Nala Wrath (2)

Azreal and Xavious stood in the shadows and observed everything that happened, earlier Xavious went to Azreal to let him know that the people in this town would act on their desires.

In preparation for what would happen, he and Xavious waited in the shadows on top of the roof for the robbers to come but to their surprise just as they were starting to gather Nala appeared beside them on the roof.

This shocked both Azreal and Xavious greatly because neither of them sensed her approach.

"Don't interfere" Was all she said before reappearing the group of robbers.

Azreal originally had his back-up scythe in his hand but if what just happened was a preview of what's to come he didn't need it.

Xavious, on the other hand, didn't give the bodies a chance to turn cold before he started digging through the pockets of the dead.


Standing in the group of dead bodies, Nala closed her eyes and sniffed the air a few times, when she opened her eyes again she leaped over the motel to where another group had started gathering.

Her presence went completely unnoticed by all the warbeast in the expanding group.

"How much longer do we have to wait?"

"Tsk the more people we wait on the less we get!"

Nala didn't take advantage of the moment to act instead she waited for them to notice her.

"Tsk I gotta go piss"

One the warbeast in the group got up clearly a bit upset, when he got up he didn't look up instead focusing his attention on loosening the knots that held his pants up.


As he was walking he knocked up in something, he was already upset and this was just adding fuel to the fire.

"Watch where you're going bastard!" Because of how close they were to the inn he could shout all he could do was speak through gritted teeth.

Looking up at the face he found it slightly familiar.

"Huh, You're—"



All of a sudden the world around him started spinning and turned red, no matter how hard he tried to speak no words would come.

Previously while he was shouting no one paid him any mind but after hearing the 'thud' sound, as well as, some of them getting soaked in blood they looked around.

Nala didn't rush towards them, she gripped her sword tightly, she didn't hide her anger and hatred in the least.

"All of you deserve to die!"




Nala remained true to her word and not a single one of them were left standing and just like before, almost like some kind of cockroach Xavious appeared to rob the dead.

She shot him a disdainful look but he completely ignored it and continued his search.

"Yea you just keep looking at me like that because your eyes can hurt me"

Xavious spoke in a nonchalant manner, this wasn't a town that was run by normal law, so he wasn't afraid that some guards or anyone like that would show up.

Once again sniffing as the wind blew Nala ran off in the direction of the town exit.

As Azreal watched all of this unfold he couldn't help but feel slightly depressed, if only he'd carved [ Eternal Damnation ] into the scythe he'd be having a field day right now.

He wasn't a full-fledged God so he didn't have much more energy than last time and with the rate at which he absorbs energy here, he had to take it slow.

Still way how she was slaughtering all these warbeast indiscriminately—in his eyes— he gained a new understanding for her, to think she hated slavery this much that one little fox would make her do all this.


Outside the town, a group of five warbeast had set up a little camp, all of them were in a jovial mood as they sat around the fire laughing.

"Hahaha three thousand! Three freaking thousand who would've thought?!"

"Hehe can you imagine if we hadn't sold the other before, she probably would've brought them all"

"Why'd she buy the little fox for such a price?"

"Hahaha, How should we know?! Maybe she's just a pervert who likes them youn—"

Before that warbeast could finish speaking a broad sword was slowly being pushed through his chest.

Looking down at the giant sword sticking out of his chest he was stunned, even tried to push it back out but it just kept coming through, every time he tried to speak nothing but mouths full of blood would come up.

His companions all stared at the blade in shock, looking up at the figure who was half hidden in the shadow they were stunned.

"Lady what the hell are you doing?!?"

"She's a child! and yet look at what you did to her! This is nothing in comparison" thinking about the scars on the little foxes body only made her angrier.

When the four remaining warbeast heard that they started smiling.

"Ohh so you're one of those nut cases?"

All four of them picked up their weapons and surrounded Nala.

"You think you're the first?! How weak do you think we are?!"

Taking two steps forward Nala was already out of the encirclement.

"Very weak"

Before they could turn around after hearing the voice several deep gushed started appearing on their body, one by one they all fell down.

After they fell Nala made her way back to the town.

"I didn't realize she was this strong" Azreal said to Xavious.

Although previous he'd seen her rip apart some pigs but that could just be chalked up to her size.

Truth be told seeing her like this made him breathe a sigh of relief, it meant that should be more than capable of handling herself, which would be less for him to worry about if anything should happen.

"She is pretty strong but I feel like that armor had a lot to do with it" Darius spoke in a disinterested manner.

"Hmm? What about the armor?"

"I'm not sure I can't put my finger on it right now"

Azreal stood by and allowed Xavious to collect his loot while he thought about Nala's armor, he didn't feel anything was strange about it even when he thought it over it just seemed like normal armor.


When she came back to the inn, Nala went into her room and quietly took off her armor and placed it back into her bag, before she went to bed she took a shower to wash off any stench of blood that might've been on her.

Walking out of the bathroom she turned off the lights before she slipped under the covers and wrapped her arms around the little fox.