?"