Nala (2)

Seeing her father and cousin she smiled.

"Azan, your back!"

"Isn't it amazing? Where have you been?"

The excitement on his face couldn't be hidden, as the head of the Empyrean Wolves, he only had two blood relatives in the city, his daughter and his nephew.

Azan showed a wryly smile before responding.

"Uncle Ahadi...I—I just wanted to see what was outside….for all my life I've been here and I've never left"

When he said that Nala shot a glance at her father who quickly averted his gaze.

"So when I got the chance I ran off but it didn't take very long before I was captured hahaha…." Azan let out a hollow self-deprecating laugh.

Azan recounted his entire store all the way up to Azreal and Xavious taking him back here.

As he told his story Ahadi face changed several times, mostly that off anger but eventually it calmed.

"Those filthy slave traders!!...Do you know the names of the people who saved you or where they're from?"

"No, but Azreal and Xavious said they were going to get a weapon from a female blacksmith that wasn't far from our territory"

Ahadi went silent for a moment trying to think of any female blacksmith in the arena.

"Novak" Nala spoke up and broke the silence.

"Yes the only female I can think of is Novak in Achebe but she isn't a blacksmith….she only buys and sells rare weapons, mhm tomorrow I'll send some people to search for them. They returned my nephew to me if anything at the very least we should pay for the weapon but today we celebrate your return!"

With that said, the servants started coming out to decorate the house, when it was announced an air of joy spread across the entire city.

The Alpha's nephew has returned!

Throughout all of this Nala made herself scares, avoiding the celebrations.

Slipping away from everyone she went back up to her room where it was quiet.

Stepping into the room a maidservant followed behind her, she wasn't a wolf but her exact race was hard to tell because of how human she looked.

The maidservant helped her to slip out of her dress, she blushed as she tried not to stare at her masters exposed body that was almost flawless except for the markings on her shoulder that resembled a henna tattoo and the other one that started from her nape all the way down her spine stopping right about her perky backside but although they could be considered marks they added to her allure rather than take away.

She walked around the room completely naked, every move she made her servants' eyes followed, when she settled on something casual her servant helped her to put it on taking advantage of every opportunity to touch her delicate skin.

Once her clothes were on she dismissed her maidservant and went to her usual spot, sitting on the window sill, from there she could overlook the entire city and beyond.

Looking out In the distance beyond the border of the city, she could see faint traces of smoke going up in the air.

"The tomb!"

Without a second thought, she jumped through the window, before she landed on the ground she transformed into a wolf, her transformation was about ¾ the size of a fully grown African bush elephant.

As she ran, she covered several meters with every step, as she passed through the streets and the other wolves saw her they would kneel but she paid them no mind.

It didn't take her more than ten seconds before she got to the tomb, only to see it collapsing, when the other wolves that were on sight saw her they quickly kneeled.

When she looked at the tomb that was collapsing she didn't have the same look of horror that they did.

"What happened?" Nala spoke in a calm even tone.

When the wolf currently kneeling in front of her heard her tone they nodded on the inside, this is how their future Alpha should behave.

"We don't know, when we heard an explosion, we sent someone to inform the alpha and rushed over, we saw a figure escaping from the top of the tomb, four others are currently running after the figure but it's unlikely that they'll catch up to it"

After that wolf recounted what happened they all bowed even deeper.

"We are ready to accept our punishment, this happened on our watch! We will accept whatever punishment you deem fit"

Nala ignored them a walked closer to the tomb intending to go through the rubble to look inside.

"Nala, What are you doing?"

Hearing the voice her steps came to a halt, a meter or two behind her stood a wolf that towered over her more than twice her size.

"Father I just wanted to look inside"

Before Ahadi responded he transformed back into his humanoid form.

"You know the rules"

Hearing her father she stepped back away from the rubble, watching his daughter stepping away, Ahadi looked at the wolves that were kneeling before him and asked what happened, they repeated the same thing they told Nala.

"I see, head back for now and send a different squeal to replace yours, once I get back I'll decide on a punishment"

"Yes Alpha" they responded in unison.

Shortly after they left a few more Wolves arrived, they greeted the Ahadi and Nala, then started having a discussion with Ahadi about how to handle everything.

Nala, on the other hand, laid down close to the tomb and closed her eyes, before she dozed off her ears started twitching, she could hear crying, getting up she walked closer to the tomb.

"Nala!" Ahadi shouted seeing her getting closer to the tomb.

"There's someone inside" Nala said not halting her steps, approaching cautiously.

When Ahadi and the others heard that they rushed over to hear the crying as well.

The crying went on for almost five minutes before it stopped and everything went quiet.

The wolves waited for a while before making any moves, after a while, they could feel some heat coming from the tomb followed by the rocks turning red and melting away.

Stepping on the molten rocks a silver and black lizard walked out, a purple and gold flame on his hand, when the sun touched his scales it sparkled a little and gave off an ominous feel.

His long grey hair moved gently with the subtle wind and his cold grey eyes observed everything in front of him, his entire bearing gave off a feeling of dominance and nonchalance.

Nala stared at him with fixed eyes, while the others wolves went on guard staring him down.