
"And that ends today events! Congratulations to all the lucky people who won today and better luck next time to those who weren't so lucky!"

The final two matches went off without any form of excitement.

A humanoid Cat won one and humanoid hippopotamus won the other.

"Now remember everyone! Today is the beginning of the real festivities! Oooooowww!! I can't wait, the real one v one start tomorrow, so ensure that you remember the matches and analyze them when you go home so tomorrow when you come you can have your favorites in mind!"


As the host spoke the cages slowly began descending to the level below.

Once the cages started descending Azreal sat down in one of the corners, after pushing bloodlust to its maximum power and not healing his wounds Azreal was starting to feel light headed.

He could hold off on healing after all this was a huge event they wouldn't allow one of their participants to go in the ring injured right?


None of the masters remained for the closing speech including Lako and Mako, every one of the masters headed for their private chambers even the ones who had lost went back.

Lako and Mako, on the other hand, wanted to see their two prized possessions so they immediately headed down to the holding area.

It wasn't that much a walk out of their way after all who would want to stay too far from their valuables.

Unfortunately, once they to the entrance of the holding area the guards blocked them.

"My apologies but the participants are currently receiving medical treatment so unfortunately no one is allowed to enter"

Neither of the brothers fought with the guard, after all looking back at it, it made sense none of the other masters came to check up on their participants, it's not that they didn't want to but because they couldn't.

With no other choice they had to head back until later, the moment they turned around to leave they saw Kakar coming down the hall.


Lako gave a low shout catching Kakar attention.

"Hey there boss"

Neither Lako nor Mako smiled or returned his greeting, just as he came close to the two brothers Lako grabbed him and slammed him into the wall.

Feeling himself being grabbed Lako Kakar didn't immediately act instead just raising his defense to be prepared for anything.

"What were thinking teaching him bloodlust! Do you know how fucking stupid you made me look!"

Because of how close they were to the guards Lako kept shouting through a low muffled voice.

For a second Kakar was surprised but then he smiled faintly grabbing on Lakos' and twisting until he lets go.

"You wanted a champion and I gave you one, you should be grateful"

After saying that Lako didn't wait for any response from then, he walked up to the guarded door, before any of the guards could say anything he flashed them a small badge and when inside.

Once inside Kakar didn't go to Azreal or Asbiom instead he went over to the wolf, he didn't say or do anything he just observed the wolf while it was receiving treatment.

After a moment he walked over to Asbiom.

"How you feeling?"

Absiom gave a grunt and a small smile, Kakar in turn nodded and walked over to Azreal cage.

The dead monster carcasses were the first thing to be cleared out of the cages, followed by treatment while the janitorial staff cleaned up.

Azreal was just sitting there while the doctors fixed up his wounds, the thought had crossed his mind to try and escape now but it seemed way too easy so he couldn't be feeling like something was wrong.

"Hey there, how you feeling?"


Kakar didn't speak with Azreal long before leaving, when he was leaving most of the doctors and other staff were leaving, so just outside five of the masters —well six if you count Mako—were waiting to enter.

When Lako saw Kakar he shot him a victorious look, Kakar, on the other hand, pretend not to notice and just walked away.

He didn't stop walking until he was outside the arena and back in the back room of that little shop where the lioness was waiting.

Sitting in front of her Kakar bowed his head, the lioness forced a smile, it was obvious that he was gonna keep doing it whether or not she liked it.


"Thank you, Milady"
