New Weapon (2)

When Azreal was leaving the detention center he asked the guards where he could find the best blacksmith.

The told him that it was an old man name Alyon, his shop had the same name, following the directions the guards gave Azreal found a pretty decent shop with a few weapons on display.

Walking up to the counter, the young wolf-girl greeted with a welcoming smile.

"Hello dear customer, how may I assist you today?"

"I have a custom job, I wanna know the cost and if you have the materials"

"Of course, just tell me the materials and I'll check if we have them available then I'll be able to calculate the price" she replied still with that welcoming smile.

Nodding his head, Azreal went on to list the names Xavious told him, while he listened to them some of the times the receptionist would nod, at others, she would scrunch her brows, and at a few, she looked completely confused.

"Uhm, I'll go check on these for you now"

When she left Azreal started wandering around the store admiring the weapons, none of them gave off a dominant aura or anything like what happened in Novak's store these we just simple and plain.

Which did make him a bit skeptical but remembering how quickly the guards pointed out this place after he asked about blacksmiths, he decided to place his fate in Alyon.

About four minutes had passed and the receptionist still wasn't back yet, Azreal was already tired of waiting after the first minute and three more was all he could bare, getting up he decided to leave.

Right as he was about to step out, a man approached the door, his figure taking up the half entrance— the man resembled a grizzly bear, with a long messy beard—stepping back Azreal allowed the bear to pass just as he was about to step out the receptionist called out.

"Dear customer please wait!"

Turning around the receptionist looked like she'd been running, her face was sweaty and she was breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry but several of the smiths looked at your list but they all asked if you've made a mistake"

When she said that the bear who had just walked in walked over to take a look at the items on the list before speaking.

"Quite a strange list you have here"

Azreal looked over at the man with a questioning look which the receptionist provided an answer to.

"Oh this is our store's owner Master Alyon"

Looking at him from head to toes Azreal had to agree this man had to be a blacksmith, he looked like he's lived a hard life.

"How so?"

"Hehehe, well let's see, some of these items are common crap that'd get thrown away and others are things that aren't used in forgery and three of them are incredibly rare"

Azreal didn't immediately answer, thinking back to Xavious, he wondered if he told him crap but he wouldn't be that dumb.

"So can it be made?"

He thought about it and realize that he hadn't said it couldn't be done just that the list was strange.

Alyon focused on the listen for about twenty seconds before looking at Azreal.

"It can be done but it won't be cheap, it doesn't look like you have a particular formula, so I'll just forge it until a get a quality I'm satisfied with, you'll be responsible for payment for all the wasted materials and beast hours placed into it, Deal?"

"Is that all?" Azreal asked with a little smile.

Alyon nodded in affirmation.

"Good, I want it in one week, I don't care about how much 'beast' hours you put in or how much material you use up, but if I'm not satisfied with the quality I'm not paying"

Azreal thought about the crappy sword Lako had given him that couldn't withstand the seal since he didn't know the exact method for forging the weapon he has no choice but to leave it in the hands of a blacksmith.

"I want it to be incredibly strong, the weapon needs to be able to withstand a lot of pressure, you can add materials from outside this list but they shouldn't affect the way how what's on the listen interacts"

Azreal's reason for allowing the blacksmith to add outside ingredients was to use both the Emperor Build's spell and soul sealing spell to make an even stronger weapon but for that, he needed it to be able to withstand a lot of pressure, the original weapon was built so long ago, so there must be improvements in forging since them, plus it would be stupid to think that the version of the Emperors Build that was in the tomb was the best. .

Alyon once again nodded.

"That's fine we aim to please but two things remain, proof of you being able to pay and for you to decide on the type of weapon you want"

Azreal thought for a second about the type, he already knew where the money was coming from so no point in thinking about it.

"A Scythe, Make it a Scythe"