Nala’s Fiancé

It didn't take long for Sabali's little brother to burst through the door, his body covered in sweat, he looked exactly like Sabali just more masculine.

Looking around the room his eyes lit up when he saw the wolf.

"Nala!" He called out to her like she was his lover and he hadn't seen her in years.

No one else in the room mattered to him except her.

Stepping across the room he stretched out his hand to her, with much of a choice she took his hand he led her away, she didn't leave Averie behind.

Azreal had a hard time admitting but he couldn't dislike the guy, he just had lovable friendly heroic air about him.

Because of how her brother disregarded everyone in the room Sabali apologized to them in his stead but shortly after she did so she left the room to take a nap.

A little bit after she left Kakar slouched down on the sofa look the exact same way he did when Azreal was locked up by the pigs.

"Really didn't expect you to actually show up" Kakar spoke in a lazy tone as he munched on the fruits that the servants brought in.

"So you don't need it anymore?" Azreal asked with a shrug.

"What favor?" Xavious asked directing the question to Azreal.

In response as titled his head to the side while looking at Kakar for a response.

"Why don't you want to just into that? Look at all the fruits here… besides, I'm curious what do you plan on doing with that little fox child"

"Honestly we never talked about it, but based on her attachment Nala gonna be her guardian"

"Well we'll try to find what's left of her family but we can't promise anything, anyways what do you guys feel like doing it's been so boring since I got back"

"Night in the town" Xavious replied without hesitation.

"Haha alright let's go"

Kakar really didn't waste any time the moment the suggestion came out he was ready to go.

Out on the city, Kakar brought them around to some popular tourist spots acting as tour guide for them around the city.

"This isn't what I meant by night on the town!"

Kakar completely ignored Xavious as he continued to speak like an experienced tour guide.

"....and that is how the city was founded, let's go to the next spot"

For the entire time that they were out this is what Kakar did the only thing they did that was close to what Xavious had in mind was when they went to dinner but right after they went back to the estate.

While Kakar was showing them where they'd be staying Azreal looked up and saw Nala on the balcony looking out.

When Kakar brought them to a small guest house and left Azreal waited a few minutes before leaving behind him, Xavious who wasn't asleep yet looked at Azreal running over to where Nala was.

He didn't even bat an eyelid, if he wasn't seen with them at the time of the crime them he couldn't be blamed for anything.


Without much effort Azreal jumped up on the balcony, Nala didn't show much of a reaction only showing a polite smile.

Standing a few steps away Azreal didn't say anything instead he took a deep breath then walked over to her and stood behind her.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a playful smile.

He was so close that she could feel his body heat, two more steps and he would be embracing her.

He didn't take those two steps instead he stretched his hands forward and put a necklace around her neck, the same necklace she saw in the store.

He'd managed to slip away while Kakar was giving his tour and bought it.

"You bought it?"

Azreal didn't respond only smiled.

"Why are you wearing a dress what happened to what you were wearing before?"

"My fiancé likes it when a lady dresses like one" she spoke with a smile that wasn't really one.

"That reminds me, what do you think of him so far? sparks started flying yet?"

Turning her head a little Nala looked at him before looking back out at the sky while maintaining the same smile.

"Guess not"

"Within my heart my secret lies, and none shall know what the name is. No, no. none shall know until a confess it…."

After Nala said that her smile faded and she reminded quiet for a while before speaking again.

"Love isn't everything, sometimes responsibility triumphs over love and this is one of those situations, the honor of my family outweighs any possibilities, it's not impossible to learn to live with someone you don't love, over time you might even grow to love them"

After saying that she turned around and gave Azreal light kiss on his cheek.

"Good Night Azreal"