Forest Fight

The moment Xavious stepped into the city earlier the pigs —who had lost track of them— breathe a sigh of relief.

Once the leaders had confirmed that it was him and Azreal and the others were outside they immediately started drafting a plan, the fact that there were now two wolves did make them a pause but only for a moment.

None paid any attention to the fact that Nala could take humanoid form, capturing them and bringing them back was more important, if they missed this opportunity they'd be the ones fighting in the arena.


The group didn't waste much time heading back to Damian's house, by the time they'd gotten back there it was already well into the AM's .

They stopped a good distance away out of the reach of the guards watchful eyes.

"Are you ready?" Nala asked while look at Xavious.

Azreal who was standing beside them started looking around with his brow furrowed.

The usual quiet wolf was just about to ask what's wrong but Azreal spoke up first.

"Something feels off"

Just before any of them could say anything they felt a few black figures rush past them, they hadn't sensed anything until they rushed past them.

Even Azreal didn't sense anything but his scales started to raise a little once they got in close, but just now when they rushed past him he saw them clearly.

Not wasting a second he started chasing them, Xavious and the others stood confused just when Azreal was about to say something they heard shouts coming from behind on Damian's estate.

"The Sword! It's missing!!"

"The guards over here are dead!"

"This obviously just happened spread out!"

Nala and the others didn't wait beyond the first set of words before they started chasing Azreal, Xavious didn't hesitate either he wanted to get away from Azreal but this wouldn't be the time considering that if the guards caught him now with what he had on him, it wouldn't be any better.


Despite his slightly short legs, it didn't take long for him to catch up to Azreal even passing Nala.

"Did you get to see who we're chasing?"

"Your friends"

When Xavious heard that he almost stumbled and fell, he didn't need to think to know who Azreal was talking about.

'Fuck! Why me?!'

It was starting to seem like he'd have bad luck whenever he was around Azreal.

Azreal, on the other hand, was deep in thought, in the forest it would be hard to catch up to these spider and his only means of stopping would be like a flare but he couldn't let them get close to their hideout or where ever they were going.



While he was deep in thought the spiders in front of him shot out two big web nets that came straight for him, the nets look just like regular spider webs but he had no intention of using his body to test if they were special.

With a slight wave of his hand, the two nets were burnt into nothingness.

"Stay close to me!" Azreal shouted while looking back at Nala and the others.

Realizing that the nets did nothing and that Azreal was able to wield fire the spiders sped up even faster

It never crossed their minds that Azreal possessed a core, most warbeast would only be able to control electricity but you will always have other than can use their special gifts, just like they just used spider webs before, dragons were naturally able to wield fire regardless of strength.

Azreal waited until Nala and the others were right beside him before making a move, and when they were



Swinging out both hands and a line of Fire was created on the left and right of them, running even faster than both them and the spiders, within seconds the wall of fire overtook the spiders and came together to seal them in.

Coming up to the wall of fire the spiders stopped and turned to face Azreal's group that was now walking towards them.

"The sword" Azreal spoke while stretching out his hand, indicating that they should throw it.

He knew the power of the flame so he was more than cocky when the spiders were sealed in his world.

The spider who was at what was originally the front of the group stepped forward with what they could only assume was a smile.

"Woooee, this fire of yours, I didn't know you guys could summon this much, wow, and two group Empyrean wolves and even you Xavious? How'd you get a dragon descendant?"

Releasing a deep breath like he'd seen something amazing the spider continued.

"Looks like it's true you guys can't come for the sword yourself and normally I'd scared of the little dragon but seen as you're here with them means your probably a reject, so no I think I'll hold onto the sword and as for you Xavious you just wait till we get back"

Saying that the group opened their mouth and shot out ropes of web, before Azreal could react in a motion that seemed to have been practiced to perfection they were out of the ring of fire and in the trees using the webs like vines.

Nala who was only watching before gritted her teeth.

"Release the fire" she spoke while running towards the spider, Azreal was already in about to do just that so within an instant the fire was gone.

"Follow me"

Changing back into her full wolf form Nala ran out and knocked down the trees that the spiders hung from before they could react and jump to another, the other wolf followed Nala's lead and knocked the nearby trees.

Now to get anywhere near a tree they'd have to do a bit of running but Azreal and the others didn't plan on giving them that chance, especially Xavious.