Let The Weak Hunt The Strong

When Azreal thought the formula was there the excitement he felt made him feel like a child on Christmas Eve but now he felt like that kid on Christmas morning after opening all his presents and only finding coal inside.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Looking at the quality of all the books it's was obvious that the mut had no intention of leaving the formula behind! All the other books were leather bound, even the one with the ripped out notes but the one with formula felt like a piece of crap he found on the streets.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down Azreal picked up the book about space, in the hopes that it would at least give him some clues about the formula.




Reading the book from cover to cover, Azreal couldn't help feeling like it was a contradiction, the main theme of the book was that all creatures whether God's or Warbeast had to submit to the spacials laws of the realm but if the claims of the Wolf were correct then wouldn't that mean that anything was possible with enough energy? If anything based on what happened earlier with Xavious what the book was saying was flawed.

The book went on to further describe the entire nether realm as a space that was sealed off, not allowing entry or exist but that completely went against his own experience so he disregarded it as well.

"Was this book written by someone he wanted to prove wrong?"

Thinking that thought he pushed the book to the side, and picked up the one based on runes—which he didn't read— flipping through the book, it could be thought of as kind of a language book, it taught about how to use certain runes, how to prevent them from clashing but right now wasn't the time for him to try learning a language.

Switching over to the final book Azreal slowly read through it.

The book spoke about the Five major crystals Energy, Sealing, Light, Exploding, Core.

It described each crystal and where to locate them.

Energy Crystals were just energy that condensed into physical form after hundreds of years, they were only found in two places, forest that we filled with natural or places where a lot of powerful creatures lived, they tend to form faster in the latter, the purer the green the more energy it contained.

Light Crystals were self-explanatory, ironically they only formed in incredibly dark places that lacked light, there was no purity level to them since they would stunt their own growth.

"So these things are called light crystals.." Azreal murmured to himself while looking at the bright crystals in the corner.

Exploding Crystals were only found in places with lots of volcanic activity, the strength and purity were determined by the brightest and weight, the brighter and heaving it was the bigger the boom!

Sealing Crystals, out of all the crystals this one contained the least amount of information all it said was with a strong enough crystal you could seal anything.

Subconsciously Azreal played with the space ring on his finger.

"So space rings would be made from sealing crystals?"

The final one was a bit surprising, Core Crystals, the energy center of a warbeast, formed through constant work until it develops in the body and begins storing energy.

Through the constant advancement of the body through battle or physical activity that pushed the bodies limit, the body will slowly develop a core, over a period average period of a century.

Subconsciously he Azreal pushed his hair aside and used his claw to tap it.



He could better understand why the rabbit and the others were so excited before.

"I guess me and the wolf king has something slightly in common, he had a hard time manipulating energy and I can't seem to absorb any" Azreal showed a wryly smile as he spoke his thoughts aloud.

Picking up the container with the three crystals that was on the table, observing them closely.

"What are these?"

They didn't match the look of any of the crystals in the book, if anything they looked more like polished ruby's, each half an inch thick and an inch long.

Sticking his hand inside Azreal pulled out two of them to observe closer —each of them a different color— the moment he did a chilling hum rang, it came from everywhere in the room.

Along his arm all the way to his forehead a bunch of glowing gold veins—similar in color to the core in his forehead— formed, they could be seen clearly through the black scales.

Azreal was about to drop them since he didn't know what was happening but before he was able to he felt the vein pulse and a rush of energy went to the core in his forehead.

"Energy? I'm absorbing it? So these are energy crystals? And I'm able to absorb them? Hahaha!"

With his excitement, the veins pulsed faster absorbing more energy, to Azreal this was nothing short of a new opportunity that presented a whole new door to him.

The more he absorbed the duller the crystals became, the more his core glowed.

Azreal could feel the core reaching its capacity but the absorption didn't stop at all.

Eventually, he felt like his mind was transferred in front of a large door.

"Where is this?"

Above his head a large ball of energy started forming, that eventually took a form that resembled him.





His energy form started beating down the door, without holding anything back, with every crack that appeared indoor his core was able to absorb more energy.

Azreal couldn't help being stunned at how simple it was for warbeast to advance through bottlenecks.

"Is this it? I was struck by fucking lighting before!"

Taking notice of the energy form Azreal furrowed his brow, everything few punches it would go slightly pale and the punch would grow weaker then it would absorb more energy and go back to its original form.

"Doesn't this mean that all that energy is being wasted? Hit harder! I just know those energy crystals are gonna be expensive to buy!"

Boom! Bang!

As if it heard him with one final punch the door blasted apart.

Looking down at his hand that now contained two burnt broken crystals Azreal clenched his fist and felt the energy that was nothing like before coursing through his body.

"Beast King!"

Azreal was just about to jump back when he heard the voice but when looked up at the slightly illusory face a bunch of memories surfaced, it was almost like veil he didn't know was there was removed from his mind.

But he had absolutely no reaction.

"Beast King? This is how it feels to be a Beast King?" Azreal murmured while clenched and unclenched his fist, a bit smile on his face.

Looking at the remaining crystal, greed shone from Azreal's eyes, with the amount of strength he just gained he subconsciously reached for the other one wanting more.

"To think a warbeast would normally spend fifty to sixty years working to gain the strength you just achieved in a few seconds? But you just absorbed the cores of two dead warbeast and whamp! Being a favored son of the heavens really is amazing!"

Darius looked at Azreal like fruit he was just waiting to ripen.

"I can use energy crystals to cultivate my strength?"

"Yea sure, I supposed by absorbing more CORES" Darius shrugged as he gave his response.

Azreal whose hand was about to grasp the final core paused as his expression went blank, his face lost all expression, slowly he looked up at Darius only after he mentioned it the second time did Azreal take note of what he just 'ate'.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Those were cores…..I can absorb cores….. warbeast don't develop cores until they get really strong….."

Speaking up to this point Azreal started massaging his temple but his expression only became more stressed.

"....are you telling me I have to go hunt people that can probably kill me by breathing too fucking hard?!!...Why does keep happening to me"