
Breathing a sigh of relief Eol didn't stick around he quickly left the area.

The only reason why Azreal left Eol was that he could use him as a warning to the Sow, look what I did to your Beast King!

Still, he wasn't all that happy about the fight since he was almost out of energy, the sword is like a vacuum.

Once he gets back to the wolf territory he's just gonna focus on cultivating according to the worthless technique he got from Kakar and build back up his energy.

Moving at high speed it didn't Azreal long to hear the sounds of fighting, hurrying over he was surprised by what he saw.

The bodies of dozens of pig scattered around, most of them ripped in half while some of them had holes in their body.

He couldn't help but take back his words, this wasn't a fight it was a slaughter.

Nala's face and paws were drenched in blood, with a little more scattered over her body, Xavious was in a slightly better condition since it didn't look like he went in close all that often.

The few pigs that remained were trembling in fear, as they slowly backed off Nala moved forward baring her bloody fangs.

Azreal couldn't help but think that maybe he had underestimated her, with a swing of her paws she turned them into pulp.

It was only now that Azreal came forward, when Xavious saw him he breathe a sigh of relief, it was kind of hard to gauge Nala's reaction because of the form she was in.


Taking off the sword Xavious tossed it back to Azreal, completely ignoring the fact that he was nude.

Without much else being said they started off on their return journey.


By the time sun had risen Novak was already understandably pissed since she hadn't seen or heard from any of them since they went out earlier this morning.

Betrayal wasn't even in the cards so that thought never crossed her mind even for a second.

"Go out and see if you can find out what happened"

The spiders in the shadows of the back room quickly disappeared, it didn't take them long before they saw the scene with the dozens of dead pigs and their own black spiders.

Even though only little more than a skeleton remained they didn't have a hard time identifying birds body.

Unfortunately, they couldn't retrieve the bodies of their fallen comrades because the guards from Damian's mansion had the area sealed off.

Returning back to the shop they relayed the information back to Novak.

"Pigs? I can understand why the body of an empyrean would be there but how did they find out who the sword was sold to?..."

It only took a few seconds to come up with a person

"Find Xavious"

It didn't take long for the shadows to return after they left again since Xavious' place wasn't far.

"He's not there"

Novak didn't respond but the spiders could sense her anger so once again they quickly left, it was another two hours before they returned.

"The ones from Sow were chasing some warbeasts that escaped from the arena, this morning they approached them and that's how that happened, we also think Xavious was involved since he bought a floor plan for Damian's house as well…"

Before the spiders could finish their report Novak slammed her fists into the table in front of her.

"I'll go inform mother"

The spider in the shadows all subconsciously stepped back even deeper into the shadows almost like they were trying to avoid just mention of their mother.


It didn't take long for Eol to return back to where the Sow camp was, he didn't immediately go back an report what happened instead he went to the infirmary to get his wound treated.

He hadn't bothered to try and pick up his arm since it was already destroyed, so all they could do for him in the infirmary was seal up the wound as neatly as possible.

Finishing up there he went to the tent with the other leaders, when he stepped in they didn't seem surprised that he only had one arm, in fact, the looks in their eyes changed.

They looked at him as an equal before but now they looked at him like he was inferior.

He'd have done the same thing if he was in their shoes so he didn't focus on it too much, just recounting what happened and he didn't make Azreal sound any stronger than he really was and the only reason why he left him was most likely to tell the tale.

After he finished recounting what happened they thanked him in a way that made it clear that they were telling him to leave, stepping out of the tent Eol decided to head back to the city