Bleeding Pockets

For the time they were traveling together they went off course a few times to stopped in a few towns so Nala could have a look around and get some exposure.

Everywhere they stopped she bought a few trinkets, and every step of the way Xavious complained the constant stopping had started to annoy him to no end.

Aside from when she ran away and they found her the little fox—Averie— has only spoken a few times, thanks to Xavious antics she even laughed a few times, it was a slow process but little by little she was stepping out of her shell.

With the stopping and everything, it took them a week to get to their destination.

Standing in front of the huge city gate they were all surprised for different reasons, Xavious because he didn't expect that they end up in a city he expected some little shack in the bushes or something.

Azreal was just in awe of the gate, the entire gate and its thick doors were made out of marble while the edges were lined with solid gold, and top of the gate was a statue of a roaring lion.

Averie was shocked because it was her first time seeing something like this, Nala, on the other hand, was stunned because of where they are, the reason she left home was to gain some life experience before her engagement but now her little journey led her right to the home of her fiancée.

She honestly wasn't sure how she should react.

"What's wrong?" Azreal saw the strange look on her face as she looked up at the gate.

"I didn't realize this is where we were headed....this is where my fiancé's family lives" as Nala spoke she showed a wryly smile.

"Well we aren't turning back, better keep this will they won't they shit you two have going under wraps, I like my head attached to my body," Xavious said as he walked off mumbling.

Ignoring Xavious she watched Azreal's face to see if he'd have any reaction—which he didn't have much of—over the past week that they'd been traveling that little awkwardness that would happen when Azreal tried to strike up a conversation slowly faded and started to turn into something.

Azreal just nodded when he heard that and showed a small smile.

"What business do you have here?" While they were talking Xavious and walked over to the guard.

It didn't take much to get entry into the city after Xavious explained that they were just tourist and gave the guard some money.

Taking a deep breath Nala entered the city, unless she went looking for him he wouldn't know she was there so she'd explore the city until it was time to leave and no one would be the wiser.

Once they got in, Xavious walked around like he belonged while Nala, Averie, and Azreal just looked like nicely dressed out of place country bumpkins.

Following the directions he obtained It didn't take long for them to get to a high-end clothing store, stepping inside with a broad smile and his chest high Xavious had a look of disdain as he looked at the warbeast in the store.

As Azreal and the others walked in the attendants were about to tell them that maybe they had the wrong place but watching how closely they walked behind Xavious they held their tongue.

"How may we be of service to you today?"

A few attendants came over complimenting Xavious to no end, he showed absolutely no reaction to any of it, looking at attendants like they were the scum of the earth.

"Take care of my attendants, I'd like to see your manager"

"Yes yes of course! Right this way!"

As one of the attendants brought Xavious away the others quickly surrounded Azreal and Nala them.

"What can we help you with today?"

The looks of excitement in their eyes slightly diminished, since any normal warbeast would only spend a limited amount on their servants compared to what they spend on themselves.

Azreal didn't know how Xavious was going to pay but he most certainly was going to make his pocket bleed for calling him his servant.

He walked around the store pointing at the things he liked, Averie was shy at first when the attendants asked what she wanted every time they brought something to her she'd look at Azreal to see his reaction, out of everyone in the group she was terrified of Azreal.

"Take whatever you want" once Azreal said that she no longer looked to him for approval.

Over in the corner, Azreal saw Nala looking at a necklace for a short while but after a while, she averted her gaze.

It didn't take long for Xavious to come back and when he saw all the bags and the laughter store attendants he almost shit himself, the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.