The Favor (2)

Azreal didn't say anything, he just wanted to get this over with so he could head to the capital.

"Ready?" Kakar asked from the side.

Fabian nodded and he took Azreal's lack of response to mean yes.


By the time the word left Kakar's mouth, Fabian was only a hairs breath away, having been caught slightly off guard Azreal didn't take advantage of the small window of opportunity to block but instead allowed the punches and kicks to rain down.

The first few punches were a bit light but they only became heavier.

Azreal stood like still like a mountain, from the beginning he hadn't moved back a centimeter, the natural hardness absorbed most of the impacts so could ignore them almost completely.

'So this is the difference?' He thought to himself.

Fabian, on the other hand, was incredibly surprised since Kakar had said they had the same strength he was looking to release some of his anger but watching as Azreal empty eyes followed him around he felt like they were filled with contempt, and that only served to make him angrier.

Kakar stared on with his mouth wide, his mind was spinning trying to figure out how this was possible!


The sound quickly brought him back to reality.

Looking he saw Fabian flying across the ring, while Azreal stood in place a clear look of annoyance on his face.

"I apologize"

Azreal said as he walked over to where Fabian's body had stopped.

Fabian felt even worst after hearing that, he was only looking down on him!

Azreal, on the other hand, didn't realize how Fabian would take it, and if he did he probably wouldn't care. He wasn't being rude he really was apologizing because Kakar said they should be at the same level he thought Fabian was another beast king, when he realized that it wasn't so he just used it as an opportunity to see how wide the gap between them was but after a while seeing how relentless Fabian was even after seeing that he couldn't hurt him he got annoyed so he knocked him aside, he didn't pay attention to the amount of strength he used.

To everyone else on the side, it just looked like Fabian attacked him a few times before getting swatted.

Standing over Fabian Azreal stretched out he observed him, both his fist were mangled with a bloody wound on his stomach.

From Fabian's point of view, Azreal's eyes that lacked any emotion seemed to be looking down on him, screaming at him.

'You're weak!' They screamed.

Slapping the hand aside Fabian got up and walked away, this was the most embarrassing moment of his life.

"Wow, you could've said something before when I was telling you to spar, how'd you get this strong in such a short time"

"The favor?" Azreal asked ignoring Kakar's question.


"Let's go"


Behind the was stood a huge lake, a few guards standing guard in the boiling sun.

"Why are we even here? It's so hot!"

"I heard it was because they discovered a tomb at the bottom of the lake!" The guard had a cocky expression as he said that.

"Another one? Where'd you hear that?"

"You guys know I'm talking to one of the maids of the estate right? She was serving Master Kakar and Lady Sabali when they were talking about it!"

"No way! Your lying!"

"Would I lie to you guys? Master Kakar is supposed to drop by any day to go check it out!"

As the guards were having their conversation a few spiders were hidden in the shadows of the trees.

The group was about to move forward when they heard the guards talking the leader stopped them.

The moment the tomb had been discovered they received a request to retrieve the bones of whoever was buried their, after gathering up information they were finally ready to take on their mission.

But now hearing that Kakar was going to be there, the leader hesitated not out of fear but instead weighing the pros and cons.

They could let Kakar go before them and any traps or anything like that would affect him and after they could come and reap the rewards.

On the flip side, Kakar might bring a few helpers with him and that would make things more difficult for them.

In the end, he decided to wait a little, observe for a while.


"A tomb? Do you have some kind of fetish for them?" Azreal asked after listening to Kakar for a while.

"What? You've encountered some before? Hahaha, your lucky then, those who die without a clan or just want to pass on their knowledge would bury themselves in tombs, most so long as they know where to find it would try to conquer it to gain the knowledge within, without immense strength you wouldn't be qualified to be buried in one so it's not like you'll find one at every step"

"So what's the favor?" Azreal asked while nodding in understanding.

"Hahaha" Kakar laugh awkwardly "well to be honest with you I don't need one, I wanted to delay a little until I figured out one, the only reason why I said I wanted one was because me just saying I'd save you would be strange but if I asked for a favor it would seem like a fair trade"

"Then why are you telling me about the tomb?" Azreal asked confused.

"Well, you wanted to do me a favor" Kakar answer with a smile and a shrug.