King’s Runes

"Never expected you to call me this soon"

As Darius spoke he took a look around.

"Wolf territory? They invited you in?"

Azreal recounted everything that happened, processing Azreal words Darius went silent for a moment.

"The female blacksmith…..when people lie they unconsciously mix in the truth to make it more believable so more than likely he's going to the blacksmith or at the very least she has something to do with it but don't say anything to them take advantage of the free time to relax"

Azreal nodded, agreeing with Darius, the wolves would figure it out on their own and whenever that was.

"Ready to hold up your end?"

Darius smiled.

"Sure, there isn't much you need to know though, once you master the letters everything else will fall into place like dominos and the letters aren't that difficult to learn either! Simple right?"

Azreal looked at Darius waiting for him to explain the drawback but Darius just stared at him intern and said nothing.

"And? If they're so special why don't more people know about them and if it's that simple won't it be weak?"

Darius rolled his eyes at Azreal's questions.

"More people don't know about it because those who know it aren't willing to teach, once you teach someone you can't stop what the idiot will do after. Hahaha weak? Just because it's simple doesn't mean it weak, it simple because all the excess crap has been removed, I mean there's only a slight chance of it killing you it isn't even worth mentioning"

Before Azreal could get a word in Darius spoke up louder to cut him off.

"The first rule when it comes to runes is that there basically aren't any, the only restrictions that exist depends on you, so long as you have enough power to support it your fine. What that means is that you can basically seal the entire universe and force it to bend to your will but the amount of power required to do that would be unimaginable, following?"

Not waiting for a response he continued.

"Despite what you read in that book or what you might have heard or anything like that, runes aren't that hard to learn to control them and being able to quickly use them is where it get difficult, there are thousands of letters in the runic alphabet but all you really need to know is the major thirty-six letters for my [King's Runes]"

"So long as you learn those the rest aren't that important, each of those single letters you'll use to form words and words into sentences, the sentences once formed will take the shape of a diagram, with normal runes you have to create the diagram yourself"

Darius seemed to be speaking of a script or something because he spoke in a way that seemed rehearsed.

"The order or manner in which you write the sentence doesn't matter much what matters is what the sentences say, for example, if you create a runic formation that says 'Seal Darius' that's pretty simple right? Wrong! For that isn't specific enough, so what would that diagram do if your the source of its power is you? It would constantly draw out your energy to fulfill and undefined process until your nothing but a corpse, if it had been more specific it would contain fallbacks for each action but more often than not you won't be the center, 'seal Darius for xyz amount of time for as long as source can hold' or some crap like that is more specific but still flawed but you get the idea the more details you get the better it performs"

Speaking up to this point Darius sighed but he wasn't sad instead him face looked smug.

"If you had my eyes that would be so much easier for you, you could see everything the very laws that make up the universe, with enough power nothing would be impossible, with my eyes with a wave of your hand and a thought you could form an entire diagram, with an image conjured in my mind the diagram will fill itself in to perform the actions I want"

Shooting him a scornful look Azreal spoke.

"If your eyes are so special how'd you get stuck in here"

As Azreal spoke he used his index finger ta top his forehead.

Darius gave Azreal a scornful look shortly after which he got sad, staring off into the sky as if looking at a distant memory.

"Arrogance my dear boy Arrogance"

".....what are the symbols"

Darius didn't bother explaining instead he wrote out all thirty-six letters, each of them just resembled squiggling lines to Azreal at first glance but there was a certain method to the madness, plus each character seem to raise up off the roof it was carved into.

"That's it, those are the symbols"

Azreal observed all of them carefully then thought for a moment before deciding to try something.

"If you're going to write something there can be no flaws in the characters so try to keep your hand as steady as possible"

Hearing that Azreal paused for a second but still decided to try, no risk no gain.

What Azreal wrote was simple, energy not exceeding the level of a Beast King would gather here, first it would use his strength to power it then it would rely on the energy gathered.

When Azreal finished writing all the characters gathered together forming a diagram just when it started glowing, Azreal couldn't help but starting to smile he could feel the energy getting thicker around him.

Taking out the book on runes Azreal wanted to draw a regular diagram to see which is stronger.


Without warning the diagram exploded, flinging Azreal a few meters away.

"What the fuck Darius!"

"Hahahahaha!!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! do it over but this time use your blood as the ink when writing the runes"

"Fuck are you insane!"

Azreal was genuinely upset, supposed he'd chosen to try something that was actually supposed to gather strength for the purpose of an explosion, the damage he'd take wouldn't just result in a few bruises.

"Hahaha Calm down, Calm down if you wrote anything really dangerous I would've stopped you, besides didn't I tell you no flaws? each letter has to be written a particular way, so top to bottom, left to right, stuff like that"

Saying that Darius face when serious.

"Also earlier it looked like you wanted to compare them with the crap you found in the tomb, they're called Kings Runes because of their power to command, there is no comparison"