Conquering Demons

Once that thought came into his mind he felt like his heart was being ripped in two.

Inspite of the pain he felt the illusion still didn't stop.

Now he stood in the middle of the town as a ball of fire fell and enveloped everything, Azreal didn't feel an ounce of pain but watch these people running screaming and begging for help made his heart ache more.

No matter what they did they could escape of the burning flames.

Water didn't help, the fire seemed like it grow angrier.

Dropping and rolling also did nothing.

One by one every single one of them eventually stopped moving.


While the rabbit stood watch over Azreal their ears started twitching, the worrying looks on their faces quickly got worse.

"We need to leave now!"

The rabbit could hear warbeast approaching them from far away at an incredible speed, judging based off the speed alone they obviously couldn't be weak.

"I think the city is finally ready to chase up!"

Everyone in the camp started getting themselves together quickly and quietly, they didn't wait around for each other once a group was ready they left taking one of the doctors with them.

Azreal's body was thrown over the wolf's back along with one of the rabbits to monitor his condition.


They didn't waste time either quickly sprinting off.

A few minutes after the left three shadows showed up and examined the surrounding area.

"Tsk didn't think there'd be this many of them, both of you head back a get more guys so we can follow each group, It'd be stupid for me to chase on my own so I'll wait for you to get back"


When everything changed again he was on the group mission with Dustin and Reyner, the bandits were attacking them.

Unlike with the town, Azreal didn't feel an ounce of remorse for them, instead, he was staring at himself, just how undisturbed he looked while he killed those bandits his eyes showed that they meant nothing to him at all.

Azreal couldn't only stare at himself puzzled, why was he like that, in his home, he wasn't this detached.


Azreal watched as he killed Dustin.

They had betrayed him, but given the circumstance,s only a fool would try to protect him at a time like that but still he felt no remorse only a sad sense of understanding.

Watching all this fighting happening around him and knowing it was his fault made him feel like he was a monster, all the people that died because of his selfish actions.


He stood atop the corpses of the other seven that were in the cage with him, they were probably forced into doing this, to kill for sport.

No remorse no sadness for their deaths.

Why should he have to die to make other people's life easier?

Better luck in their next life is all he could say to them and nothing else.

While Azreal stood on top of the pile it seemed to raise a little higher so he looked down only to see the body of the snow ape he killed under the corpses of the other seven.

Once again the pile raised but this time a lot more, hundreds of human bodies, with familiar faces, the townspeople.

Again, this time the body of the bandits he killed, shortly after it was the bodies of the few soldiers he'd killed to test out his sword.

Kyle, Dustin, Sadie and bunch more faces that he recognized and dozens more that he didn't were added to the pile, the ones that surprised him the most were the ones that came last, the faces of his mother, the man, their daughter, and their son.

Looking at all the face together Azreal felt like vomiting, he could feel chains being wrapped around his body dragging him down.

His mind felt like it was ready to break at anymore, he felt like he was holding on by a thread and if he let go he'd lose himself.

"Why did you kill up?"

"Why did you do it?"

"My family….I'll never see them again"

"I wanna gonna get married when I got back home!"

"Without my help they'll lose everything back home!"


The voice started out soft, barely a whisper but as they continued they only got louder and louder until it was a deafening chant.

"Why did you kill us!"

"Why did you kill us!!"

"Why did you kill us!!!"

The bodies seemed to become quicksand, it felt like they were pulling him in along with those heavy chains it felt like it was impossible to escape.

It got to the point where only his chest up was exposed as he tried to pull himself up with everything he had, the despair felt like it was eating him alive.

The corpse didn't stop pulling until they dragged him down.

All Azreal saw around him were dozens of blood red eyes.

"You'll say with us forever and atone for your sins"

All the many different voices spoke together.

"Bullshit! I refuse to carry your deaths on my shoulder"

Azreal struggled fiercely but it didn't seem like it was of any use.

Seeing that his struggling was of no use he only started getting angrier.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

Was he cursed?

The thought crossed it mind and it made sense, why else would his life be this terrible?

"I refused to be killed by a bunch of dead people!"

The rage inside him kept bubble until it felt like it was trying to burst out of him.

Azreal started forming his hands into claws and started dragging them across space.

To his surprise he actually grabbed hold of something, it felt like some sort of bone but he didn't care, he just slowly climbed out.

The higher he went the greater the force he felt pulling him back, but Azreal refused to stop, clenching his teeth he pushed forward until he was out.


Azreal howled at the sky with everything he had in him.

A gentle breeze blew taking everything around him with it, all the corpses, Azreal watched them all fade.

"Goodbye Mom"

When he said those words aloud he felt like a knot in his heart was released, his mind felt calm and free.

The wind began picking up speed and everything changed, now he was standing on a cliff looking out at the ocean.

All around him he could hear the cheerful laughter of a child but no one was there, he was fairly certain that the child said something but because of the laughter, he couldn't hear.