
"What do you mean? the seals on him?"

Azreal's eyes followed the child as he ran around

"That kid over there is you, or at the very least apart of you, he's been sealed up so I can only assume based on his laughing and crying that he's blocking off certain emotion or pains you might experience"

Darius' answer led to more questions than answers.

"What do you mean apart of me and what would he be blocking off? Who would—"

Just think of the question Azreal was able to come up with an answer the only two persons that would've gotten that chance was the old man and Enron.

But just as quickly he shook his head and tossed the idea aside, Darius had just said that once a person became a True God they could no longer step into the lower realms but Enron and the old man did so wouldn't that mean that they are just God's? Not all that much stronger than him so how would they be able to place a seal on him?

"Could it have been someone with strength that close to mine?"

"Nope, that seal was meant to be broken by you no outside force is able to break it, that's impossible for someone with your strength, and I mean apart of you, I mean it exactly like how it sounds"

"What happens if I break it and what happens if I don't?"

"If you don't? Well you'll continue as you have been but if you break it you'd be faced with whatever it's holding back good or bad, no need to rush it's not like you have anything better to do just relax here, tsk oh yea but some people are after you and your friends so you've got that to worry about"

Darius' response once again stunned Azreal.

"What? Who? How do l leave?"

Darius responded with a shrug.

"Well either wait until the seal reform completely or just embrace yourself i.e the child"

When the little boy heard the first part he stop laughing and was about to start crying even more but when he heard the rest he immediately ran over to Azreal.

Azreal didn't say anything just picking up the little boy.

"Oh yea you could've just willed and you would have woken up, I mean this is your mind after all"


Azreal didn't get a chance to say anything else because of a blinding light coming off the body of the little boy.


In the outside world.

Kakar's group had been running for few minutes now, but so far they hadn't see anyone chasing them but still they didn't let down their guard.

"How is he doing?"

Azan asked, since they were on his back he couldn't see what was happening.

"Fin—No No No…."

The doctor didn't get a chance to respond before Azreal started shedding the hair that had just grown.

"What's happening?"

"I'm not sure, don't disturb me!"

Immediately he got to work trying to figure out what was happening, although this was just something he and his siblings accidentally discovered all the test they put it through indicated that it should work just fine, even on a human it shouldn't be a problem since it was meant to rearrange the bodies structure entirely.

It didn't take long for him to realize that there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop what was currently happening.

When Kakar saw that the doctor had stopped moving he bit his lip a little bit of anger and hopelessness flashed in his eyes.

"So what's happening?"

The rabbits face had turned completely hideous.

"I don't know there's absolutely no reason for it!"


In Azreal's mind.

Holding on to the little boy who'd lost human form and turned into a ball of light the same size a the little boy.

The light contained hundreds of other colors that flew about like they had life.

By this time Azreal didn't need Darius to explain anything to him, he already knew what to do.

"I remember you now, you're me"

All he got in response was laughter.

Holding the light to his chest Azreal slowly pulled it into his body, there was no resistance from the ball of light, soon enough it completely disappeared.

Shortly after hundred upon hundred of images flashed before Azreal's eyes, at first they were just flowing by but soon curiosity got him and he tried to slow them down to try and relive the memories.

The moment he did it an intense pain hit him like a speeding train, he wasn't even able to think straight after, the pain made it next to impossible to formulate a thought.

"Don't hold onto anything just let it all go"

When Darius' voice entered his ears he could feel the pain starting to lessen as everything slowly started flowing again.

It took quite some time for everything to flow past but once he did he felt lighter.

Shortly afterwards the little boy reappeared with his arms stretched out running around Azreal's body pretending to be an airplane.

"You freed me! Hahaha you freed me"

Unlike last time when he laughed there were no tears.

Grabbing a hold of Azreal's hand the boy ran forward while pulling him, the further they ran the more everything behind them began disappearing until there was nothing but darkness again.